Chapter 75 🌞🌞

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***** small prison interlude *****

When Jimbe first met Ace, in a cell, he thought the boy was arrogantly reckless and too carefree to be in this prison. Like a ball of sun in a dark trash bin, he stood out.

The boy immediately started chatting with him and even when he didn't answer he continued.

The second day, Jimbe gave in to the chatterbox and started answering.

The third day, they were laughing and sharing stories together.

The fourth day, they both found out they each had an origami given to them by a certain person.

"Wait, you've met my sister??" Ace was practically bouncing up and down.

"Your sister?" Jimbe was very puzzled, the man he had met couldn't be described as a woman. "The man who gave that to me was a young Marine officer."

Ace pinched his chin frowning as he thought hard about the puzzle before his bulb lit up. "That's probably Konan in disguise!" He grabbed the paper shark, examining it deeply before nodding, "Yes, that's hers."

Crocodile who was watching from another cell was very interested in this conversation, like he was slowly uncovering a fascinating mystery. "Is Konan a pirate?" He interrupted, not willing to give up this juicy piece of information.

Ace was bored out of his mind so he was naturally willing to talk. Luckily for him, his sister wasn't around or she would have pummeled him to the ground. "Yep! Konan is a pirate!"

Crocodile started laughing, it was just as he had guessed; Nanko was better suited for the pirate life and indeed he was one. Though he was very intrigued by how he had managed to pull off such a stunt.

All that talking got in the ear of another interested criminal. "So that guy was also a pirate?" His laugh was a bit more deranged than Crocodile's and held a hint of bloodlust. Shiryu hadn't forgotten the young man who stabbed him in the shoulder in a heartbeat and without batting an eye. He could feel shivers running down his spine at the thought of fighting against him again.

Ace merely shrugged his shoulders, continuing to chat with Jimbe after putting away the origami. Not once did it cross his mind to tear it. He had underestimated Black Beard and fallen for his trap; he now had to bear the consequences of his actions. He didn't want to drag his sister into his mess. It would be too shameful and selfish.


Meanwhile, Konan was chatting with Nami, learning more about this impromptu fan of hers, unaware that her well-kept—with a few exceptions—secret had been leaked to a floor full of deadly criminals.

After Nami explained the situation to her—they needed to find a key to free her companions who were handcuffed together—they started talking while running.

"I've been following your adventures since I was 11. I found your story in a newspaper and since then, I've been a fan... It's been 7 years now I guess."

Konan was flattered when Nami told her about all the newspapers she had cut up as she followed her adventure. Nami basically knew every official news about Konan, from the first Marine base she leveled to the ground, to how she had saved a kingdom, even the more random facts like the fact that she loved sweets.

That was the first time Konan encountered such a situation and she couldn't help but redirect the conversation away from herself. "I'm honored you view me in such a light Nami. I'm also curious about you, why don't you tell me about yourself too?"

Nami paused for the first time, not expecting such a question. She didn't think her life was worthy of being told to her idol but she still obliged. She couldn't help but omit the shameful parts. "I was raised by my wonderful mother, Belle-Mere. She was the most courageous person I ever met." She felt Konan's comforting hand on her back as she continued. "I also have an amazing sister, Nojiko. We helped each other during the tough times." Nami didn't linger much on that, unwilling to dampen the mood any further. "Oh and my dream is to make a map of the entire world!"

Seeing her wait patiently for her reaction, Konan smiled, she was reminded of the three brothers. "That's a good dream. Don't forget to tell me when you achieve it, I want to see this world map."

"Of course!" Nami was giddy at the amount of trust Konan had given her—someone who hadn't even made a name for herself in this world.

"I'm curious about one thing though," she waited for Konan to nod before continuing. "With your powers you could easily be more famous, and form a crew, why do you choose to travel alone?"

"That's a good question, I've had multiple occasions to join a crew or form my own but for better or for worse, being in a crew doesn't suit me." She thought about all the people she had encountered and traveled with. The one closest to being part of her crew was Sky. But Sky and her were more like companions in solitude than real crewmates. "Though I have to admit, I'm starting to get tired of my lifestyle, a change might be necessary."

She was getting tired of having to lie to people precious to her—Hina, Garp, Smoker namely. Switching between her three personas was also taxing on her mental health because as much as Nanko and Ko were extensions of her own personality, at the end of the day, she was still putting on an act. She had been doing so for the last 10 years and she was beginning to think about retirement.

The Revolutionary Army had grown a lot with her help and they had their own moles everywhere now, Nanko wasn't as needed. The only reason she hadn't stopped was because she couldn't bring herself to. She knew the moment her lie was revealed she would lose a lot.

So she continued to go with the flow, unwilling to uproot herself from the castle of lies she had built. Not yet, she told herself, it wasn't the right moment.

Nanko's relationships were genuine and the thought of losing all of them tore her apart. She was being selfish, and cruel. The longer the wound festered the worse the surgery needed would be.

And yet she couldn't do it. She wanted to postpone the inevitable disappointment they would direct at her, the anger, the hatred, the loathing, the rage. She couldn't fully imagine what Hina's patient face would look like if it morphed into one of loathing. She didn't want to.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now