Chapter 6

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Ko was back in business. And it didn't take long for the news to travel.

In her temporary office, Konan tapped her finger idly against her wooden desk, waiting for her client. Quite the important one this time, one she was quite excited to meet. In fact, as soon as she knew he was looking for her, she hurried to announce her come-back.

When a knock finally made itself known throughout the dark room – a favored atmosphere of hers – she stood up to greet her guest.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Ko grinned as she clapped her hands. An over-excited childish know-it-all female teenager was what she chose as Ko's personality traits.

"Good to finally meet you, Ko," the hooded man nodded before sitting at his designed chair.

"Why have you come to me?" Ko asked with a knowing smirk. A few butterflies were always supervising their every action, they were after all, far too dangerous to be left alone.

"I was passing by and thought it would be a good idea to drop by to meet the informant I've heard so much about," he announced as he pushed back his hood, revealing a grinning face half riddled in red tattoos.

"I'm honored, truly." She was for a fact, thrilled to meet the man.

A silence settled in as both parties stared at each other, gauging each other. Their contest was however broken when Dragon decided to speak."I'll cut to the chase, the Revolutionary Army needs someone like you," he declared confidently, staring at the masked woman leaning against her wall.

"And pray tell me, why exactly I would join you?" Ko replied smilingly, even if truthfully, she wasn't planning on rejecting for the simple reason that he was her dear brother's father, Monkey D. Dragon, and that from what she had seen, his actions were honorable and worth her contribution. Nobles, from what she had seen, didn't deserve their position.

"If you deserve even half the reputation you currently have, you should know how rotten the World Government is," he replied, his grin not faltering but his eyes narrowing minutely at the smiling girl.

"I also know that is the very nature of some human beings, rotten to the core, get rid of one and ten more will appear." Years of war had taught her that.

He straightened up, his grin faltering.

"But, I do want to see what kind of world you will create."

She thought back to the bright ninja that managed to bring peace to her former world, she would have liked to see it to the end, to see for herself what kind of world Naruto created. Maybe that's what she sought in Dragon's ambition filled eyes.

Another reason was that being a former leader of a secret organization herself, she knew what kind of danger she represented for them, should she chose to refuse. She could sense the 5 people hidden in wait around the building, all waiting for his order. She knew she would be able to escape – she had taken a few countermeasures in advance – but she didn't want to make an enemy out of the man in front of her, it wasn't worth it.


Konan chuckled as she remembered that Garp was Dragon's father, how pissed must he have been when he learned that his son became the leader of the opposition movement and even more so created it. How laughable. And his grandson was intent on becoming the Pirate King. What a golden trio, all headed in opposite directions.

She found that she enjoyed annoying Garp, in a way, he reminded her of her former teacher, the one whose death she couldn't forgive herself for. They both cared for the wrong people, and both were on the opposite faction.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, she looked at the empty spot where Dragon sat before waving her hand, allowing the papers to reveal themselves from the wall and disperse. Precautions were always a must in her line of work. After all, that's how she survived that long. And despite her relationship with the man's son, she didn't allow herself to underestimate the one named 'World's worst criminal'.


"I'm curious, how exactly do you gather such an extraordinary amount of information in such a short time?" questioned the purple-haired diva, Emporio Ivankov as she stared bewildered at the papers provided by their new informant.

"That's-" she turned around to wink at her co-worker, "a secret!"

"At least, get rid of your mask..." another woman muttered with a pout glaring at the half-mask covering the upper-half of her face, showing only ocean-colored eyes.

"No can do," Ko chided, her smirk growing.

"Moving on," Dragon interrupted before Konan could infuriate his officers any more. The other silent officers kept their faces blank throughout the whole ordeal, already accustomed to the mess that was their reunions.

"Anyway, I've decided to infiltrate the Marine!" Ko continued slowly.

"What?!" the two women sputtered. Dragon was already made aware of the plan, as could be seen from his muted nodding.

"I'm one of the only whose face isn't known to the Marine, plus, I'm quite confident in my abilities to blend in," Konan spat as if offended by their lack of trust in her abilities.

Iva raised a brow before pointedly staring at Ko's attire that screamed for attention. She wore a bright red coat along with a silver mask that shone all too brightly in the light, and her cotton candy pink hair was a sure telltale of her identity.

Konan pouted before smirking as she changed her appearance in front of their dumbfounded eyes. Papers shuffled and detached themselves before re-forming into a different person they didn't recognize, a blue-haired male with a blinding smile that could make any female swoon. A few narrowed their eyes at the sheets of papers she used to change.

" that..." a woman stammered, a light blush dusting her cheeks "your real appearance?"

This time, even Dragon stared at her or him for the answer, even he didn't truly know.

"Nope." They almost fell out of their chairs at the mischievous tone of the answer, "-but continue addressing me as a woman."

Dragon coughed to regain their attention before continuing to explain their plan, "Ko will infiltrate the Marine thanks to her ability and will be our contact from inside. That's all for today, you're dismissed."

The actual reason, she chose to infiltrate instead of just sending butterflies was that the Marine was far too secured, any living beings were directly killed past a certain point, and she couldn't risk alerting them by sending too many animals of any sorts, the risks were too high if they ever discovered that, that was how she got her pieces of information, so she quickly gave up using that way.


Hope you enjoy the story!

Chapter dedicated to the lovely @01SkyDreamer .

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