Chapter 79 🌞🌞

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Just as she had predicted, mere minutes after, the wall was kicked in as one grandfather came in. The crew immediately got defensive while Konan silently teleported away from Luffy, instinctively knowing what was about to happen.

"WAKE UP! LUFFY!" Garp simply walked past them in an instant, punching his grandson into the floor, successfully waking him up.

Luffy woke up with a screech, his hands rubbing his forehead.

"I heard you've been doing some reckless things, Luffy!"

Luffy was teary-eyed as he recognized the familiar pain and the man in front of him, "Grandpa?!"

Konan winced while watching the scene, as Nanko she had also been on the receiving end of plenty of those 'love fists' so she could empathize.

Meanwhile his crew was astonished at the revelation, "What?!!! Grandpa???"

"They don't know?" She asked Sky who had also retreated to stand beside her. Sky shook her head, shrugging her shoulders. Luffy wasn't the type to talk his family apart from Konan.

But Konan's plan to merge in with the shadow was quickly ruined as Luffy soon started searching for her. He took less than a second to find her, and he immediately latched himself onto her. "Pretty please?" He stared at her pleadingly and she managed to resist for half a second before giving in.

She has seen him fight, overcome his limits, protect his crew and grow as a person beyond what she could have ever envisioned. She didn't mind spoiling him a little.

"Fine." She patted his head before walking back to stand in front of Garp, thus providing protection for him.

The Straw Hats were astonished to watch the situation; they had never seen Luffy act like that before. Nami connected the dots, "Wait, Garp the hero of the Marines is your grandfather??"

Luffy warped his neck around Konan till his head faced them, "Yup! Don't mess with him or you'll get killed."

"He almost killed Luffy a dozen times actually," Konan added with a smile, she could see Garp glare at her.

"Don't over exaggerate, I only pushed him down bottomless cliffs, threw him into a few jungles," he continued listing off. "It did make him stronger though, Konan."

Konan snorted but didn't disagree, though she could feel Luffy tighten his grip. She was sure it made for a ridiculous picture to anyone looking at them.

"In the end, I took my eyes off him, and you kidnapped him and colluded with his idiot father to make him rebel! I trained him to be a strong marine!"

Luffy shouted back, "I always said I wanna be a pirate!"

"Nonsense! You're just under the bad influence of -"

Konan raised an eyebrow at him.

Garp instinctively changed his target, "of Shanks!"

Luffy raised his voice, detaching his torso from Konan to better shout at him, "Shanks saved my life, don't speak ill of him!" Though technically it was both Shanks and Konan, neither dared to target her.

They continued shouting at each other, with Garp trying to hit Luffy again but he somehow managed to avoid it each time. Konan was somewhat proud of him and at the same time despaired that the only time he managed to use Observation Haki was to avoid his grandfather's fists.

"Now, now, that's enough for you both." She let her Haki leak, pressuring them both into silence. She knew Garp could easily break free but was simply playing along. "I'm sure that you're both hungry so why don't we eat before continuing our conversation?"

"Alright," Garp grumbled before nagging at Luffy once more, "And you let go of her."

"No," he stuck his tongue out.

"Luffy," Konan spoke gently, looking at him silently till he caved in and slowly let go. It wasn't very practical eating this way and her injuries still hurt.

Luffy began wolfing down his food while Garp told them about how Shanks was doing, "He's one of the four Emperors, the strongest pirates who are reigning over the later half of the Grand Line."

"Wait really?" Luffy turned to Konan and she simply nodded.

"Last I saw him, he was doing fine, he's been following your adventures, Luffy."

Luffy gripped his straw hat with an undeniable longing, he wanted to get stronger to catch up to him.

Meanwhile his crew was taking in all these pieces of information, astonished at the amount of connections this family had—mostly Konan. They knew she was traveling around the world and given her strength it shouldn't be surprising that she knew many people.

"By the way, good job on stopping that Buster Call." Garp was one of the few to be categorically against the use of the Buster Call. Thus he was also one of the first to celebrate the news while the whole headquarters was on fire with the discovery of another monster that had been hiding under their noses all this time. However, Garp always had a feeling that Konan was stronger than she let on, ever since he met her and they drank together with Shanks, he knew she was simply hiding her strength.

Konan hummed, she knew that what she had done had also cost the lives of quite a lot of Marines, who had been crushed by the wave or the debris. Some also drowned or were caught up in the explosions. Some were also probably irremediably injured and disabled. There was nothing to be proud of there.

Garp knew of that but he was a man who stood firm by his convictions, in his time he had killed plenty and grew jaded.

Konan was the same; however, these recent years had gradually softened her. She wasn't as intent on taking lives—not when she could remember laughing with some of them mere months ago. The burden she carried was already too great, the lives she had taken were far too many. She was growing tired of it.

Yet she knew that the most recent news of her feats would spread across the seas and bring with them their fair share of troubles, including pirates intent on testing her reputation. Konan would have to disappear for a while.

She knew she was a coward for always disappearing when problems came knocking on her door but she was just tired of fighting. Fighting had always been for her a means of survival. She had long outgrown the fun times of fighting for the pure joy of it, war did that to people.

But she had to keep on fighting, her time to rest had not yet come.

Though she no longer knew what she was fighting for.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now