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Congrats to myself for updating this book after a few months. I'm just busy with my school works since my classmates always asking me to write a script for our role playings and think a unique concepts for our music videos. Yes, I'm still alive and kicking, thank you.

And I hope you'll like this chapter since I really trieeddd to make a fluffy chapter :D



" man, you guys are so noisy so shut the fuck up ...”


After getting a call from her older sister. He was now on the playground with her. And by the time he arrived, he suddenly got a slap from her.

'That stings' the orange-eyed boy thought before he shrugged. 'Well, it's better than getting a punch from her...'

"... Do you think that I'm an idiot?"

"I'm not..." Akihiko answered as he touched his cheek. His lips then curled up as he looked at his older sister's beautiful bright green eyes. Those beautiful pair of eyes didn't lose their shine despite what she experienced. "I am well aware of your school achievements, nee-san." He added.

"Then why did you keep it a secret from me?" (Name) questioned as her bloodshot eyes looked at him. The smile on Akihiko's face dropped as his face became serious. Secret, huh? There's no way that he'll be able to say his secret to her.

Chuckling lowly, "I think you shouldn't worry for me right now, nee-san." The facade on his face disappeared. "I know that you're worried about me since I'm a member of Tenjiku. But y'know Izana more than me, right?"

The usual calm (name) felt chills run down her spine at her little brother's statement. He's right. Tenjiku confidently declared themselves as a 'criminal organization'. And (name) was aware of how much Izana hates Manjirou. And to destroy Manjirou, 'Emma...'

(Name) bit down her lower lip in irritation. She hates troublesome things, yet, she was currently stuck with troublesome fellows. Talking to Akihiko is a bad choice, this guy just added more stress to her mind.

"The time I leave here, I'm gonna be your enemy, nee-san." (Name) heard Akihiko mumbling in a gravelly tone. She looked at Akihiko and noticed that his hand were shaking. But what surprised her was when Akihiko suddenly engulfed her in a hug. "... What are y— tch."

Akihiko laughed a little before he buried his face in the crook of his sister's neck. He was scared, he knows that his sister easily get what he was trying to imply earlier. And for some reason, he felt as if it was a bad decision to tell her.

But after seeing his sister's face earlier. His mind became messy... And his mouth moves on its own. "You better be safe, nee-san..."

(Name) scoffed, "Of course, I will be. Since I'll be the one who will teach you a lesson, Akihiko."

'Yeah, I don't mind getting beaten up by you if it means that I'll be able to change your future, nee-san...'

THE TOP STUDENT , tokrev!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα