Chapter 87 🌞🌞

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Chaos soon ensued. Whitebeard was too angry to control his Haki while Konan wasn't much better off as she received more information. Ace fought against Blackbeard fairly, even managing to take his eye but at the last second, Blackbeard's subordinates backstabbed him, leaving him with a prominent chest scar.

Konan rarely felt the need to kill, nor did she ever want to. And yet for the first time in a long while, someone had made it at the top of her usually empty list. Her bloodlust leaked freely as she imagined all the ways she could kill him, or perhaps death would be too merciful for a trash like that. How she regretted not getting rid of him the first time she saw him. She hadn't wanted to interfere with Ace's revenge but Blackbeard did something he never should have done.

Shanks, who had been watching her all along, felt some sweat drip down his back as he felt her killing intent. It had been a while since he last felt that sticky cold feeling. Like a snake coiling around your neck hissing in your ear, it was thoroughly unpleasant.

Even Whitebeard seemed to have noticed as he soon calmed down, sitting back down with a loud sigh, his fist tightly clenched. "Little Flower."

The words broke Konan out of her trance. She immediately noticed that the Whitebeard's pirates had reflexively tightened their grip on their weapons—an instinctive reaction.

She finally let go, reigning her rage back in. He was safe for now, they wouldn't let the opportunity to publicly execute their biggest enemy's son go. They would keep him safe till then. They had better.

"What are you planning on doing?" Shanks finally asked, looking at Whitebeard. Though he could somewhat guess.

"They took my son, they should be prepared for a war against us, the Whitebeard Pirates!" He shouted, sounds of agreements resounding throughout the ships.

Shanks sighed, preparing to leave—it wasn't his fight, as much as he liked the sunny boy, he wouldn't wage a war for him.

"Konan? What do you want to do?" He knew how close she was to her brothers, she probably wouldn't stand still.

"War..." Konan mumbled as she walked back to his ship. She looked resigned and somewhat weary. "I never would have thought I would fight in one again..."

"Will you be alright?" Shanks asked, knowing what she was referring to. If she asked him to, he would step in.

Konan laughed derisively, "Some things are worth fighting for." Her decision had already been made a long time ago. "What kind of big sister would I be if I left him to die?"

As Shanks watched her, he found himself unable to stop her. While he was concerned for her safety, as a pirate himself, he couldn't help but be excited to finally see her step out of the shadows.

The moment they stepped back into their ship, the crew asked them what it was about. From so far away they couldn't hear what was talked about but when Konan released her bloodlust they really thought a war was about to break out.

Shanks briefed them on the situation while Konan stayed silent, starting to make plans. She would need more information on what the Marine headquarters were planning first. Then she would have to make her own preparations for the war. Although getting Ace out before would be ideal, it would probably be difficult given the degree of his importance to the Marine right now.

She needed more time and information before making her move and deciding what to do.

That very evening, Konan sat on the deck, legs crossed while a flurry of butterflies constantly came and went, delivering a steady influx of information. She dismissed the trivial information, linking the ones that were somewhat related. Everything in her network went through her as she sorted everything out.

Usually that work was left to her subordinates, mainly Dawn, but this time she needed to make sure she missed nothing.

Shanks whistled as he admired the spectacle, so that was how Ko had built such a fearsome reputation. When he glanced at one of the papers over her shoulder he did a double-take, he didn't know celestials had such unique hobbies. He took a step back in fear as he glared at the butterflies. If they knew such details about someone's life, what about his own?

As if reading his mind Konan answered, "Don't worry I'm not interested in your life, Shanks."

He was relieved. Then he felt a bit offended. What did she mean by that?

"Poor captain," Benn commented with a chuckle. Everyone heard him and they didn't hesitate to jump on the wagon, poking fun at their captain in a not-so-discreet way. They only stopped when Shanks unsheathed his Saber with a pleasant smile that announced nothing good.

Konan ignored the mess around her as she sorted through the papers. She found about a dozen ways to pressure the higher-ups to at least delay the execution but they couldn't cancel it. It was on a scale far too high for individuals to be able to stop it. At least she found the location and date of the execution. Ace was kept on the lowest floor of Impel Down, safe and sound as she had predicted.

She was also keeping an eye on the strong organizations and factions that could potentially try to benefit from this opportunity. But most importantly she was trying to find out where that rat was hiding—Blackbeard. He was quite good at hiding his trail, she found out, but nothing ever remained hidden from her sight for long. He might be able to fool Ace but he couldn't escape from her.

"Want a lollipop?" A strawberry-flavored lollipop appeared in her field of vision.

Without much thought she accepted it, unwrapping it and putting it in her mouth. The sudden rush of sugar calmed her down a little.

She wouldn't kill Blackbeard, no she would let him taste despair. Just as he did not fight fairly against her brother, he shouldn't expect her to either. 

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ