Chapter 91 🌞🌞

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His friend, a fish-man, tried to stop Luffy, warning him about the dangers of the Celestial Dragon. But it was too late. His appearance caused a general wave of panic and disgust. Those nobles who had never seen a fish-man were blinded by their lack of knowledge, judging him according to their prejudices.

Nanko, who was watching Luffy, failed to see what was coming. Charlos had moved from his spot, his gun raised high. Then a bang resonated. Luffy's friend fell down.

Charlos started dancing on his corpse, singing with proudness. "I got the fishman! I got him!"

Nanko glanced at Luffy's dark face before turning away—he wasn't responsible for what was about to happen...

He mentally whistled as Luffy walked calmly toward the Celestial. His friend tried to stop him, to reason with him, to no avail.

"I'm so sorry," Hatchan cried, gripping Luffy's leg despite the pain, his hands digging into his skin as ugly snot ran down his face. But that wasn't important to him. He just didn't want to endanger his friends any further.

And Charlos just had to dig his grave by pointing his gun again, "Stop blabbering, you're getting on my nerves."

Everyone watched tensely as Luffy glared at the Celestial Dragon, they knew the heavy consequences that could follow, but they didn't think he would dare. He might be a rising pirate but no one dared raise a hand on celestials. No one.

A second later, his fist met Charlos' cheek, bursting his bubble and sending him flying back.

A heavy silence ensued as everyone stared stunned at the scene. Then chaos ensued as people fled the scene.

Nanko couldn't help but laugh, "What a spectacle." The people beside him stared at him like he grew a second head—who would dare laugh at this moment. "How satisfying..."

Charlos' father, Rosward, pointed his finger at Luffy in anger, "You dare, you dare!??" He shouted, "Call an admiral right now, have all the battleships called right now!!!" His threats fell on deaf ears as Luffy barely glanced at him.

Soon after, another Straw Hat arrived, landing elegantly on him, knocking him out. "Two down, one left to go," Nanko commented unbothered. There was no one left around to pay attention to him anyway.

Nanko continued laughing before finally getting up from his seat, he took his sweet time but he still had to work after all. He appeared next to the last Celestial Dragon remaining. "Saint Shalria, please exit the building."

Shalria shook her head before pointing her gun at Camie, "If they want this mermaid so much, then that fish can just die!" There was bitter venom in her voice, perhaps a hint of jealousy too.

Nanko was about to intervene when she fell unconscious. His arm extended to catch her before he changed his mind at the last second, letting her fall face first. Conqueror's Haki hit her like a precise needle before retracting—not many could do such a feat. He looked at the hole leading to the Backstage—that man had finally made his move.

"See what'd I tell ya, Giant-kun, the place is total chaos!" He walked out, chatting with the giant following him. "I'm just an old man now, who would want me as a slave anyway?!" He laughed, not yet noticing every marine gun pointed at him.

"I mean I wouldn't ming having the Dark King as a slave..." Nanko chuckled, nudging Shalria's unconscious body with his foot.

Rayleigh stared at Nanko in puzzlement, "Shouldn't you protect your master?"

Nanko shrugged nonchalantly before turning to Camie's glorified fish bowl. "Good to see you again." She tilted her head in puzzlement, unable to hear anything from inside.

Rayleigh ignored their conversation when he saw Hatchan, "If it isn't Hachi! It's been a while!" He paused when he saw his state. Before long he pieced together the situation—the unconscious Celestials, the beaten up Hatchan, the pirates still gathered.

"Now then..." He smiled, sending out a wave of Conqueror's Haki, knocking out all the weak guards in one go. "And that straw hat... I've been wanting to meet you, Monkey D. Luffy!"

Nanko simply leaned against Camie's bowl, staring at the mess while receiving information from the outside—they would soon be encircled. He unsheathed his katana, cleanly cutting the upper part of her fish bowl. "Doing alright, Camie?"

Camie nodded while trembling a bit, with three Celestials knocked out, it wouldn't end well. "Will you not be in trouble?" She asked timidly. Nanko was still a Marine after all.

"Nah, I'm just a weak defenseless marine who happened to be caught up in the mess, I'll be fine." No one saw what he did—or didn't as a matter of fact.

"Weak, right," Rayleigh laughed when he heard him.

"Anyway, I see they've put another collar on you Camie," Nanko commented, his hand extending toward her neck.

Everyone panicked, "Don't! it will explode."

But to everyone's surprise, the collar simply gave in under his hand, falling down without much resistance. It was a simple trick really, her papers simply morphed to fit the key hole before unlocking it—though probably no one other than him would be able to do it.

"Thank you!" Luffy shouted at him with a smile, not recognizing the man as his sister.

Meanwhile, two crew were watching the show idly, observing the odd marine officer. One man in particular raised his guard, shivering slightly as he saw the man who had haunted his dreams many times. Law remembered very clearly his two encounters with the man. He was just glad Nanko didn't seem to have noticed him. Even after all those years he wasn't sure he stood a chance against the man.

Nanko simply hummed, watching Rayleigh make sure Hatchan wasn't dead. Then he turned toward the man with a round spotted hat. "Haven't seen you in a while, you." The next second, he was in front of him, at arms-length. "You've grown a lot..."

Law suppressed another shiver, a translucent room appearing around them.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Nanko grinned, eyes slanted. "I'm not here to fight."

"Step back then," Law glared at him. He knew his power was essentially useless against him anyway. It served more as reassurance than anything. 


officially going back to school tomorrow TwT

tomorrow's chapter is guaranteed but afterward i don't know, i'll tell you tomorrow i guess :/

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now