Chapter 24

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Dragon chuckled at the very familiar question, "Friend price?" He tried to bargain, knowing full well it would never work.

Papers flew around and before long, Konan had changed her appearance to Ko, the mischievous informant. "I'm afraid not... You're rich enough," she smirked twiddling with her bright pink hair.

Dragon observed the change of behavior that came as naturally as breathing for her, "Look who's talking, Ms. Highly sought informant..." She was probably a thousand times richer than him yet she was still stingy with her partners.

Ko only pulled out her tongue, Luffy liked to eat a lot and that was expensive, she was simply preparing for the long-term! If he ever wanted to, she could provide for him all his life, though she very much doubted he would ever want that, she could still help sometimes. In addition, he was one to make many friends with his warm nature, she was simply being a good sister, in case they ever needed her help, on Luffy's account she could be generous.

If Dragon knew the fortune she amassed—from him among many others—would be used for his son's food he would cough up blood.

"You should know Luffy is my son," he started, gazing fondly at the boy drooling in his sleep while latching onto Ace. "I'm just a worried father, can't you tell me about the life I missed by his side?"

Ko snorted at the display he was putting on—though there was some truth behind it. "You made your choice, the revolution instead of Luffy..." She once did the same, but with death, she was freed from everything, she had spent a lifetime fighting for what she believed to be right. This time she was only interested in protecting those dear to her and enjoying this vacation a bit. Konan had no war to fight, for now.

"All I can tell you is that I have accepted Luffy as my own, for the rest," her voice was mellow, not wanting to wake up the brothers, "find out by yourself."

The leader of the revolution couldn't help but be glad Luffy had gained such a priceless sister. Still, he was surprised by the softness Ko displayed, he couldn't not notice the difference between the behavior she usually exhibited and her current self... something told him it was how she normally was. It felt more natural and comfortable, he was naturally drawn to the kind woman with countless faces. He could understand why Luffy was so attached to her.

As a smell of food naturally drafted into the room, Luffy slowly woke up with a yawn along with Ace who sniffed the air, eyes still closed.

Luffy looked around the room, still disoriented. "Na-chan~" he walked around his bed before latching onto Ko who chuckled quietly. "Food," he whined, his stomach starting to gurgle. Ko only ruffled his hair and started walking out of the room with the koala in her arms.

Dragon was left speechless, seeing the mother hen with Ace trailing obediently behind. He shook his head and followed them, carefully closing the door behind him.

The revolutionaries looked at the scene aghast, seeing Ko without her usual silver mask, walking with a child that looked nothing like her in her arms. The few that knew who exactly the child was looked at Dragon with questioning and worried eyes.

At the cafeteria, people gathered to see the two children gulfing down an inhuman amount of food while Ko indulged them.

Finally, Luffy looked up while massaging his enormous stomach to look at Ko. He frowned and tilted his head, "Why do you look like that, Na-chan?"

Dragon put his head in his palm, he didn't expect his son to be like that, Luffy only noticed now...

At the question, Ace looked up at Konan in disbelief, "Wait, is this Konan??"

Ko couldn't help but laugh at the two confused boys, "You have good instincts Luffy. And yes, it's me Ace." She clapped in congratulations, "I look like that to better scam people," she smirked and winked at Dragon who felt a headache appear as the memories resurfaced painfully. The other revolutionaries looked away, some wiping away a tear or two, others looking down at their light wallets.

"What does scam mean?" Luffy asked innocently, ignoring the pitiful eyes laid on him.

Ko only smiled, "It's a fight with words."

"Oh..." Luffy dropped the subject, not interested anymore, and Ko knew she successfully diverted his attention from the matter.

When Dragon looked at Ko, this time it was with a hint of admiration, she knew how to handle children so well he was impressed.

Their conversation was interrupted by a scream coming from the infirmary. They immediately ran toward the room where they had left Sabo. The nurse was already here, trying to calm a screaming Sabo. When she saw them arrive, she whispered, "He's having a night terror."

Luffy stood rigidly at his brother's side, fiddling with his hand, not knowing what to do, not daring to touch the wildly moving Sabo. Ace stood similarly by his side, alternately looking at Sabo trashing around in his bed and looking at the floor while clenching his fists.

Ko frowned heavily, easily recognizing the symptoms of a night terror, having seen it countless times. It usually happened to her comrades as an aftereffect of the war trauma and the long periods of stress. Usually, they used healing chakra for the worst cases but Konan wasn't proficient in that, she only knew how to kill and healing was vastly different. She knew the basics however, how to deal with night terrors wasn't included.

All they needed to know was how to wake up when they sensed danger, as there was no cure for trauma and stress during war. That meant their sleeping schedules were utterly messed up, and in some cases non-existent. Better awake and in control and asleep and losing themselves. Who had the time to deal with their mental health anyways when their lives were put on the line... And even afterward, no one wanted to deal with trauma-crippled ninjas, one trip in their heads, and the therapists were sure to lose their own minds. Everyone had their own demons to deal with.

That didn't mean she would allow that to happen to Sabo though. She wouldn't leave him to deal with that alone. And she knew she wasn't alone in her thoughts when she saw Ace and Luffy each grip a hand when Sabo started calming down a bit. They soon enough fell asleep at his side.

Meanwhile, in a marine headquarter, a new bounty was being printed.



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