Chapter 76 🌞🌞

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Nami's voice cut through her thoughts. "You know, even though change can be incredibly difficult and painful, sometimes it is necessary, and who knows it might lead to an even better future!" For her, Luffy was the one who led her to make such a change.

"Maybe..." Konan couldn't be sure, and that uncertainty terrified her more than anything. Being able to call Hina her best friend had taken a lot of time. The last time she called someone by that name, she lost them. But this time, it would be a different kind of pain. She would be forced to grieve someone still alive.

"Ehhhhhhhh!!!" A loud voice interrupted her, resounding through the whole building. "I triggered the Buster Call!!!"

Konan stopped, recognizing in an instant the stupid voice. "Spandam..." When Nanko came to the island, he became the highest hierarchy as the representative sent by the Government but officially, Spandam was still the one controlling CP9 as such he also had a spare Den Den Mushi for a Buster Call.

In the background, they could hear Robin arguing with him telling him to cancel it but the damn idiot continued to dig his grave, talking about his promotion, his disregard for the lives of the inhabitants, and also insulting Nanko for stealing his position.

Konan could feel her anger grow by the minute—his carelessness would cost a lot of lives. Nanko, who was in another part of the island immediately started evacuating people, even the pile of pirates he had defeated. He knew they weren't fundamentally bad, and didn't want to leave them to die a pathetic death like that.

"Girlie!" Franky appeared, "Who is that? Well it doesn't matter, do you have the key number 2?"

Nami nodded.

"Great, let's hurry up!" They started running toward the place where Zoro, Usopp and Chopper were as Konan decided to tag along while her mind raced a mile per second.

They burst through the wall to see Zoro and Usopp running away from a mindless Chopper. After a while, Zoro brandished Usopp like a blade and swung him toward the CP9 members. Usopp screamed as he held on to the sword in his hands for dear life.

Without missing a beat, Franky appeared shouting at them to get out of the way. "Devil Fruit Users only have one weakness, I'll push him down to the ocean!"

Konan wanted to aplaud the brilliantly stupid idea, one wrong move and their friend would end up sunk to the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again.

"Coup de vent!" Franky shouted, a burst of wind pushing Chopper through the wall.

Another thing Konan found dumb was shouting their techniques but then again it contributed to their reputation in a way.

While Franky distracted the CP9, Nami went to free Zoro and Usopp. Konan merely watched them, her Haki already spreading wide and thin to get an approximation of all the people that still weren't evacuated.

She finally made her decision, freeing Robin was the most urgent, Nanko would take care of the evacuation. "Nami, leave Robin to me, take care of these two idiots and don't die!" She could feel another one of the Straw Hats approaching so they could probably handle the two CP9 members on their own.

Nami nodded, rubbing her eye when Konan simply disappeared from sight.

In reality Konan was jumping through the air at a speed high enough to disappear from sight. She headed straight toward where she felt Robin's energy.

She burst through a wall and arrived face to face with Luffy, Franky, and Lucci.

Luffy's face was one of pure confusion before he started bouncing up and down, waving at her wildly, "Konan!!!"

She nodded at him with a smile, their reunion could wait a bit. "Can I leave him to you?"

Luffy's face turned serious before he nodded solemnly.

"Good, I'm counting on you, little brother." With these words, she looked straight at Lucci. "You should probably move."

"Come," Lucci confidently said.

Konan's legs turned a stark black before she started running toward him. He wanted to parry but the moment his arms came into contact with her legs he recognized his mistake, she was about to break his bones. He jumped away and that was all Konan needed to punch through the door.

He tried to attack her but was stopped by Luffy. With gritted teeth, he avoided his punch and sent Luffy flying back. He sidestepped and appeared in front of Konan, his finger forming a pistol to puncture her. As he did, the Konan in front of her simply dispersed into sheets of papers—a decoy.

Meanwhile Konan was flying through the corridor of stairs, rage silently simmering beneath. She had seen how much Robin had to suffer for holding the cursed knowledge of her home island, how she was chased and betrayed countless times for money when she was but a child. She deserved to finally be happy.

When Konan finally arrived on the main bridge, she was greeted by countless marines and a stunned Spandam. "Shoot her!!"

In an instant, Konan spotted Robin, jaw bloody and bruises on her whole body but most importantly she was crying. In all the years she had known her, Konan had never seen Robin cry.

The bullets rained on her, barely scratching her skin but all she could see was Robin sobbing, covered in her own blood yet still fighting for a chance at happiness. Konan was rarely angered, rarely this much, but she was royally pissed off in that instant.

She didn't register that marines were being sniped down, she simply flew through the chaos, Haki protecting her.

"I'm sorry I took this long," she smiled gently at Robin, wiping the blood on her cheek. When Spandam shouted at her while threatening her, she lifted a hand and pieces of papers flew, stabbing but not killing him. Marines fired toward her, but wings simply materialized around both of them, forming a protective cocoon.

"Konan," Robin whispered, still crying.

"It's alright, I'm here," Konan muttered reassuringly, putting a hand on her handcuffs. After a few seconds, they unlocked as a paper key merged back with Konan's body. "Now go wreck free."

Robin appeared from behind the wings hands free.

A series of explosions resounded at that moment from the staircases. Spandam laughed maniacally, "I put mines in that staircase." Hands appeared on his shoulders and slapped him a dozen times before he fell unconscious.

"Don't worry, he's alive," Konan confirmed, feeling that whoever was climbing was still fine. And indeed, a few seconds after, Franky appeared.

When he saw that Robin had already been freed, he informed the Straw Hats that were snipping from the top of the Tower of Justice—Usopp, Zoro and Sanji.

Robin was free, now Konan had another matter to attend to—the imminent Buster Call triggered by a stupid man. 

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now