Chapter 102 ✊🏻

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Nanko closed his eyes, his chakra reaching out in the dark, pulling and stretching till the ends of the bay. When he opened his eyes again, the scene had changed, black pieces of papers assembled at visible speed, forming paths from the top of the walls to the bottom of the bay.

The ones who narrowly avoided the magma attacks didn't hesitate to run up, recognizing the familiar papers. Though they hadn't seen her since the beginning of the war, they had an inkling she was around.

Whitebeard gazed blankly at the roads forming all around before regaining his composure, "STRAIGHT AHEAD EVERYONE!" He wouldn't let the opportunity she created go to waste.

Sengoku gritted his teeth in frustration, commanding Akainu to immediately destroy the paths. And he tried. But it was no use. It was like the paths had a life of their own, when a magma fist approached, they changed form, avoiding the attacks and safely guiding the pirates over.

Nanko made his way back to the scaffolding, his face pale as his chakra drained at a quick pace. He sat beside Garp, ignoring his questioning look. "Let me just catch my breath real quick."

Sengoku was too preoccupied with his plan going up in flames to notice his junior's suspicious demeanor. Perhaps if he knew his enemy was standing right by his side he would have coughed up blood.

Unfortunately for him, he didn't know, and Nanko made full use of this being the safest place to recover.

Pirates charged ahead, meeting a wave of Marines all just as determined to not lose the fight. Blades met harshly, piercing through flesh. Heads fell down. While some collapsed, others rose. Joy and adrenaline merged with the tears of sorrow. The mass formed one cacophony of voices and lives.

Breaking through that noise, one water pillar flew up before landing below the scaffolding, revealing a certain young pirate. "Strawhat!"

Nanko frowned, watching as the barrier of three admirals swiftly formed in front of Luffy. Similarly Ace shouted out his brother's name in worry. They both knew that Luffy was no match for them. But when did that ever stop Luffy.

Luffy wasn't dumb, he knew he was outmatched, by far. Just one of these guys had been enough to overpower his whole crew, and now he was alone, and they were three. But even then, there was no point in overthinking about it, he just had to go beyond himself and beat them, some way or another.

He wouldn't, couldn't let Ace die.

There he was, so close to his goal—so close and yet infinitely far away from his brother. A chasm stood between them, the three admirals, the fleet admiral, and most importantly his grandfather.

Nanko silently observed the one-sided fight. Luffy threw a mast as a distraction, hoping to rush to Ace. He failed—Kizaru immediately kicked him back down. Before long Aokiji was pointing an ice sword to his chest, yawning as he brought it down. Only to frown in annoyance when black wings appeared from Luffy's back, shielding him from the ice.

It brought enough time for Luffy to jump away, panting and sweating.

Aokiji stared at the wings that fell apart after being frozen. "Your lucky angel must really like you..."

Nanko snorted, fingers twitching in frustration. It wasn't time to reveal himself yet, not when his chakra reserves hadn't even recovered yet. His identity as Nanko would remain his trump card, he couldn't allow a careless mistake to ruin his efforts. One mistake and Ace's head would be sent flying. Nanko would bide his time, patiently waiting for an opportunity. For one of the two old men to leave.

Though not having Luffy dying in the meantime would be the cherry on the cake.

"We will now proceed with the execution of Portgas D. Ace!" Sangoku gave out the orders, glaring at the guards to immediately stab Ace. However just as nothing ever seemed to go his way, this time, they were blown away by a strange blow.

Nanko spotted the grains of sands dispersing with the wind and glanced at Crocodile. He didn't have the black collar—he probably managed to get rid of it.

Crocodile shouted with careless arrogance, "I can finish that old geezer-" Whitebeard, "later, but I just can't bear to see you scum so cheerful." Just as he finished explaining, his head was sent off flying.

"Oi, oi, Croco bastard, you're really going to refuse my offer to team up and join Whitebeard? You're going to make me jealous..." Doflamingo chuckled, his leg raising up to counter's Crocodile's attack.

While these two were bonding, the Whitebeard pirates finally all made their way to the plaza. "Stay away from me, my children," their captain warned, swiping his Naginata in one horizontal slash, clearing up the way for his allies. "The time has come, let's go rescue Ace and take out the whole naval force!"

Sengoku rolled up his sleeves with a sigh, "Garp... Looks like this war is insisting on us participating."

The captains and vice-admirals of each side were engaged in battle, fighting beyond exhaustion, bleeding out and still continuing to fight, for their comrade, for their future, for the world. The outcome of this battle would determine the decade to come and no one was blind to it.

Nanko still hadn't made a move, he was biding his time. Even as Luffy was thoroughly defeated, he didn't allow himself to move. Luffy was still breathing, his heart was still beating, he was alive, he was still alive, he was fine for now. Nanko reigned in his rapidly beating pulse, breathing in to calm himself. As long as Luffy was still breathing, he would find a way to survive.

Glancing down, Nanko saw Marco flying over, but the moment he saw Garp disappear from his side, he frowned. The hero of the marine was finally making his move.

"If you snot nosed punks want to get past me, you'll have to do it over my dead body." Garp wasn't grinning, nor did he seem particularly happy to join the fight. He only wore the somber gravity of his position.

Nanko could hear Ace's whisper, a silent 'Gramps'. But that wasn't his grandfather fighting there, the words written on his coat seemed to overwrite his identity—he was fighting as the Marine Hero.

The scales of the fight began tilting as Garp joined the battlefield.

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