Chapter 16 🎄⛄

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Nanko sighed heavily as he gazed out at the sea. Indistinct blabbering faded in the background as he felt his feet anchor on the swinging boat, salty wind crashing against his face, before running through his short hair.

A crisp voice interrupted him, "You like origami?"

His right hand stopped still for a second before continuing folding. A light frown now marred his forehead.

Faced with the silence, the strawberry blonde woman coughed before adding, "We'll arrive soon, as my partner, don't go too far from me." Seeing Nanko nod, she sent him one last glance before leaving.

As he saw his assigned partner leave him alone, Nanko lightly fawned himself, trying to disperse the remnants of cigarette smoke. The smell reminded her of too many things better left in the past.

Her hand hovered over the edge of the boat, before her fingers slowly unfurled letting go of the now-black paper fish. No one witnessed the strange event. Nor did anyone see the flurry of fishes swimming away from the boat.

A few days later of Nanko growing her armies of spies, they finally arrived at destination. After a lazy set of rules given by a cowering officer, they were finally set free to roam on the island for the day. She could see the men start to dust their uniform and search for women. While the women, lifter their chins up and by group headed to the shopping district.

Nanko was left alone on the deck with no idea of what to do.

"I see you're alone, want to join me?" The same woman he was partnered with asked, leaning on her hip with a lit cigarette between her scarlet lips.

Nanko raised an eyebrow before smirking and doing a mock bow, "Lead the way, my lady."

The strawberry blonde woman grinned back, "Hina. Learn my name at least, we're stuck together for the next few months." He raised his shoulders with innocence. "Fine, follow me Nanko."

They made idle chat as they walked on the paved roads, nodding to the greetings of the civilians. A pink cloud attracted the eye of Nanko and soon, Hina watched bewildered as her cunning junior munched on his pink candy, his pointed canines covered in pink sugar. She shook her head as she put her lighter wallet back in her pocket.

Slowly, her wallet lightened itself as Nanko's mouth colored itself with food. The stall sellers were delighted by the naïve tourist that had appeared, 'come here' they shouted while waving some weirdly shaped or colored food.

The peaceful scene was interrupted by shouting and the crowd parting. Light footsteps made themselves heard followed by heavier ones. Hina unfolded her arms as her posture straightened. Meanwhile, Nanko continued munching on his orange flower-like candy, but his eyes narrowed minutely as a young girl came into sight. She was out of breath but continued grasping tightly a few apples. Behind her, marine officers hurried - they weren't running, it was beneath them, a light smirk could be seen hanging on their chapped lips.

In the corner of his eyes, Nanko could see Hina frown before stepping aside. He couldn't help but sneer at the obvious stance she took when she saw the pirate skull on the girl's shoulder.

"She is a little girl who stole 4 apples," he remarked idly, not budging when she stared at him in question. A few heads turned their way, pity obvious in their eyes, they wanted them - the kind but obviously marine tourists - to help save that girl.

Hina turned away with a sigh. "She is a pirate," she retorted, as if that justified the fate of the little thief, "-and we are marines." Like that, she sealed her judgment.

That stubbornness along with the radical vision didn't sit well with Konan. She felt like she was watching history repeat again.

He gritted her teeth and letting go of his food to fall on the road, he took his decision. "Fuck that," he whispered as he grabbed Hina's hand and rushed toward the girl. "Today, we're the good guys."

He felt Hina's reluctance but he didn't leave her with a choice and all but dragged her in his spontaneous plan. He let go of her hand when he arrived in front of the girl. "Need help?" Seeing her bewildered but hurried nods, he lifted her to put her on his shoulder. He began to run, through the stalls, with the crowd's cheers, he let the wind run through his hair and the tiny grip of his shoulder made him smile. As he jumped over a fence and slid under a tree, he felt excitement ram through his blood.

"Konan, hurry!" A long time ago, she ran with such freedom.

Hina was befuddled as she followed the crazy person that is her partner.

Normally, she wouldn't have let such a thing happen. Even when her white-haired former comrade tried to enlist her in his deviant acts, she was always the first to correct him. But now, she couldn't find it in herself to go against her cyan-haired junior.

As her sharp eyes took in the purple and blue shades marring the little girl's arms and legs, she felt a pang in her heart. Ah maybe she was wrong, a small voice whispered in her mind. Like a mantra, what she learned in the Marine school repeated itself in her brain, Pirates are evil, they said.

Evil, they whispered. Hina clenched her fist and without thinking opened her mouth to speak. "Nan-"

"So, what's your name little one," Nanko asked with a gentle voice, one that Hina had never heard before.

"Mah name is Canyd, big brother!" She answered with a bright smile that showcased her missing teeth.


"Nanko, call me Nanko. How old are you?"

Canyd tilted her head, her eyes partially hidden by her muddied hair, "Nannan?" She stopped talking, her grip on his shoulder tightening. When he only smiled, Canyd relaxed and grinned back, "I'm-" she put the apples in her pockets to lift her dirty fingers, "six!"

Hina who witnessed the interaction remained silent.

And as she stared at the heartfelt reunion between the girl and her mother, a wave of bitterness washed over her.

Despite herself, as she stood in front of the simple wooden boat and the small floating skull flag, she asked, "Why. Why chose this life?"

The woman stopped thanking Nanko and turned to this rigid marine officer that had been stiffly standing there. She tilted her head. And just as Hina regretted asking, she was shocked by the bright smile that answered. The lean woman bent down, to her daughter's eye level and softly kissed her forehead.

"To escape," she paused to gently caress her daughter's head who leaned against her touch. When she lifted her head, her eyes shone with determination and a hint of bitterness. Then, she stopped her movement to lift her right hand - a faint white line could be seen circling around her ring finger.

"It wasn't easy, I chose our freedom and happiness over our safety." Hina inadvertently looked away from the bright gaze that held so much weight. "But I don't expect you to understand and that's fine, we each have our own path."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now