Chapter 50 ✨✨

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987 stayed silent, observing the figures of death no one else could see. 987 could have averted their eyes but chose not to, it was their duty to ensure at least they, didn't forget the victims. Ones they had known mere months before, eaten and chatted with. They were now mindless shadows forever chained to the man who caused their downfall.

"I see your sins," 987 responded, not avoiding the slap that followed, nor evading the hand that gripped and held them up by their hair.

The man's smile was twisted, the edges too deep to be sincere, "Don't think you're irreplaceable, 987."

987 restrained themselves from shouting that they wanted to be freed, thrown away, that the vain title of 'special' was but a curse to them. Instead, they kept their mouth silent knowing such words would only delay the date of their death. It was better to play along and plot their demise in the shadows.

"You're lucky, today you will serve Noble X," he pronounced the nickname easily, a greedy look in his eyes. "We'll have to clean you up a bit though. After all, your appearance is the sole reason you're so loved, along with your eyes."

987 froze at the mention of the name, no, they couldn't go back to them. They could still remember the greasy hands on them, the lecherous eyes, the mocking comments. Memories they wished to bury forever. They felt dirty.

When his grip lightened, 987 shook him off violently and ran towards the gate, avoiding the hands of the guards in a feat of courage, and pushed the door open. The fresh air burst in, hitting them straight in the face but they didn't have the time to admire the feeling for in front of them, there were a dozen guards escorting a high-ranking masked person.

"Catch her!" The man screeched behind her, not making a direct move.

But 987 was frozen, eyes wide in terror, fixated on something beyond the masked figure. Her hands trembled, as she took a few steps back in fear. "H-how is that possible?" she muttered, unable to avert her eyes from the sight. Waves upon waves of shadows were gathered, forming a sea of black figures, all surrounding one person. But none dared approach the woman, even in death. Still, she could see no children, amongst the sea of figures, there were none.

"Stop her, you idiots!" the gruff voice ordered, successfully waking 987 up. She couldn't afford to hesitate at that moment. It was the turning point that would decide whether she would spend the rest of her life imprisoned or manage to escape.

She took a breath in and clenched her fists before running head-first into the terrifying vision. With precise control, she avoided anyone in her path and only stopped in front of the masked person.

987 was desperate, beyond, a crowd of guards was blocking off the path while behind they were beginning to catch up. Despite her incessant trembling, and not daring to look at the person in the eyes, 987 kneeled, "I beg of you, please help me." She didn't dare look up. The silence was terrifying as she knew her future was being weighted in the hands of the stranger.

"Nothing is free in this world," a mellow voice responded without mercy. "Why should I help you?"

987 began to despair, what could she offer as a slave? She looked up straight into the orange eyes of the stranger, her hands grabbing the robe of the impassive woman staring down at her. "I want to leave this life," she stopped resolutely, her eyes unwavering, "either in death or in freedom." She eyed the sword hanging at her hips.

The woman waved away the guards that approached and bent down to her height. Her sharp eyes gazed at the bones protruding from the malnourished child, the distinct scars tracing her skin, the clenched fists that whitened from the pressure.

"I'm afraid I can't give her to you, valued guest," the man finally interrupted when he saw things were beginning to go south. "This child is the Nobles' precious pet."

"Is that so?" She straightened up, tilting her head to stare at the desperate eyes of the child who visibly whitened.

987 lost all hope when she heard the cordial conversation, it was over. Her little daydream was shattered in an instant... she would go back to her miserable life of servitude, and the very same night where her freedom had seemed so near, her body would once again belong to another.

"Return her now," the man politely ordered, extending his hand.

"Hmm," she hummed, "And if I don't want to?"

The guards turned against her, unsheathing their weapons.

"Alright then, what's your name, brave child?" She smiled at the befuddled child, ignoring the danger.

"They call me 987," she answered with a tremor, holding the hem of the stranger's robe.

"I like your eyes 987, call me Ko." She opened her arms, an open invitation which 987 hesitantly took. She sat them on her right shoulder, an arm securing her. "Well then, time to clean things up here, I hope you're not scared of blood."

987 shook her head. And Ko started moving. 987 observed the one-sided fight with a deep yearning, if only she could fight like that, she wouldn't have to depend on anyone to save herself. What was the use of her eyes if the only thing she could do was witness without ever being able to act? What was the point of seeing these shadows when they couldn't help her?

"I'm afraid I can't let you mess up my colosseum, now can I?" the man sighed deeply looking at the fallen guards. "Trash", he insulted while kicking their body as he unsheathed his rapier.

Ko raised her guard, sensing the air change around him. Seeing him change his demeanor, she started recognizing the man, with orange streaks running down his face, and a distinct flamboyant hat. "You're-"

"That's right, I'm the Hero of the Colosseum," he pridefully introduced himself, "also known as Diamante."

"Doflamingo's dog," Ko confirmed with a taunting smirk, twirling her knife. She hadn't seen him in a while but she had heard of his stunt at this Island, about how he usurped the throne. She wanted to investigate the matter herself and potentially see how she could take advantage of the situation. She didn't expect to find a child with—something that wasn't supposed to belong to this world—scarlet eyes that were awfully familiar to her. 


I made another meme 😌👌:

I made another meme 😌👌:

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