You Baby sit her Baby L.J

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So here I was carrying little Oliver in my arms as Lauren was getting ready to leave for the day. She was going to go to some show thing with the girls and needed someone to babysit her baby. So I stepped in.

Lauren got pregnant when she was 19. Some dick head drugged her and got her pregnant. He is now in jail.

Anyway little Oliver got all his looks from his mother thank god. He even got the beautiful eyes. He is now 1 years old almost two.

What Lauren doesn't know is that I've been in love with her since we were kids. But she only looks at me as her best friend so yea. That sucks.

"How do I look?" I looked up and smiled at her. I literally would have dropped dead but I'm carrying a baby so that's a no no.

"You look beautiful. Like always." I smiled showing my dimples. She smiled and blushed. I looked down to that Oliver was playing with my strings from my hoodie. I smiled slightly and leaned down kissing his cheek. Which caused him to giggle.

I smiled. "You're a cute little one aren't ya. Yes are. Yes are." I said in baby voice causing him to giggle even louder. I looked up when Lauren got quiet. She was staring at us in awe and with something else in her eyes but I just shrugged it off.

"Hey you okay. You're going to be late." I said chuckling. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts and nodded.

"Okay I'll see you when I get back okay. I love you Oliver don't be bad for Y/NN okay." She kissed his head and looked down at me. "I'll see you when I get back." I smiled and nodded.

"Be careful. Have fun." She nodded and kissed my cheek before leaving the house. I felt my self blush. But she always did that.

"Okay little man how about we go watch Minions. Yea" He smiled and started clapping his hands Excitedly. I chuckled and made my way to the living room. Turning on the tv and putting the movie on.


After watching some more movies we got bored and started playing in the backyard. Lauren had this little playground for Oliver so he could play. So we were playing there. He was laughing quite loudly as I chased him around. He could somewhat walk he would stumble and fall on his butt here and there and would only laugh louder.

I picked him up swinging him in a little circle. Not only making him dizzy but also myself. I put him down and I fell on the ground. He climbed on me laid his his on my chest. I smiled and played with his hair.

"I love you baby boy." I whispered smiling closing my eyes. I felt him take a hold of my shirt with his little hands.

" 'ove to mama."  My eyes snapped open as I looked down at him only to see that he had a smile on his face with his eyes closed. He said mama. He called me mama. I felt tears forming but I tried not let them out.


Once I finished taking Oliver a little bath I cleaned him up and changed him into some cute pjs I bought him after butting on all baby stuff like diapers and lotion and all that stuff.

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