Chapter 107 ✊🏻

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But there was something Blackbeard had failed to understand, and that was how far she would go for those she considered family. And unfortunately for him, he had nearly caused the death of two of them.

Konan tilted her head, a mocking grin on her lips. "When did I ever say my powers came from a devil fruit?" A sword rose from the ground, swiftly stabbing him. Within the same second, the ground formed a hand that threw Whitebeard toward the nearest crewman, Marco, who had just been freed from his handcuffs. "Take care of your captain!"

That was the best she could do for the old man in her state. Meanwhile she would face the scums who tried to profit off his death.

"No devil fruit?" whispers went around. There were many wonders in this world, and she had just revealed another one. How she could use such a wide array of skills without having a devil fruit and its incumbent weaknesses was food for thoughts. Greed filled some while others desired to fight against her. Nonetheless, a lot of eyes fell on her.

Konan glanced at the two old Marines observing from afar. "If he gains Whitebeard's powers, he will be unstoppable."

Sengoku stared at her before sighing. "Garp?"

Garp simply nodded before they both disappeared and reappeared by her side.

Sengoku glanced at her, taking in her bloodied arms and stone-face. "This is temporary." He hadn't forgotten the fact that her powers weren't from a devil fruit, which intrigued and worried him to no degree. But they had a lot more to lose from Blackbeard succeeding in his plan than letting go of a few children. It was already too late anyway—the Marines' reputation was hitting rock bottom and the damn new era had already started.

Konan agreed, "Don't worry."

Blackbeard felt sweat drip from his forehead as his plan was thoroughly thwarted. His hand pressed against his injury. "Don't forget our objective," he shouted, before they all charged, trying to get past the three blocking them.

Shiryu hadn't forgotten the sharp bloodlust Nanko had displayed, he couldn't help but lick his lips as he stared at her. He wanted to try out his blade against hers, to feel that wild killing intent stare him down again. Unfortunately, he was intercepted by Garp, unable to approach Konan who was fighting Blackbeard.

Unsurprisingly, they were all pushed back. Konan pushed down the piercing pain her every move caused, forcing her hands to move beyond human capacities, not budging even as she felt her skin tear and break. She refused to let Blackbeard sully Whitebeard's body with his greed. Even if she had to lose both of her arms in that fight, Teach wouldn't escape unscathed. Ace had taken one of his eyes, she would take the other.

Those who had finished fighting watched amazed as the woman fought with bloodied arms, showing strength far beyond anything she had shown thus far. She punched Blackbeard away, ignoring his shields of darkness, using her bare hands to tear his armor of protection. Countless kunais flew from her wings, blocking his means of escape as she dragged him back, punching him till his blood mixed with her own.

It wasn't an elegant or distinguished fighting style—it was like watching a wild animal whose children were threatened fight. She had neither pity for herself nor the enemy, disregarding her safety in order to inflict the most pain on him. Some shuddered at the thought of being on the receiving end of her blows.

But all Konan could see was the man who had nearly killed two of her brothers and had betrayed his adoptive father for a glimpse of power. He had shown neither compassion nor gratitude—he was a coward who thrived off people's blood and tears. She would make him bleed if that was the last thing she did.

And bleed he did, his nose was broken, flesh torn off, bones broken till he was crying and pleading for mercy. But hearing that word only made Konan smile—a frigid and cruel smile. "Mercy? Your pathetic life deserves none of that." She threw him at a wall, sending a few explosive tags his way.

However when the dust settled in, he had escaped. The rest of his comrades didn't take long to disappear too. Her arms hung dull by her side as the chakra around them scattered.

That was to be expected, Blackbeard never fought with his life on the line, the moment he started losing, he started planning his escape. He would wait for another opportunity. And unfortunately, she hadn't managed to take his other eye.

When they finally disappeared from sight, the two old men turned to Konan who was sweating heavily, her blood forming a pool around her. The adrenaline was settling in, hitting her with a wave of exhaustion.

Garp turned to Sengoku silently.

But Sengoku ignored the other man's silent plea. "She is an immense threat, we can't afford to leave her alone."

"I know..." But Garp admired the woman who had put everything she had on the line to protect the two boys, who he himself had condemned to death by his inaction. He was ashamed when he looked at her, her marred arms, the blood covering her. And what was he doing in the meantime? What had he been doing as their grandfather? Nothing. What was the point of fighting for justice if the ones he held dearest were dead?


"Don't you dare," Sengoku warned, arms taking on a golden tint.

Garp sighed, before closing his eyes. "Don't kill her, at least."

Sengoku merely nodded, that wasn't his intent anyway, he had many pieces of information he wanted to know from her.

But Konan wasn't completely knocked out, she was pushing her body beyond its limits, forcing it to remain awake. She knew her brothers had managed to escape as they were starting to be out of reach of her butterflies, so that took a burden off her shoulders.

The fighting continued on all around them, pirates and marines continuing to kill each other.

Konan started gathering her chakra again, drops by drops, using the tiny moment of rest she had to gather energy.

Only Sengoku wouldn't allow her to, he had seen her disappear, he knew what she could do given enough time, and if even seastone wasn't enough to capture her... The hard ways would have to be used.

"Attacking a weak lady is cowardly..." Konan spit out, glaring at him with all the bite she could muster, helplessly watching him transform into a golden buddha.

His palm faced her and he released a powerful burst.

Konan watched the attack head in her direction, willing but failing to move her body, she didn't have enough energy to move even an inch of her body. She could only watch as her fate was sealed.

At the last moment, a flash of red appeared in her vision, his black cape fluttering behind him.

She closed her eyes, the tension releasing from her body at once as she fell down.

"Good job." She heard vaguely as her consciousness went further and further away.


Alrighty, this marks the end of the Marineford arc and thus the daily chapters, hope y'all enjoyed :D 

PS : i also hope you enjoyed last chapter's prank <3 made me laugh a lot lmao

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ