Chapter 71 🌞🌞

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"Looks like they're back," Nanko said, throwing his set of cards on the table, "And it looks like I'm winning yet again."

Blueno grunted, putting his cards down, "I probably should go see what's going on."

Nanko whined, leaning back into the couch. He chuckled when he saw the pink glitters adorning the imposing man's clothes. "These pink accents really are doing wonders to your style Blena!"

Blueno gave him a glare before leaving the room. Nanko simply plopped another candy in his mouth, before grimacing at the taste. "Did someone put salt in there?" He wouldn't be surprised if one of them had gotten tired of his pranks and had decided to take revenge.

"Now what should I do?" Nanko stretched, moving to the window to see Marines surrounding one prisoner cheering for the CP9. "Robin..." So that was the person he was tasked with bringing back to the Celestials.

Robin was walking with her back straight, glaring at the people giving her scorning glances. She could feel a weight she hadn't felt in a while, chains dimming her powers and a simmering feeling of rage at the world. Something she hadn't felt in a while. The bounty hanging above her head was always there, pressuring her, even as she adventured with the Revolutionary Army and afterward joined Luffy. It seemed like it had finally caught up to her.

She knew she was a burden but at the same time she didn't regret throwing caution to the wind to join the straw hats, it was only a pity it would stop so soon.

Robin continued walking, refusing to be pushed around.

She looked up as she felt a gaze on her-one with no ill intent. She quickly came across a very familiar face she didn't think she would see there. He waved at her and her mouth dropped open for a split second before she looked away. She would never admit she felt relief at seeing his annoying face. Yet it felt like a weight had dropped off her shoulder.

Meanwhile Nanko was staring off into space thinking about what to do about the situation. He was somewhat aware of why she was being chased by the government-she was a stain in their record, one they were very intent on quickly erasing. The Ohara Buster Call, a hidden tragedy. Well he did discover that when he had infiltrated the confidential room in the Marine base years ago in exchange for Ko being tortured.

As he stared at the captured Robin, he wondered if it was finally time to reveal the whole truth about the affair to the world. Over the years he had gathered quite a large amount of information, digging in the Marine headquarters and in the Celestials circles. He knew enough to drag them through the mud.

That would also keep the Marine busy for a while trying to contain the explosion that would follow, enough for him to be able to deal with the two Emperors without being bothered.

Nanko hummed, closing his eyes and using his Haki to feel out the layout of the place. Though he had pretty much already mapped out the whole building, he liked feeling in control and preparing for any slip-up or accident.

He finally opened his eyes when he felt a bird settle on his shoulder, a Hawk. He grabbed it, crushing it in his hand to reveal a piece of paper. "Luffy is on his way..." Sky informed him of the situation plainly.

The Den Den mushi rang.

"This is the main gate reporting, an intruder has crossed the front gates." Nanko couldn't help but laugh, he could feel Luffy's distinct aura barging through the defenses, a reckless attempt but very Luffy-like at the same time.

"The intruder is Straw Hat Luffy with a bounty of A 100 MILLION!!!" The Den Den Mushi reported in shock. "A large group has breached the main gate, requesting backup! I repeat, requesting immediate backup!!"

Nanko pushed himself up, glancing at the CP9 members who had just barged into the room and were already bickering.

The big man with a zipper for a mouth started blabbering on about calculating everyone's strength. "Of course Boss is at the top!"

Nanko raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. "Are you all finished?" He released some Haki.

They turned silent, feeling the pressure settle on their shoulders. They knew that the man in front of them was different from the small fry usually sent to oversee them; he was like a crouching tiger. Though he usually liked to bother them, they felt an instinctive fear toward him, the kind of honed instinct that saved their lives countless times.

"My job here is merely to escort Nico Robin and the shipwright. Nothing more." He stared at each one of them, making sure his point was understood, crossing his legs and putting his hands on the desk. "Now bring them here." His arrogant smirk came back, a reckless deception they didn't fall for.

As for Nanko he was half focused on the tremors from the battles on the other side of the island.

The CP9 nodded, opening the doors and pushing in the two people, Robin and Franky.

Nanko stared at them, noticing no injury. Franky was glaring at him while Robin was merely staring.

"Well hello young lady," Nanko greeted, walking closer to Robin. "I gather you're the evil mastermind I'm supposed to be escorting back to the Government." He turned to Franky, "and you have something the government is interested in."

Robin snorted, watching the man put on a play.

"Well I heard the food in prison is horrible so that sucks for you two," Nanko said with a dejected air. Truthfully when he was imprisoned as Ko, they didn't really feed him so he wouldn't really know but the thought was there.

Knowing the government, they would either silence them forever or use them to the bone for their unique knowledge. Either way their fate was sure to be a pitiful one.

Nanko glanced at CP9 who didn't seem to care one bit and sighed, "People really are heartless here."

Robin chuckled while Lucci's lips twitched in annoyance.

"Tell me, did you have fun traveling?" Nanko asked with careless curiosity but Robin knew what he was hinting at.

"They were a fun bunch-" She looked up, reminiscing the time she spent traveling with the straw hats. "Idiots at time, reckless and carefree. But they're strong and will continue to grow, they have a lot of potential." That was her conclusion from her observation. And her chest ached at the thought that they would go beyond anything she could possibly imagine and she wouldn't be there to witness it.

Franky gritted his teeth, hesitating between punching the blue-haired man or tearing out his hair.


Just received a new keyboard <3

and i'm obsessed with it so you won't have to wait long for the next chapters :D

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