Chapter 4

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Landing on an island far from any civilization, she sat down to gather the information from her butterflies.

The main reason she left was that she wanted to master a concept unique to this world, Haki. There were three types: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and Conqueror's Haki.

A few papers appeared to blind her vision before she created a dozen paper clones, she panted slightly as she felt the action drain her resources. With a wave of her hand, she gave them a single order, attack her.

Wincing as she received a punch to the gut, she avoided the next before punching another clone to oblivion. Sensing someone's chakra was as easy as breathing for her, even in this world which didn't know chakra. Only she couldn't perceive their next moves, she could only see what they were currently doing, not what they would do.

A good few hours later, she laid on the floor while panting heavily. A dozen bruises could be seen on her exposed skin, Konan having gotten rid of her coat only ten minutes in.

She spent the next ten days training with her clones and after the ninth day, she could perceive perfectly her opponent's move. Her former knowledge helped tremendously as they were still quite similar. When fighting, she tried to coat her body in Haki, and she found that it was similar to the feeling of chakra-coating, only she had to 'harden' the chakra.

The next fifteen days were spent fighting blind-folded against animals she found on the island, her clones were after all still clones of her, she knew her fighting techniques all too well. Every morning, she would create a dozen clones and all would fight separately, once they were beaten, all the experience would come rushing back to her. A bonus was that it helped train her chakra reserves.

Sitting on a pile of beaten beasts, she breathed calmly as her remaining clones dispersed. With a single thought, a sleek coat of black spread to her whole skin, covering her in a layer of protection. It was good enough for now, but as she thought back to the battles of pure haki she witnessed, she repressed a shiver. Against them, she was nothing. But what she had was the determination to climb to the top to protect her loved ones. Luffy. As she thought about him, his bright grin appeared in her mind 'Na-chan!' She would become strong enough to protect him.

Standing up with a renewed resolution, she didn't notice the faint glint of purple her armament haki took.

She wanted to test a thought she had when she first heard of haki.

A single sheet of paper came off from her hand and she pointedly stared at it, while praying her theory was correct.

When the corner started to take a blackish tint, she smiled widely, excitedly staring at it. Only for her happiness to disappear when it retreated back to its corner.

Knowing it would take some time, she summoned back a dozen clones and sent them to train while she sat down and stared at the sheet.

She spent the next hour, trying. Only to succeed at the end of the hour. As she gazed at the black sheet flying around her, she fist-pumped into the hair in excitement. She did it.

A day later, she stared at her hundredth black sheet with unbridled happiness, even if it was slow, she witnessed an increase in speed in her coating. Fortunately, she could fusion them back in her body, allowing her to hide her new deadly weapons.

Before she could go back to planning how she could use them more efficiently, she felt a distant tugging. Luffy tore his flower.

With a single thought, she dispersed her clones, overtaking the island in a flurry of papers while she herself dispersed.

Appearing again over the sea, she understood the situation with a single glance and took action. Vaguely aware of Shanks' gaze on her, with a swipe of her hand, a hundred papers appeared and wrapped themselves around the sea monster's opened mouth, effectively clasping it shut. As if sensing its loss, it disappeared back to the ocean while Konan lowered herself to stand on the sea.

Ignoring Shanks' nod of thanks, she turned her gaze to the crying Luffy held in his arms before bending down and taking her in her own, not minding the way he gripped her tightly and wet her whole shirt. Sheets of paper wrapped around him, warming his frigid self.

She calmly walked back through the town, ignoring the questioning glances of the pirates and the villagers at her sudden appearance. When she sat at the bar's counter, Luffy hugging her tightly, she turned her questioning gaze to Shanks and his crew.

"You remember that bandit from before?" Benn started before pausing, at her nod, he continued, "he went back to hiding for the past month and came down after having gathered a hundred other bandits for revenge. He took Luffy hostage and after we beat his followers fled to the sea."

Shanks continued with his side of the story "I followed them by swimming, just as the bandit was eaten by the sea king and I fished out Luffy. He immediately took out the paper you gave him and tore it in two, and then you appeared."

She nodded before expressing her thanks for saving him. Thanks which they quickly brushed off, 'Luffy was also their precious anchor', as Shanks so wisely put.

"Na-chan, please, don't leave me," he mumbled desperately against her bare stomach, his arms tightly wrapped around her. Her heart ached as she saw the strong boy cry.

"I'll stay for a month," she finally promised after some thoughts. Her clones would be training while she would stay with him for one more month.

A few weeks after, Shanks and his crew decided to leave for good. Not before leaving Luffy his hat and a promise. "I'll become the Pirate King!!" he screamed into the horizon as he stared at the distant point of the Red Hair pirates' ship.

When it was time for her to leave again, she gave him another pressed flower, with the same instructions.

During this one month, her dozen clones had managed to bring her haki-coated sheets up to a few thousand. A feat that made her smile in glee.

Her reserves had also immensely improved, with a dozen clones always active at the same time as a dozen thousand butterflies reporting every few hours to her.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now