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thirty seven:

"I told you, I'm a busy person so kindly fuck off."



Those are the words that Hiroshi's mother always says to him. To the point that it would be probably etched into his mind. The expression that his mother had every time she say those words. And the smile on her face as she looked at Hiroshi and his little sister.

So, he didn't do anything even though he knew that his kids were being abused. He can give them money or bring them the best doctors in the world. But deep inside, Hiroshi knew that he was wrong.

He keeps convincing himself that everything will be alright. Those kids won't hate him — they can't hate him. He wasn't that late.

But he knew that he was too late. If he acted like a father by the time those kids were born. Will he be able to make them happy? Yes, he hates their mother but those kids were different from her.

"Thank you."

He stopped peeling the apple in his hand. His gaze then landed on his daughter who comfortably lay on the hospital bed. She had a neutral expression on her face and her eyes were closed.

"What did you just say?"

"Thanks for visiting me, dad. It made me happy."

She said with a simple tone. But Hiroshi can see that she was sincere with her statement. An odd smile formed on Hiroshi's usually stoic face.

That time, he realized that he was really too late.

"Are you happy?" He suddenly asked handing (name) the apple. She immediately accept it as she took a bite from it.


Hiroshi wasn't there when his kids needed him the most. He wasn't there when they said their first word. He wasn't there when they took their first step. He wasn't there to watch them grow.

"Yeah, they may be annoying but I'm happy." (Name) smiled looking at the apple on her hands. "I also made a lot of friends just like what I promised to nee-chan."

Her simple words made Hiroshi hummed. He suddenly remembered what Tooru said to him before. "Being a parent is truly sublime, that's why I wanted you to feel that feeling."

"Then, that's good." He simply said slightly messing up with (name)'s hair.

(Name) didn't hate him but after hearing her statement, he knew that they couldn't be a family again. Since (name) was already contended with her new family and friends.

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