Chapter 92 🌞🌞

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"Right, just wanted to apologize." Nanko then walked away and toward Charlos' body. He knew he had left a shadow on that little kid's heart, and he felt a bit regretful toward that. But what was done was done.

He stopped minutely to suddenly turn around, catching a metal arm aimed at his face. "Hmm who are you again?" The next second, three katanas met Nano's raised leg. "And you're the one from earlier." Nanko smiled, "I sure am popular today..."

Eustass didn't bother retorting, attacking again with his other arm while Zoro tried another angle of attack.

Nanko parried both attacks with ease, raising an eyebrow as he finally recognized the red-head as someone who had once attempted attacking his marine ship, "Rude." He then promptly threw him away, sending him straight through the entrance at the feet of the gathered marine officers.

"As for you." He avoided Zoro's attacks, stepping back lightly every time, hand on his chin while pondering what to do—that carelessness seemed to anger Zoro as his attacks intensified. "Oh, I know!" His finger turned a stark black as he swiftly deviated all three katanas from their trajectory in an instant. "That should do." He then kicked Zoro straight back to his companions.

Luffy was staring back and forth between Nanko and Zoro before turning toward Nami. "Is he an enemy then?" Nami shook her head, she didn't know either.

"Alright then, Mister weak marine, are you going to arrest us?" Rayleigh asked with a careless smile. He didn't expect the young marine to know Haki this proficiently but then again, he had an inkling it might be the case.

"I'll be taking these three dumbasses." Nanko answered, grabbing ahold of the Celestial's collars as he started heading toward the back door. "Good luck everyone." He waved them goodbye, glancing one last time at Luffy before walking out. "Let's hope we don't meet again anytime soon." Because they would be on opposing sides by then.


Some time later, Luffy was fighting against the Marines surrounding the auction house when he felt an odd feeling—an instinctive but familiar fear. He started looking around, trying but failing to find what he was looking for.

Meanwhile Konan sat in one of the tall trees, legs swinging over the edge while observing the fight. When she noticed Luffy looking around wildly, she smiled lightly. "Good instincts." She was just observing the situation, it wasn't really fitting for her to intervene as Nanko would probably soon be called for. But she still wanted to admire Luffy's progress.

It took barely a few minutes for all the Marines to be completely defeated. With the combined force power of the three Devil Fruit users, they didn't stand a chance. However they all knew this was simply a foretaste before the real deal arrived. An admiral was leagues ahead of the small fry they dealt with.

Soon, Luffy left, while Eustass and Law encountered a new enemy.

"That's..." Konan walked across the air to better observe the newcomer. "Kuma? No." There was something different about this one, he was duller and devoid of life. She dropped down, her coat fluttering before she landed softly on the ground. She ignored Law and Eustass' surprise at seeing her appear so suddenly.

"One of the Pacifista I believe." Konan walked through the barrage of attacks, avoiding the beams before stepping lightly on his shoulder.

The Pacifista spoke rather mechanically, "Pirate Konan detected, updating the network, asking for reinforcements."

"What a pitiful fate." She knew that Kuma was slowly losing his freewill. All in order to turn into the perfect cyborg and to produce the perfect army. But she had been too busy with her own problems to try and find a solution for someone she barely met once. That was probably selfish of her.

"Careful," Law warned quietly as the Pacifista's laser-hand aimed at her.

Konan jumped up avoiding the beam before a long sword appeared in her hand, aimed at his head. She brought it down in a vertical slash, cleanly cutting straight through it like butter. She landed down like a feather, lightly stepping between the two cut parts as her sword dispersed.

"How fascinating." She bent down to better observe the wirings popping out from where organs normally were.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Eustass shouted. He was frustrated as his opponent was stolen from him. He was still bitter from his earlier encounter with Nanko and now another one appeared, souring his mood.

Konan turned back towards the two pirates who had previously been fighting against the Pacifista she took care of. She saw Law stare at her warily while Eustass just displayed hot-blooded recklessness.

"Name's Konan, nice to meet you." She nodded politely, glancing at Law with a deep smile.

Law shuddered before turning around to leave. He wasn't interested in playing the fool around her. As an act of camaraderie perhaps, he did leave a warning to Eustass, "Don't even try to provoke her, it will end badly for you."

That warning, however, was taken more as a challenge for Eustass. Law simply glanced at the hot-headed fool before smirking, what could he say, he would thoroughly enjoy the other's incoming humiliation.

Pieces of metal started flying toward her from all around. Konan didn't even flinch, she simply avoided them. It had been years since she first discovered Observation Haki; by now, she could use it without any strain. It was almost too easy to fight against the Pirate Rookie who had yet to master any form of Haki.

"Fucking slippery bastard," Eustass cursed, his temper flaring when he saw that Konan still had enough time to stare off into the distance.

Konan wasn't admiring the landscape, no she was gazing further into the horizon, butterflies transmitting their sight. "Oh..." She avoided another swipe. "This is becoming rather troublesome..."

"What?" Eustass asked, rather irritably.

"Two admirals are coming." Konan informed dully, paper wings already forming on her back—this wasn't the time to play around. They would arrive in a couple of hours.


alright now i'm going to do this evil thing called, leaving you on a cliff-hanger, cause i won't be able to update before a small while (yep university is a bitch)

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