Chapter 70 🌞🌞

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"No special abilities or weapons?"

Nanko nodded, "Alright." He grinned like a wild cat ready to jump on his prey.

Both stared at each other silently before they disappeared from view. Shockwaves shook the room as they clashed in the air, fists meeting legs ruthlessly. There was no mercy or kindness in their blows, merely an unbridled display of their fighting capacities.

They didn't stop until another person entered the room.

"Blueno," Lucci grunted his acknowledgment, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Nanko jumped down from his spot on the wall, offering his hand to the newcomer. "Nice to meet you, I'm Nanko." He observed the man-another CP9 member who had an interesting devil fruit : the ability to create doors anywhere.

Lucci watched the exchange, not without a frown. He would be a fool not to notice the visible lack of exhaustion from Nanko. His pride took a small blow.

"Wanna join us, Bleno?" Nanko asked, his smile not hinting at a deliberate attempt to butcher the tall man's name.

"I think I'll pass." Blueno calmly refused, adding weights to his wrists and ankles, before going to a corner to stretch.

Nanko paused when he spotted a butterfly hovering through the open window before landing on his shoulder. "Why hello there little one." The butterfly flew to the extended hand, floating in the same spot for a while before flying away.

Lucci looked at the scene but didn't say anything. If he suspected anything, he didn't let it show on his face.

Meanwhile Nanko's face showed no emotion other than his perfected arrogant smirk. Nothing less than an annoying-to-look-at and very punchable face.

"Call me if you need me, I'll be walking around," he said, waving goodbye to his newfound victims. They wouldn't dare kick out a government-sent officer, not without a good enough reason.

After spraying the common room with a healthy dose of pink glitter, he went to his room and put his body on stand-by mode, otherwise known as a sleeping position.

Meanwhile on another corner of the world, Ko appeared in one of her countless bases. "Well, let's see what she has to offer." Ko grabbed one of her countless spare silver masks and looked at herself in the mirror. "Alright, let's go!" She twirled once before jumping through the window and onto building roofs.

She took in the delicious smell of candies and sugary treats permeating the air. This was one of her favorite islands for the very reason that it was built of things she loved. Though her base had been built there quite some time ago, it was the first time a request had come in from there. After all, requesting her wasn't an easy feat, even more so after she had settled herself as one of the Underworld Emperors.

How to summon her? Well first of all, find out her bases, which wasn't an easy feat in itself. She hadn't advertised it so one had to find out by digging for information.

She had set up brothels throughout the islands-in addition to being good bases, they brought her a considerable monthly income and they were a non-negligible pool of information. Next step was going in and asking to write a letter to Santa Claus. Most of the employees working at her brothels weren't aware of who their boss or these letters were but they knew that they were to gather the letters in a special room. From them on, the letters mysteriously disappeared.

Well in reality, they merely transformed into butterflies, flew to Dawn and his group. Then he sorted out the requests and only sent the most interesting to Ko. This recent system allowed her to deal more efficiently with the numerous requests she received.

That was how Ko found herself with a request from one of the four emperors in her hands, in a grandiose palace, facing one of the strongest women of her era.

"Hello little one." The giant woman stared down at her, licking her lips as she gazed at her bubblegum-colored hair.

"Hi Big Mom," Ko chuckled, walking up in the air effortlessly to be eye-to-eye with the impressive woman.

"I've heard a lot about you," Big Mom grinned showcasing her sharp teeth. "Heard you can find anyone in this world with enough money."

Ko crouched down in the air with an arrogant smile, "Yep!" She paused for added momentum, "depends on how much you're willing to pay though."

A huge bag was thrown her way. She caught it with ease, glancing at its content, her eyes shone brighter. "Now we're talking." She threw it behind her where an eagle suddenly surged, grabbing and dipping off with the bag. "Who are you looking for?"

Big Mom glanced at the already-far-away eagle with interest before turning her attention back to her guest. "I'll tell you, but before that," she paused to grab one of her snacks. "Food." Her mouth opened wide enough to gobble down a small boat and she dumped desserts in it. She glanced up momentarily at Ko, waving at the table of food.

Ko dropped down to the floor before grabbing a piece of weirdly-shaped cake. "Don't mind me then."

Big Mom's eyes crinkled with pleasure seeing Ko enjoy her food. She spoke with her mouth still a bit full and dropped a name. "Kaido."

Ko paused before repeating, "You want me to find Kaido?"

Big Mom shook her head, "I vaguely know where he is, what I want you to do is send him a message."

Silence settled in uncomfortably as Ko weighted the pros and cons. After some time she finally opened her mouth, "This is a risky mission..."

Big Mom snorted, pulling out another bag. "The pay won't be lacking." She released a bit of pressure on Ko. "I'm generous with my allies." The underlying threat wasn't missed by Ko.

Ko felt the heavy pressure that was becoming increasingly difficult to bear as she kept her mouth shut. In a matter of seconds, she found herself facing a tsunami of pressure. It came crashing against her, knocking the breath right out of her lungs. Like a heavy blanket it draped over her, pressuring her, trying to find cracks in her defense to completely submerge her.

That was the strength of one of the four Emperors. It demanded reverence and respect.

But Ko was an arrogant little being and she refused to bow. So she infused chakra in her body, mixing it with her own Haki, and after some time, the pressure eased enough to breathe again.

It seems like she had neglected her Haki training and had become negligent after only facing opponents in her own league.

Big Mom watched her with a hint of surprise in her eye. Ko wasn't a threat to her and she probably never would be but she was still curious. She would have to keep an eye on her to determine her worth as an ally. "Your answer?" Her voice boomed out, with renewed vigor.

Ko regulated her breathing before answering, "I'll do it."

"Good, good." Big Mom laughed, the sound reverberating against the walls. "We have a deal then."

Ko nodded not without some amount of wariness. This was the kind of foe her little brothers-namely Luffy-would have to rub against one day. Preparations were needed.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now