Chapter 78 🌞🌞

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When Konan woke up again, she was heavily bandaged, in an unknown room—probably an infirmary. She couldn't move a single muscle but in the corner of her eye she could see another bed with a very familiar man on it, his straw hat was sitting on his bed table.

"Luffy..." her voice was hoarse and painful.

The room opened with a creak as she felt another presence slowly creep in. "Oh, you're awake?"

Konan hummed, wanting to spare her voice. She took a peek at her chakra reserve and as expected it was empty. Knowing she wouldn't be able to move anytime soon, she simply closed her eyes and focused on replenishing her reserves.

"You know, I'm surprised you're still alive given that you fell into the ocean from a height that would have killed most people," Chopper said, fiddling with some medicine. He didn't seem to mind the lack of response. "Luckily when Sky fished you up, you were still alive, though barely hanging on."

When Konan fell into the sea, Sky was the first to jump down the ship to find her. She dove in head first amongst the debris of the ships to find her. After a few minutes as everyone was about to give up, she resurfaced with a bloody Konan.

They could finally leave. Then they had to give their final goodbye to the Going Merry. Konan only woke up the next day.

After getting the gist of the situation from Chopper, Konan went back to sleep. She could fully think about what she had done at a later date, preferably when no one was around.

The next day, she woke up on Water 7, groggy but her reserves finally half-full. So against Chopper's advice, she forced herself up. It was still the middle of the night but she couldn't sleep any more. Two days of rest were a lot more than she actually could afford.

She could feel her wounds begin to heal up with a little bit of help from her Chakra but she knew nasty scars would be left. She didn't mind.

Konan walked out of the temporary place the Straw Hats were staying at. The air was cool with a faint salty scent from the sea. It had been a while since she was last badly injured and she certainly didn't miss the feeling. She knew a few bones were broken while wounds covered her stomach, arms and legs.

She spotted a seagull flying in the sky before it dropped a journal by her feet. She bent down with difficulty to read it. The front page made her frown. She could see herself flying in the sky with an imposing wave of papers behind her, ready to crash down on the Marine fleet. The headtitle was: 'The pirate who stopped a Buster Call.'

"So much for staying low," she mumbled in resignation. After turning the page, another picture assaulted her eyes, a bounty, it was her glaring at someone out of frame, blood splattered on her cheeks. "Very flattering..." But the most concerning fact was the number written underneath—900,000,000 berries.

"Congrats." Sky appeared by her side, glancing at the journal in her hands. "You're one of the big fishes now."

"Yay I guess..." Konan couldn't help but feel a headache incoming. With that bounty, she's bound to get recognized regardless of her will. It was going to be annoying.

"You were reckless." It wasn't a reproach, simply a statement. Sky had known Konan for a pretty long time and she knew self-destructive tendencies when she saw them.

Konan glanced down at her bandaged body before sighing. She didn't try to defend herself, they both knew she would be lying.

"How is Nanko faring?"

"He's off the face of the world for now." He would have to reappear soon though.

"Need a cover?" Sky was skilled enough to perform a basic change of appearance. But they both knew it wouldn't be enough, anyone who knew Nanko well enough could spot the differences. It was simply words of comfort.

Konan knew that so she simply shook her head. Technically, it was the perfect setup for Nanko to disappear forever, he was unlucky enough to die under one of the cannon ball's impact. A tragic story for a young Marine with a brilliant future.

But who was she kidding, she could never have the heart to pull it off.

After a long silence, Sky finally asked, "Do you regret it?" Perhaps the one who understood her best was Sky, they were both so thoroughly haunted by their demons.

But truthfully, Konan refused to think about what she had done, Not yet. Whether she came to regret her actions or not, there was no point to it, she would have to live with it regardless.

"Konan?" A voice called out to her, as arms snaked around her, covering her whole body. "Don't leave." Luffy hugged her with force before closing his eyes back.

"He's sleepwalking," Sky commented laughing at the pleading stare of Konan. She knew Konan was still injured but after giving it a thought, she left her to deal with her clingy brother. It wouldn't be so bad for her to suffer a little after the careless stunt she had pulled off.

Konan sighed as she walked back to the house with a koala glued to her side. But she couldn't help the warm smile that made its way onto her face. She had missed the little brat.

The next morning, Konan was sitting at the table, Luffy on her lap as he ate while sleeping—a new ability he had developed.

Konan simply bore with it, having given up on detaching him from her. Instead she chatted with the members of his crew present. Sky was sitting beside her, silently drinking her coffee while Sanji busied about, bringing them a proper breakfast while hitting on Konan.

Konan was letting him do so, enjoying learning more about her brother's crew.

"Do you need anything else, Konan-swan~?"

"No it's alright, thank you Sanji."

"With pleasure!" He then left to fetch more food for the black hole that is his captain.

The crew was mostly lazying around, Nami complaining about their lack of funds, and some other people Konan didn't know were arguing.

"We have company..." Konan sighed. From a mile away she could feel the exuberant and overbearing Haki of one loud Marine—Garp.

Sky nodded, feeling with some delay the same presence.

"We're back!" Chopper burst in the room, with a bag and Robin in tow. "I examined the Franky Family's injuries. I didn't take my eyes off of Robin either!"

Robin chuckled, "I won't go anywhere anymore." When she saw Konan, she nodded in greeting while mouthing her silent thanks.

Nami was also in a good mood after retrieving the items they got stolen a while ago, "My orange trees are safe! Our money and belongings too! We can continue our adventures!!"

Not too long after, Frany arrived loudly to announce his plan to build them a ship out of Treasure Tree Adam—the highest-quality wood in existence.

Konan watched the scene with a smile, silently keeping to herself the incoming disaster that was coming in their direction, they could enjoy the celebrations a little longer.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now