Chapter 34 ✨✨

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He extended his hand to grab another rose-shaped cake, only to retract it when Sharley hit his hand with her pipe. When he turned his head to Hina to complain, she simply raised an eyebrow, and pointedly looked at his stomach.

Nanko grumbled but stopped trying to eat more, not his fault their food was uniquely delicious. He didn't know when he would have another occasion to eat them once he left...

When he leaned back into his bubble chair, he stared right back at Marco who averted his eyes. "Anyways, we're here on a vacation."

"That's a curious place to choose for a vacation..." Marco voiced out, doubt in his voice.

This time Hina cut in, "Well, Nanko wanted to try out their famed food." That wasn't all but she had no reason to reveal everything to a pirate—no matter how courteous Nanko wanted her to be.

"That-" Nanko was cut short as Hina stepped on his foot to stop him from revealing anything, he glared at her with a pout, full of grievances—even though his feet didn't hurt at all.

He only stopped when she whispered to him, "I'll pay for the food."

His smile soon returned in full bloom, a pastry he had stolen without anyone's notice in his hand.

Nanko turned to Sharley with slanted eyes, mischief dripping from his smirk, "Your reputation precedes you Madam; I have heard of your fortune-telling abilities even on the surface."

Sharley smiled, her hands twitching ever so slightly, though a glance at Marco reassured her, "I am honored, that even the Marine has heard of me."

"Might I request that you look at my future? I'm quite curious, you see..." He waved to the glinting ball sitting innocently on a cushion beside her. "Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force your hand."

Sharley had heard this request a thousand times before, she was used to it. People wanted to know how they would live, how they would die, if they would be happy. With morbid curiosity, wanting to know the story before it even started, not knowing it would make them live in fear and dread of an ending they couldn't avoid. In the eyes of those, there was greed and envy, to know was their greatest desire, only when she told them, of their inevitable doom, this sickly jealousy was replaced with anger and fear. They wanted to avoid it, to run from it, only death was unavoidable.

She always thought it was better to not know and simply live in the bliss of ignorance. The knowledge she bore was a curse for her, it attracted covetous hands and frightened people desirous to change their fates.

As she looked at Nanko, she saw none of that, only a childlike curiosity inhabited his eyes. One she had seen more than a decade ago, in an older pirate with a curious black mustache.

"Alright, but don't regret it later on." She could only hope what she would see wouldn't break that man's hopes.

She placed her hands on the ball, closing her eyes in concentration. Soon, sweats rolled down her forehead as she frowned. After a solid minute, she opened her eyes with a gasp.

"You-" she paused to grip the table, trying to maintain a minimum of decorum. Blood trickled down her nose. "I saw your death."

Nanko's smile stilled, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"There was a big war, people fighting, killing, and dying. And you were there, in the center of it all, protecting someone... and then you died-" she paused, struggling to speak. "I wasn't able to see more, it was very confusing... a lot was happening at once."

When she looked up to stare at Nanko, it was with a bit of fear, what she saw in his eyes there wasn't innocence, gone was the man engulfing down sweets and smiling with mischief, the him from her prophecy was chilling. His eyes were icy, blood splattered on his skin but his face remained motionless, the blood dripping down his katana wasn't his own. In a bloody battlefield, his presence was natural, too natural, he seemed used to such death, weary even.

She could only wonder what happened for the smiling man in front of her to change into this merciless killer. Or maybe he was like that all along. She was too frightened to find out.

Marco was puzzled at such a scene; he could see the terror in Sharley. However, Nanko didn't seem fazed by the news of his tragic death. If anything, his face seemed more peaceful than ever.

Hina was more affected by this than anyone, under the table, she pressed the hand of Nanko—perhaps to reassure herself more than him, that he was still alive, breathing, and well.

She knew being in their profession entailed more death than anything, yet she couldn't bear with the thought of being separated from her best friend. That thought had never crossed her mind, imagining a future where he wasn't there—eating and acting spoiled but always remembering her birthdays... bringing her whatever she asked for when she wasn't well, a week every month... cuddling when they were under the weather... protecting each other's backs in fights... celebrating by drinking till they were pink and unable to think when they succeeded a mission, and... just enjoying each other's presence—the thought of him being forever gone made her stomach twist and turn, she felt like vomiting.

Her heart throbbed painfully—to not hear his sadistic laugh after he successfully pranked someone, to not see his satisfied smirk when he escaped a narrow threat, to not hear him tease her with her annoying nickname, princess... She felt her breath hitch.

Nanko knew with a glance the thoughts that occupied his partner's mind when he saw her dark face.

He got up swiftly, bringing Hina up with him. "Thank you for entertaining me, but I'm afraid, we have to leave right now." He nodded respectfully to Sharley and Marco before walking away with Hina.

Once alone, Nanko brought his arms around her, "I'm not dead yet, don't worry I won't leave you alone." For how long was the question. Konan knew their friendship wasn't meant to last, for it was built on lies and deceits. Still, she clung to the tiny chance that maybe... it would. She didn't know if she could bear losing another person she cared for.


today's chapter :D

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now