Chapter 83 🌞🌞

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"So you're Ko," Kaido rubbed his chin while looking down at Ko. Not waiting for an answer, he started pressuring her, gauging her reaction.

Ko frowned, why did they all do that... She could still stand straight but her injuries were acting up, she could feel a sticky cold liquid run down her legs, one of her injuries had opened up. She wasn't in the least bit interested in becoming the man's source of entertainment.

Katakuri glanced at her before intervening, "I believe that's enough."

Kaido continued a few seconds more before sighing as he let go. "Bring me a drink."

They both waited while he downed a barrel of drink. Ko gagged as she smelt his alcohol-filled breath. She knew he was called the King of Beasts but she hoped it was a bit more metaphorical than that.

Katakuri seemed to have similar thoughts of repulsion as he cut short the waiting time. "Big Mom asked us to deliver to you a message, an offer I believe." He presented a letter to King who brought it up to Kaido.

Kaido unceremoniously opened the letter, holding it up as he read through the content. At first he was laughing but as he reached the bottom, anger lines spread across his forehead. "As if I would accept that proposal!" His fist banged against the floor, causing a mini earthquake. "Tell her to come see me herself if she wants to talk."

Ko was walking in the air to avoid the earthquake before she spoke, "Actually there's something else she asked us to deliver to you." She threw a Den Den Mushi at him. "Here."

He easily caught it. "She dares!" He threw the snail away, sending it flying in the sky never to be seen again. Ko had already predicted this so she had already put another snail in the hands of his subordinates for a later time.

What she didn't predict was for Kaido's rage to be directed towards them next. In an instant, his fist colluded against her, she wanted to avoid it but he was too fast for her to move. She was sent crashing against the wall. Katakuri received a similar fate, unable to avoid the future he had already predicted.

Ko coughed up some blood as she tried to push herself up. She knew she was probably covered up in blood—from both old and new injuries. Only one thought appeared in her mind, Big Mom had sent them to be screwed over. She didn't know what was written in that letter, but looking at how angered Kaido was, it wasn't good news for them. She could see in his eyes that he saw them as nothing more than insects—insects he wouldn't mind squishing.

Just as she had gotten up, Kaido swung his Kabano at Katakuri who had already gotten up. Unfortunately for Ko who had been standing a little bit behind him, she was caught up in the attack. Haki coated her body in a second as she prepared for the impact, but the spikes on his Kabano deformed her Haki inward till she felt the spikes break through her skin and nearly reach her bones. Still, she resisted the swing, avoiding the fate of being thrown against the buildings. She looked to the side to see that Katakuri had managed to avoid the attack—no doubt thanks to his Observation Haki.

"Fucking hell," she cursed, before managing to detach herself from the Kabano, going to stand beside Katakuri. Blood trailed behind her, tainting her white suit a scarlet color. She felt like all her organs were squished together while her skin was lacerated in parts of her body she didn't even know could hurt that way. She could see black spots in her vision. It had been a while since she had last been fucked up that badly.

The next instant she appeared over Kaido, fist coated in a stark black with all her chakra gathered at the tip. Kaido's own fist went out to meet hers. The shockwaves forced all the people around a few steps back.

Ko coughed up blood as she jumped back, avoiding another swing of his Kabano. So that was the strength of an Emperor, she thought as she glanced at her unusable arm. Both of her arms were now in bad shape. Despite the protective Haki, she was pretty sure her bones were broken, meanwhile, he simply shook off her attack like one did with a pesky fly. Direct attacks weren't a good strategy it seemed.

"That stings," Kaido laughed, cracking his fingers while staring at her. "Give it all you got."

Ko simply watched him, glancing at where her fist landed on his own, she could see faint purple tendrils spread underneath the skin. She usually avoided using poison as the results could vary greatly depending on the other person's resistance to poison. But she had to admit, with what she had seen on her previous visit, she didn't really care.

Katakuri, who had been watching attentively, also noticed what she had done. He had to admit he didn't expect that. He knew Ko had to be somewhat strong in order to escape and survive as long as she had but being able to face one of the four emperors without backing down required no small amount of strength and guts. Even more impressive was her ability to do so while being badly injured, though she showed no signs of that affecting her.

"Boss, your hand," King was the first one to notice as he saw Kaido's hand turn a gradual shade of purplish color.

Katakuri suddenly frowned, he turned to Ko with some urgency in his voice, "We have to go."

After Ko nodded, they both disappeared. The poison she had given him was a deadly one but judging by the fact that her needle couldn't fully pierce his skin, she knew his arm would only be somewhat paralized for a week or more depending on his tolerance. Though depending on the ability of his doctor, that time could be reduced.

"Do we give chase?" King asked Kaido who had gone back to drinking. Kaido simply waved him away but King took it as approval. Kaido looked at his sluggish hand with some amount of interest, he hadn't seen that coming. He couldn't help but laugh, he had underestimated the small girl.

As Katakuri and Ko appeared on their boat, Ko turned to him. "Tell Big Mom I will be receiving the payment as well as compensation." With that she disappeared in a white puff of cloud. She knew from the butterflies she had left behind that the Beast Pirates were going to go after them. She wasn't suicidal. 

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now