Chapter 98 🌲🤶🏻🎁

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Every day, Nanko sat on the roof overlooking the plaza, his feets dangling over the void. As a newly-promoted Rear-Admiral, he had less to do, his only job was fighting well in the upcoming battle. Perhaps that was why no one said anything when he sauntered around all day long.

Perhaps if the one being executed wasn't Ace, he might have used this chance to distinguish himself as a formidable marine officer, but unfortunately, things were destined to go sour. As much as he lamented that fact, papers never once stopped spreading from his feet. This was something he had to do, no matter how much it pained him. Betrayal was never an easy thing, even more so when it was his best friend he was about to backstab.

"You didn't eat this morning," Hina commented, sitting down next to him.

Nanko froze momentarily—he was reminded of how much he had lied to her, his best friend. It would all come crashing down in less than a week.

Hina merely looked at him before following his gaze. "This place will soon become a butchery..." She mumbled, already able to envision the battlefield strewn with corpses. She understood that Nanko was probably preparing for this war in his own way, which is why she didn't blame him for his sudden change in personality—he had become a bit duller, more silent, and pensive.

Perhaps in the future she would come to blame this decision of hers but this was a story for later.

"There will be a lot of deaths, on both sides," Nanko said, knowing there would be people he knew on both sides.

Hina nodded in agreement. "They can still escape beforehand. Stepping on the battlefield on that day means they are ready to die for their cause. I can't say which side is more worthy than the other. Still, their conviction deserves neither pity nor judgment, merely respect." She had changed in that aspect after meeting Nanko; she understood that both sides were nuanced in their approach to justice.

Few people could have such a view on the upcoming battle, and fewer still could keep the same afterwards. Because no matter how much one rationalizes it, war is not rational. It merely takes lives.

How many could say they respect the ones who took the lives of their friends, their lovers, their children? By then who would remember the fact that the person fighting opposite you is merely on the other side—the moment war becomes personal, no grand reason can make you forget the hatred, the despair, the heart-wrenching pain.

Nanko bit his tongue, stopping his thoughts from developing any further into his own memories. When he remembered how much he was about to hurt Hina, he couldn't help but want to leave, she would eventually come to regret her words, she would come to hate him, regret ever befriending him. It was better to put some distance from now on, to prepare her, to prepare her for what he would do.

He couldn't fight and kill for both sides as Konan and Nanko. He knew his choice was bound to deeply hurt one side.

Even knowing all of that, the papers slipping from his feet betrayed his intent. The wheels had been set in motion, there was no going back now.

Hina noticed that Nanko was growing noticeably colder with the approaching war, he still smiled but it felt less sincere. It was like when she first met him, a line had been drawn between them. She tried to thwart the ice, to approach him again, but it was no use.

Days passed by in foreboding silence, with an achingly slow speed. It felt like Nanko could see the seconds trickle by, accumulating at his feet, slowly building up, preparing to suffocate him.

The long awaited came on a sunny morning, a day like any other. Yet it was about to be tainted a scarlet red.

Nanko was one of the first to settle in the huge plaza, atop the walls, he watched the preparations come to a close.

It felt like he was overlooking his tower of lies, ready to push its unstable foundation and watch it come crashing down on him.

He could feel powerful presences all throughout the base, the air felt suffocating.

"Nanko..." An old and weary voice came from behind him.

Nanko turned around, observing the man standing before him. "You've aged by at least 10 years in the time I haven't seen you, Garp."

Garp snorted, coming to stand in front of Nanko. "And you haven't changed you little brat." He ruffled Nanko's hair roughly before turning towards the plaza, more specifically the execution stage. "... What do you think I should do?"

Nanko glanced at him—years ago, Garp used to tell him stories about his adorable grandchildren... Neither could have predicted it would end like this.

Nanko knew all too well the dilemma he was facing. "You've already reached your answer, haven't you?"

Garp clenched his fist tightly, his veins standing out starkly. "How does one choose between his duty and his family?"

"We all have our own answers to that question," Nanko answered with an underlying bitter tone that Garp didn't notice. "People are gathering," he commented, looking down at the crowd that was slowly forming.

"Nanko, you're a good person, please don't die." Garp walked away.

"A good person..." Nanko snorted. "Right." He jumped down from the walls, walking on air to his assignated spot.

Chatters filled the plaza, people trying to distract themselves before the war that was about to befall them.

"Silence everyone." An imposing voice covered all the noise in a second. Sangoku had come out and his very presence demanded respect. "Today is a historical day for the Marines." He commenced his speech, his voice growing with fervor and strength. "-and we shall come out as the ultimate winners against these barbarous pirates. Are you all ready??!"

Everyone cheered, raising their fists high. The higher ranked Marines had varying reactions, some merely remained silent, some smirked, others yawned. They all had their own agenda for participating, some were merely motivated by curiousness, or a desire to fight. But none were fooled by Sangoku's seemingly justice-driven speech.


Here are some chapters as a present from me for christmas <3

I've been publishing chapters for christmas for 3 years now, there might be some of you who have been there since the first year, or have joined later on, but regardless, merry christmas everyone ! 

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now