Chapter 7

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Humming to allow Dragon to enter, Ko twirled in her rolling chair, back to her pink-haired persona, waiting for him to speak.

"How long would it take you to find Nico Robin? We have been looking for her for quite some time now, but she always slips right through our fingers..."

The Devil Child, Nico Robin. "Hum... a month, give or take a few days, though I'll have to go myself."

"Do as you wish. As long as she is persuaded to join our ranks." They were quite desperate to find her, she was after all the 'light' of their revolution.

"Perfect! I'm going now then!" Ko announced before dispersing in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a glaring Dragon, mouth left open.

Meanwhile, Konan was munching on her pink-colored cloud-like candy while flying toward a certain island. It had been far too long since she last saw her cute little brother. She wanted to see him one last time before she joined the Marine, during which she wouldn't be able to see him, to avoid getting him caught up in her problems.

So yeah, she lied, she didn't need any more than a week at most to locate the 'Devil Child'.

Landing in the middle of the forest, Konan closed her eyes, easily running through the trees toward the direction she felt Luffy's aura at. Bending down and jumping to the side once in a while, she effortlessly avoided any rampant beasts and misplaced plants with her eyes closed, her haki skillfully replacing them.

Opening her eyes once she arrived, she looked down to find Luffy fighting against a black-haired freckled child. Konan sat on a branch once she sensed no ill-will from him, instead choosing to observe Luffy's one-sided fight.

Glancing to her right, she saw a purple-colored butterfly flying around her, demanding her attention before touching her forehead once, transferring its memory to her, along with the pieces of information she needed but didn't ask for. Pinching its wings, she flicked it away with a frown. Rebellious paper butterfly, she didn't want all its memories. She usually avoided memories transfer as it tended to overload her brain, and since she kept a mind link with all of her paper scouts, she only needed to ask to receive the information, there was no need for a painful insertion of memories.

However, when she completely merged with the memories, she felt hot fury blind her, Porchemy. She would remember the name.

She was careless: this butterfly was designed to keep up with Luffy and make sure he was well, however, it was also made so that it would only inform her of the danger he was in when and only when Luffy had given up.

She wanted to believe in his ability to overcome obstacles without her as overprotecting him would only result in a sheltered and weak child and knowing the kind of world they lived in, she knew it was not for the best.

But Luffy wasn't the type to give up in the face of danger. He never was. Which resulted in what happened, him being tortured without her knowledge.

As she gazed back to the finished fight, she finally recognized the freckled child as Ace, Luffy's brother by anything but blood, and the former Pirate King's son. As for the blond-haired boy sleeping under the shade, she now knew he was named Sabo, a noble turned run-away, also a brother of Luffy.

Also, those who abandoned Luffy and left him to suffer alone. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to hurt them when she saw how much Luffy valued them. She quickly suppressed her negative thoughts toward them and with a smile, she jumped down. Ignoring the started yelp of Ace, she extended her arms to accept the child that rammed into her despite his exhaustion.

"Na-chan!!" he gushed – effectively waking Sabo up with a startle – before wrapping his limbs around her, sticking to her like glue.

"Glad to see you too Luffy," she greeted warmly, a hint of regret in her honeyed eyes as she saw the faint scars on his face. Seeing as he wouldn't let go any time soon and she wasn't planning on forcefully separating herself from him, she instead turned to his gob-smacked brothers to introduce herself. "My name is Konan and I am Luffy's older sister."

"Wait, what?!" Ace shouted his eyes widening before turning to Sabo only to see he had the same reaction.

Luffy detached his face from her stomach to grin proudly at his brothers, "Konan is my sister and a badass pirate!"

"A pirate," Sabo muttered, his eyes going up and down her figure before sighing in disappointment. Ace didn't say anything but she could see a similar reaction from the way he let his guard down and started to turn around as if she wasn't worth his time.

Stifling a laugh, Konan brought her arms up to support the koala stuck to her before moving – faster than he could see – to stand in Ace's way. "Never let your guard down," she smilingly chided before round-kicking him to his chest, exerting enough force to send him flying back while taking care not to break anything. Maybe she was taking her revenge in a way. Tilting her head to the stunned blonde, she smiled when she saw him straighten up and bring his pipe up. Good, it would be boring if they gave up too soon. She wouldn't be too harsh seeing as they were still children.

With both her arms still securing the excited child and his precious straw hat, she easily countered the weak attacks from the blonde, soon joined by an angered but smirking Ace.

With a sly smile, Konan waited gingerly before jumping over them, kicking Sabo before he could react, sending him crashing against his partner. She waited patiently for them to get up before continuing their one-sided fight using only her legs. Maybe she did coat them in haki. Not like they could see the purple-tinted skin under her black and red coat. It was only fair, seeing as they used metal pipes against her frail legs.

Turning his head from his bruised brothers, Luffy questioned with puppy eyes, "say, how long will you be staying?"

Side-stepping, Konan tripped Sabo, making him eat dirt before answering, "a week or two."

"Yay!" Luffy shouted with a huge grin before pressing his head once more against the crook of her neck, taking in her candy-like perfume, and candidly ignoring the betrayed cries of his beaten brothers. They provoked her first.

Turning her head when she heard a dull 'thud', she smiled as they fell down, tired and beaten. Seeing as the sun was beginning to set, she allowed sheets of paper to materialize around them, easily lifting them up despite their weak protests. Treading down the path she knew from the transferred memories, she headed toward where she knew their wooden cabin resided.

With a smile, she stepped on the paper path she created to go up to their house, her gaze taking in the simple but warm home before she carefully put the three worn out children on their makeshift beds.

Watching as they moved to a more comfortable position – laying on top of each other – she felt a surge of warmth fill her heart. How she desperately wished to protect their happiness, if only time would just stop for them, in a time where everything was peaceful.

Unfortunately, time moved on without pity... so the least she could do was to enjoy every last second of her time with Luffy, her beloved little brother.


<3 here a chapter

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant