Chapter 61 🎁🎁🎁

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In another city, a few days later

"Hey, you," a rude voice broke through the busy bar, bringing attention to the scene, "move."

A bunch of men surrounding a weak person—nothing unusual there. Though some frowned upon the scene, no one was willing to risk their life for a stranger, not when the recent drought had put everyone on the edge.

"You don't want to do this..." Sky got up slowly, her body seeming ridiculously small surrounded by the men.

A hand harshly grabbed her hood down, his greasy hand reaching for her short purple hair before she moved out of the way. "Now, why did you have to do that?" Her voice was dangerously low as she pushed her hair back, revealing red eyes.

"Hey, may I know why you gentlemen are bothering a little girl?" an orange-haired woman interrupted, twirling an iron rod in her hand.

"Stay out of this if you don't want to get hurt," one of them warned, his thumb pushing his knife out of its sheath.

She turned around, nudging her green-haired partner, "I'll buy you sake."

Zoro yawned, walking forward with one sheathed katana. "Alright." A few seconds later, they were all lying on the floor, a few bruises here and there.

"Are you alright?" Nami rushed to Sky, looking to see if she was injured.

Sky put up her best innocent act, the red in her eyes disappearing inconspicuously. "I'm fine, thanks for helping me."

Zoro looked at her with narrowed eyes, noticing the end of a tattoo around her neck. His gut feeling told him she would have been perfectly fine without their intervention.

"Let me buy you whatever you want to repay this favor," Sky invited them to her table. "My name is Sky."

"I'm Nami, and that guy there is Zoro," Nami's smile widened when she heard the prospect of a free lunch.

A few bottles later, Nami was slouched on the table, complaining about all the trouble her captain put her through while Sky listened intently. Zoro simply downed his Sake while keeping an eye on his surroundings and on the suspicious teenager who had far too much money to hang out in these parts of the city.

"Wow, you guys plan on stopping what?" Sky asked in surprise, fueling the feelings of pride in Nami. The words flowed easily from a drunken and stressed out Nami and Zoro enjoyed his drink far too much to bother stopping her.

Nami leaned against Sky and whispered something that made her gasp.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Koan was enjoying a modest dinner with the King.

"I would be eternally grateful to you if you choose to invest in this kingdom," King Cobra replied. With an investment like that, it could help restart the economy. "To be honest with you, my kingdom isn't in a good place recently." He sighed heavily. "With the harsh droughts, I fear my country is on the brink of-" he couldn't finish his sentence, the words were too heavy to bear. He was the king, yet he was powerless. The kidnapping incident with Crocodile proved to him just how weak he was.


"That looks like trouble is coming our way," Sky was frowning heavily, sat at the window sill overlooking the civilians brandishing weapons.

Konan knew what the wave of rebels surging through the street meant, a civil war was about to break out. "This is just as we suspected."

"The suspicious rumors about the king not matching reality, Crocodile playing the hero while scheming in the shadows-" something finally clicked in her brain, "don't tell me he fueled this civil war?"

"That would surely make it easier for him to find Pluton amongst the chaos."

Konan walked to the window, frowning as she saw the crowd of people ready to give up their life for what they believed in. "Sky-"

"Time to play the hero?" She cracked her knuckles, smiling as she spotted the blue-haired woman trying to make herself heard through the chaos. The princess.

"Just make sure she isn't injured." She couldn't bear to deal such a heavy blow to the King. "I'll deal with Crocodile."

Sky nodded before jumping through the window, smiling as she looked up, feeling the air rush through her short hair. She could hear the beginning of a battle beneath her, metal clinking against each other, bodies falling down. At the last seconds, she turned around and a slender arm appeared from her back to soften the fall.

"Alright now where is our little princess?" She scoured the ground, unable to see a flash of blue hair, "Up?" She looked up, faintly hearing the sound of a scream.

"Pl-se fi-ng!!"

"Found you," Sky smiled, spotting the princess up on a clock, screaming her heart out to deaf people. "How do I..." She jumped up a building, running along the roofs, hearing better and better the screams of the princess.

"Please, stop fighting!" Her voice was hoarse but powerful, however it wasn't enough to break the fight—these were people ready to die for a cause they believed to be right, she needed something strong enough to break their wills.

Just as she predicted, she saw the princess fall on her knees. "Hold on a bit longer." Sky ran up the side of the clock, applying perfectly controlled chakra to not fall straight down. She jumped in front of the princess. "Need help princess?"

"Who- who are you?" she stammered with a rough voice.

"We don't have time for that, I apologize in advance." Sky bent down and put a hand around her neck and under her legs to lift her. "I hope you're not afraid of heights!" And she jumped straight down, not minding the way Vivi tightened her grip on her. "IF YOU HAVE A MESSAGE, it's now or never!" She shouted through the wind and the sand, with a wide grin that reassured Vivi.

Beneath, Strawhats gasped at the sudden arrival of an unknown person, "Vivi!" Nami screamed, running to try and reception her when suddenly her mouth dropped open, "What the-"

Zoro looked up and a shiver ran down his spine, "Isn't that the guy we met before?" Except this time, a skeletal woman hoovered behind her, both protecting her and dissuading anyone from approaching.

Vivi stood firm in the hands of the skeletal woman, staring down at the people that had momentarily paused to gaze at the strange occurrence. "Please stop this useless fight!!!!"

Just as she uttered her words, a burst of sand shot up and a droplet of rain followed, and soon rain poured down.

"Talk about timing," Sky chuckled, sitting down, protected from the rain by her ability.


Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for sticking with this story for this long <3

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