Side-story : Nanko

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Ko twirled under the twitching eyes of Dragon.

"So?" he pressed on once again, his patience beginning to waver as he glanced at the ticking clock.

"Well, I want to be a boy this time, it will be easier," she began, finally stopping her incessant movement, "A handsome one of course!" It was easier for her to climb up and she would be able to avoid sexism and harassment.

She turned around, her ocean-colored eyes staring at the tattooed man before a smirk slowly made its way to her lips, one which made Dragon immediately have a bad feeling. "As for the rest," she put a finger before her smirking lips, "It's a secret!" She winked at him and scurried away, leaving behind a cursing Dragon.

"Ko!!" His shout was sweet music to her ears as she twirled around the passing people who similarly ignored their shouting leader, already used to the infuriating antics of their informant. They weren't prone to be on the receiving end of either their leader's frustration or the mischievous pranks of Ko.

Ko was innocently sitting at the shared cafeteria, golfing down the food before leaving in a hurry, leaving behind her untouched food to angry cooks who had to clean up her mess.

"Hey you!" She shouted as she took a hold of a passing revolutionary, "What personality trait do you hate most?"

The scruffy man warily glanced at her, taking a few precautionary steps back before giving it some thought, "Wicked and sly people," he settled on as he sent a pointed glance to his accompanying friend who viciously punched his stomach in return.

Not wanting to be left for count, his smiling fox-like friend answered while his companion was agonizing beside him, "Arrogant ones!"

Ko smirked as she looked at them both before she left with a skip in her steps, ignoring the curses of the people behind her who she had innocently pushed a little bit, making it so that their lips coincidently met each other.

It was too tempting.

"Since I want to cause the Marine troubles, a ruthless persona would be just perfect." Ko grinned as slowly the perfect personality was crafted in her mind. She wanted to smear the perfect reputation of the Marine.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now