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Happy birthday Tooru 🎉🎊


birthday special :

"Dating Tooru-kun was the first decision that I made for myself. So no matter
what you would say, I won't break
up with him."



He couldn't get it. It was the first time that Fuyumi introduced him to her parents. But hell— by the time he entered their house. There's a brat named Emi who immediately clings to him.

And what was Tooru's reaction? He felt disgusted, of course!

But he couldn't get it. Unlike his family, Fuyumi's family was odd. It was as if Fuyumi parents and Emi acts like she didn't exist. They even tried to convince Tooru to break up with Fuyumi and date Emi instead.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He snapped out from his thoughts. Looking at the green-eyed man sitting on the chair in front of him. "You've sighed for the twentieth time."

"Wow, you've managed to count it." He said with a surprised tone causing the green-eyed man to irk. Hiroshi, Tooru's close friend shook his head because of disappointment. Why did he even try to ask this bastard about his problem?

"You know, Hiro."


Hiroshi who's eating a chocolate bar as he wrote something, hummed. "Fuyumi's family is too odd." Tooru then let go of the pen in his hand. His gaze then landed outside the coffee shop where they are.

"Fuyumi? Ah! You mean the girl that auntie asked how much does she needs for her to date you?"

"Yeah." Tooru sweatdrop, remembering that time when he introduced Fuyumi to his parents.

" Hey, Tooru. Don't expect that every family was like yours," Hiroshi suddenly said with a bitter tone that caught Tooru's expression. He rested his chin on his hand, looking at Hiroshi. "What do you mean?"

"Maybe Sāto-san's family isn't perfect just like yours."

Tooru's forehead wrinkled after seeing the bitter expression on Hiroshi's face. Ah, that's right— he forgot what his family condition was. "Sure."

Tooru answered with an awkward tone as he averted his gaze. He just remembered that unlike him, Hiroshi was being pressured by his parents. After all, he was the youngest member of the (Last Name) family.

'Haah, they are too complicated.'


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