Chapter 26

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Ko was standing in Dragon's office, a glint in her eye that told him nothing good about what she was planning. After Robin bluntly refused Luffy's offer, Ko was lost in her thoughts, a pensive look on her face.

"My dear Dragon," she started, a soft smile on her face.

Dragon suppressed a shiver, taking a step back as his hair stood on end.

"I have come to a conclusion," she brightly smiled at him, taking a step forward and cornering him, "as you've complained before, you have missed a good part of Luffy's childhood, and that saddens me as much as you."

Dragon felt regret building up as he dreaded her next words.

"Thus," her innocent smile transformed into a devious smirk, "you shall be in charge of Luffy and his brothers till they set sail!"

His mouth dropped open, a headache starting to form as he stared bewildered at the demon taking this arbitrary decision. "I can't endanger them!" he started negotiating.

"Leaving them alone to suffer a celestial's fury is much worse!" she cleverly retorted, not mentioning the fact that she was already planning on dealing with that threat.

"What about Garp? He won't let me influence his grandson into taking the same path as me!"

"Either way, Luffy will become a pirate whether he likes it or not, might as well train him well."

Dragon was more than able to prepare his son for the dangers of the sea and it would guarantee his security for the first half of his journey. That made him hesitate heavily.

Ko knew she was about to win so she took out the sentimental cart. "Think about it, you'll finally get to know your son and he will get to know who his father is. Luffy has the right to know his father." Her honeyed words slowly but surely managed to sway his mind.

"Alright. He can stay with me," Dragon finally agreed, a sincere smile slipping through.

"Good. That should give him enough time to persuade Robin!" Ko chuckled, her plan coming to fruition.

Dragon cursed her fleeing back; he had once again been tricked by her... though this time he wasn't really angry as he had much to gain from the agreement.

When she entered the infirmary to tell her brother the good news, she was greeted by two sobbing children and a very much confused but awake Sabo.

"He-" Luffy stammered, "He doesn't remember us."

Ko frowned, looking at the nurse for confirmation, only to receive a grim nod.

She walked toward Sabo, stopping when he flinched away. "Do you remember your name?"

Sabo seemed in pain as he thought, soon clenching his bandaged head as he cowered into himself.

"It's alright, take your time, we'll wait for you to remember," Ko pat his head softly, a bleak look in her eyes.

Once back outside with the two brothers, she started advising them, "Sabo is experiencing memory loss due to the trauma to his head," seeing their confused look, she reformulated, "He hurt his head, that's why he doesn't remember anything." They nodded, Luffy still teary while Ace tried to hide his feelings, "It should be temporary."

"Can we do anything?" Ace asked firmly, looking at the door to the infirmary.

"Yes, you can. Talk to him. Tell him about him, and about you. Tell him stories about your adventures." Konan felt pity for them, experiencing such a traumatizing event so early on, but she couldn't help them any further as she had to leave soon. At least she felt reassured leaving them in safe hands.

So soon enough, she bid her farewell leaving them paper bracelets so that they didn't lose them once again, and this time, she carefully told them its usage. The ones she had given to Ace and Luffy were burnt in the fire forest while she could guess Sabo's one had been stolen from him by his parents as she could still feel it from the castle.

"Now it's time to deal with that pig," she muttered, changing appearances once again to a faceless man.

She disappeared before materializing into a dark bedroom, it was adorned in gold and appeared priceless at a glance.

"Who-" a cowering voice shouted, "Who are you?!"

"I am the Reaper," the faceless figure voiced out, his voice hoarse and gravelly, unpleasant to the ears. "I am here to receive my due."

The celestial stumbled back, before running toward the bell, "Guards! Guards!"

"You're looking for that?" He threw a bloody head to his feet.

The celestial fell down on his knees, watching his life come crashing down before a desperate plea escaped his prideful mouth, "I beg you; I can give you everything I own," he trembled, "Please spare me."

The 'Reaper' stared at the pathetic excuse of a human, "Don't forget your words, your life belongs to me now," a string of papers flew around his neck, forming a slave collar, "Live in fear, like the slaves you love to own, your life is no different from theirs from now on."

The Celestial started weeping like an adult baby, his hand trying but failing to get rid of the now black collar.

"I will come back when I need you, don't try to rebel." The collar tightened, a droplet of blood escaping before it loosened back.

Just like that the faceless 'Reaper' disappeared, leaving a haunted and frightened Celestial. Another pawn had been planted.

On a new temporary boat, Smoker welcomed Nanko back with a grim face. "I suppose you're aware of what happened?"

Nanko chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah, you got your ass handed to you by the Paper Angel?"

Smoker punched his shoulder harshly before taking in another huff of his cigar. He continued his frustrated rant, "The headquarters are calling us back, another division got sent to take care of our mission."

Nanko shook his head as he leaned against the pillar, "We're getting punished, aren't we..."

"Probably," Smoker looked at his carefree junior before sighing, he could only hope this mistake wouldn't hinder their career too much.

"By the way, here." Smoker threw him a bounty.

Nanko raised an eyebrow before whistling, "She's a beauty, lucky you!" He teased his captain, staring at the scar on his cheek. He got immediately sent flying off by a pissed off someone.


:) I'm becoming low-key addicted to updating lonely flower

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