Chapter 60 🎁🎁🎁

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 "Alright, let's see what's causing such a ruckus," Koan walked over to the door, the weight of her body half-resting on her golden cane. "Follow me, little guard."

Sky scoffed but still followed without a word.

The gold embedded in her cane was uselessly flashy, a show of wealth more than anything. Sky knew this was just another facet of the character Konan had chosen; she always went the extra mile to perfect her disguise.

As they approached the busier area, Sky stepped forward, "Please stay behind me ma'am, it's dangerous." She put a hand over her whip, using chakra to sense out the situation ahead.

A bunch of pirates were punching their way around, surrounded by the henchmen of Crocodile. Surprisingly, they didn't seem overwhelmed. Crocodile was nowhere to be seen.

Konan watched the fight with a small smile, easily recognizing the careless boy in the middle of the storm, Luffy. He was doing well, the thugs were no match for him. Her gaze wandered to the pirates fighting by his side. They weren't too bad, a bit reckless and inexperienced, but nothing time couldn't solve. And most of all, they seemed... fun.

"Careful-" She winced as she watched them fall down a trap.

"Should we help him?" Sky asked, remembering easily who the straw-hat was from the few descriptions Konan gave her. She carefully watched Konan's face but couldn't find anything apart from light amusement.

"No," Konan was firm in her answer but her feet still took her to the pathway that led to the underground.

"Koan!" Crocodile welcomed her with twitching lips. "Why have you come down?" His back was to the giant cell in which Luffy and his friends were imprisoned, banging against the bars.

"You were taking too long, young man," Koan complained, her cane pointing at him in a disapproving manner.

"My apologies, there was a slight accident," he nodded, "but nothing I can't solve with a snap of my finger." Sand rose in a dangerous manner, encircling the cell and soon grabbing the people in it. His eyes remained on Koan's face, watching for any change.

"Crocodile," Miss All Sunday interrupted, a bit of worry surfacing in her voice as she stepped forward. But he didn't seem interested in her words.

Koan barely glanced at the people in the cell, "I dislike blood, Crocodile."

The tension collapsed as Crocodile chuckled, the sand dropping easily.

"Thank you Grandma!" Luffy shouted from inside the cell, his head pushed between the bars while his companions coughed the sand out of their lungs.

Koan finally turned towards them, pausing when she spotted the white-haired marine stuck with them. A part of her wanted to burst out laughing at his pathetic appearance but she couldn't. He was covered in sand and looked like he held a grudge against the world.

"I like your hat, young man," she smiled at the way Luffy's eyes twinkled, a huge grin breaking out on his face.

"Thanks! I got it from Shanks!" He shouted back, ignoring the way his companion tried to hold him back.

"Alright, I've seen enough," she turned back toward Crocodile, extending her arm to him, "help out an old lady won't you?"

He laughed, hooking his arm with hers to support her. "Take care of them," he ordered the guards while Robin and Sky followed closely behind.

If he couldn't escape from that jail, he wouldn't be the brother she had painstakingly trained. He would manage.

"I'll be staying here for a few weeks, I hope you don't mind." She affirmed, regally smiling at him.

She could feel his muscles tense under her grip. "It would be my pleasure," he replied through gritted teeth. He would have to change his plans. "Miss Moon will be in charge of guarding you during your stay."

Sky shook her head, that was some high-level stupidity right there. Without someone watching over their every move, she could freely wander around.

Indeed, for the next week where they were welcomed in the castle as potential investors to the kingdom, she scoured the national archives while Koan made sure to thoroughly explore the national delicacies. "It's a bit crunchy with a sweet core, really melts against your tongue," she hummed, licking the remains of the treat on her lips. "You really should try some," she waved to the plate of delicately made sweets to an annoyed Sky who was covered in sand and dust.

"I'm delighted to see you enjoying your stay while I had to hide in a cramped up chimney for two hours." She threw the folders to Konan's face who easily caught them. "Anyways, just as we suspected he is searching for the ancient weapons, namely Pluton. And I found traces of it in the national archives."

Konan sighed as she turned the pages before closing the folder. "This is... problematic." She felt an incoming headache. It wasn't the first time someone tried to meddle with weapons dangerous enough to decimate a whole city. And it never ended well. Humans were never really good at playing god.

"Should we intervene?" Sky asked.

There were two possible solutions, one they watched and made sure things didn't blow out of proportion, two they got rid of any possible threats.

"There is a reason it is considered a lost weapon, for now, let's just keep an eye on them."

"Alright, should I see what Strawhat is up to?" Sky asked, remembering the wild card they had left alone till now.

"Don't bother, we'll hear about him sooner or later." He always had a knack for causing trouble.

"That reminds me, I heard the princess was in his crew," she commented remembering the whispers of the guards.

"That is... mildly concerning." She sighed heavily before getting up, "let's hope this doesn't turn into a diplomatic crisis." She hated dealing with these, and knowing Nanko was supposed to be stationed nearby, there was no doubt he would be sent to deal with the issue should a problem arise. "Please don't cause something troublesome, Luffy," she mumbled without too much hope.

Sky chuckled, "Good luck with that." Unlike Konan, these kinds of issues didn't concern her.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora