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tw : mentions of abuse, rape, pedophilia, blackmailing and Kyouya's dad.

This chapter contains Kyouya's backstory, Tooru being a chill uncle and Kyouya's dad being a disgusting fellow.


specials :

“ If you were my friend then I don't need any reason to help you, right? ”


Kyouya was way too mature for someone on his age.

He was too quiet and prefer being alone. It's not like he hates crowds, he just finds it too overwhelming. He was also too scared to make friends. Since they'll surely leave him once they knew about his family situation.

He was seven years old when he found something odd on his hair. He saw some white streaks on his hair, what is it? He doesn't know. The only thing that he knows was his sister and Ren will surely be worried once they knew about this. So he decided to make an excuse when Ren suddenly pointed out his hair. Thankfully, his siblings believed his reasonings.

Everything was fine in their house when Ren was there. But it all changed when Ren was out for school or to do some gang stuff. He doesn't blame Ren for this since it wasn't his fault. It was his father's fault.

"K-kyouya? Kyouya listen to me alright?"

"O-onee-chan! What happened to your cheeks?!"

"Sshhh, onee-chan is fine. So make sure not to tell Big bro about this alright?"

"B-but, why?! He's hurting you! Dad was hurting you!"

At first, Kyouya thought that his dad was only abusing his sister. So he kept quiet since he doesn't want Ren to get involved. Sine, it will be surely messy once Ren got involved with that matter. But, who would've expected that his dad wasn't just abusing his sister?

"Why are you looking at me like that!?! Hah?! You should've been thankful that I didn't abandon you and your brothers when your mother died after giving birth to that good-for-nothing kid!!! And now you're going to tattle to the police?!? Do you want me to kill your brothers, huh?!!?"

It wasn't just like that. It was too disgusting, his dad was too disgusting to the point that Kyouya wanted to puke every time he remembered that he was his father.

He couldn't do anything but cover his mouth and prevent himself from creating noise.

He was angry with his father and with himself. He can't do anything at that time since he was only an eight-year-old kid. How in the hell will he win against a fully grown adult? The only thing that he can do was to listen to his big sister's cry as his dad did the thing that he called 'education'. And his dad always make sure that Ren wasn't at home while he's doing that so-called education.


"Hmm? Kyouya? Hime? Why do you two look so tired? And what happened to your cheeks, Hime?"

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