Chapter 38 ✨✨

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The years passed, Nanko continued climbing the ranks together with Hina, while Ko grew more prominent in the Underworld, and Konan made herself scarce, traveling alone without a crew.

Soon enough, it came time for Ace to set sails.

"Are you sure you want to stay, Sabo?" Ace asked his brother who stood beside Dragon with his trademark high hat and goggles.

The blond grinned and nodded; he had chosen his own path, very different from his brothers' but he was happy with it. They would see each other again.

"Alright, then I suppose it's time for me to leave," Ace pushed his hat down, eyes tearing up in the shadow.

"Aceeeee," Luffy shouted as he jumped to hug his brother, his arms wrapping around him a few times. "Can't you stay a bit longer?" He looked up at his brother, mouth pursed.

Ace smiled at his brother, before flicking his forehead, "I already stayed a week longer for you."

Luffy pouted, before slowly detaching himself.

"He's right, we promised to become pirates at 17," Sabo agreed, patting their youngest's hair.

"Hmmm," Luffy mumbled before turning to the silent woman staring at him. "Do you really have to leave with him?" He pinched his arm, trying his best to produce some tears. "Na-chan~"

Konan smiled at the teenager who had grown to reach her height, "I promised him I would."

"Not fair," he complained.

"I'll still stay with you," Dragon voiced out, feeling a bit left out.

Luffy turned to look at him before crossing his arms, "but I prefer Konan..."

Dragon put a hand on his heart in fake shock.

"Rather unfortunate," Konan commented with a smile in her voice that didn't fool Dragon. "Don't worry, I'll visit, and you know how to call me."

"Alright! Now let's leave," Ace shouted, his fist raised in the air in excitement.


"How are you that clumsy?" Konan commented, sat on the edge of their tiny boat. She observed the horizon, the clouds were black while the sea was a deep blue, unfathomable from the surface.

"Help me instead of watching!" Ace bit back, struggling to properly navigate the rocking boat through the storm. The boat swiftly started rocking from one edge to the other, half-turning over, Konan found herself in the air one second and almost touching the water the next. She couldn't help but chuckle when she saw the sweat dripping down his forehead.

"The boat is going to overturn soon-" just as she predicted, one wave came crashing into the hull and overthrew the boat. Konan jumped off before, landing gracefully on the moving water. And just before her feet, Ace came crashing down into the sea, successfully splashing her on the way.

He resurfaced quickly enough, taking a deep breath and pushing his wavy hair out of his sight. He silently gritted his teeth as he watched the barely wet woman standing in front of him.

"That's not fair," he complained, swiftly splashing water on her smug face.

Konan wiped the water out of her face as she retorted, "Not my fault you couldn't get the hang of Chakra and water-walking! Even Luffy got it..." She bent down to his level, flicked his forehead and pointed behind him, "and the boat is sinking."

"What-" Ace quickly swam to the boat but it was too late, a huge wave formed in front of him, with the boat already beneath it. He took a deep breath in, preparing for the wave to brutally collide with him. However, instead he felt the chilly air slam into him, he was out of the water, a giant black paper hand holding him up.

"You're lucky you're not a demon fruit user..." Konan flew over to him, her wings deployed fully.

"Ugh, I'm cold," he groaned, hugging himself in an attempt to gather some heat. He wasn't used to the rain and the storm,

"And whose fault is that?" She teased him, while her papers slowly covered him fully, protecting him from the wind and the rain.

"Shush." He knew he was at fault for not properly learning how to use chakra but he thought it was fine just knowing Haki. Though even that he struggled with.

"I won't always be there to save you." Konan started flying through the storm, with Ace enjoying his passenger seat. "Remember, I'm staying with you for one month only."

"I know," Ace agreed easily, a grin sketching on his lips as he stared at her back. He was now taller than her, but he knew he could always lean on her, his reliable older sister. Always there for them, for him.

"This reminds me of when we were young..." he clearly remembered that day when she took them flying on her back, the thrill of the drop, the twirling in the air, the wind whipping past his face, the cold water at the tip of his fingers, the silent comfort she provided.

"Hmm," she turned towards him, flying backwards, "You're too big for me now." She gazed at him in fondness, as she stopped. Papers detached themselves from her under his eager eyes. They flew up to form a huge but familiar figure—a black dragon. "Not for him though."

Ace's mouth opened and closed as he pumped his fist in the air, "Yes!" He swiftly jumped over to land on the dragon's back.


"There is an island ahead!" Ace shouted from his ride.

"Let's land," Konan advised, before flying straight ahead. "Last to arrive will cook!" They were both equally as bad at cooking, usually others cooked for them and never let them anywhere near the kitchen...

"Yosh!" He shouted, lying against his ride to go faster. The Island got bigger as they approached at a rapid pace.

"First!" Konan exclaimed as she slid on the sand and fell down on her back, with a wide smile. The soft sand melted against her skin, embracing her form. It was warm, but not scorching, more like a gentle hug from the beach.

Soon, another person plopped down next to her, and both found themselves staring up at the night sky in silence. It was peaceful, the wind gently ruffled the leaves of the jungle trees while the water slowly brushed up against their feet.

"Come out," Konan raised her voice, eyes still closed. Ace abruptly sat up and surveyed his surroundings.

"Who are you both?" A voice asked as a man came out, with a blue swirly mask and lighter blue hair. In his hand, pointed toward them was a badly carved spear.


fluff my beloved (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora