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twenty :
quit it

"Quit involving yourself with Toman's mess again."


- YOU ARE RIGHT. You are not really surprised that Kazutora will be the one who'll occupy the vacant seat next to you. You are not surprised but you are disappointed.

Man, this is a very clinché event! And this ass- ehem.. Kazutora just stared at you while your teacher is discussing something. Of course, as a professional wannabe you ignored him. But you are really uncomfortable to have someone staring at you the whole time!

The bell rang and you looked at Kazutora. He tilted his head when he saw how you fixed the new pair of glasses that you've got earlier.

"You know that staring is quite rude, right? Hanemiya-kun?" You said with a closed eye smile. But Kazutora merely chuckle because of the name that you called him.

"You're not going to call me by that silly nickname that you gave to me before-"

"Who says that's silly?!" You cut him off. You shut your mouth when you saw how you and Kazutora got your classmates attentions. You sighed obviously annoyed with Kazutora's sweet smile.

"All right, what do you want?"

"Why are you wearing glasses? Are you trying to look like a smart student like Baji?"

"Oi, quit comparing me to that wannabe vampire! That's offensive!" You exclaimed causing Kazutora to slightly laugh. You two then stopped when a teacher entered the room. You sighed taking the history book from your bag.

"I missed you." You hummed softly when you heard those words escaped Kazutora's lips. Well, it's really been a while since you've last seen him. You must admit that you missed this guy's presence.

"Me too.."


Kazutora who just came back after buying some breads from the cafeteria stopped. There are many students standing in front of the door of his classroom. There's also some students looking inside- what's happening?

"What's happening inside?" He asked the girl standing in front of her. The girl then slightly blushed after seeing Kazutora's face. She swallowed her saliva then pointed inside.

"I'm not really sure b-but I heard that there's some ruckus happening inside.." she said with a low voice and Kazutora immediately thanked her. He made his way inside the room but he stopped after seeing the ruckus happening inside.

It was you. There's some bastard holding you in your collar. He's shouting some insults but you just remained silent.

Kazutora immediately became annoyed. He won't hesitate to beat this guy up right here if he doesn't know the meaning behind your expression. Kazutora just looked at the guy's figure with a very cold gaze.

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