Charmed Part 2 : All

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It's been almost three months since I've been working with the charmed ones. We have been doing very well against demons, warlocks, evil witches and so much more. The girls trusted me which didn't come easy cause I was a demon but after I proved myself countless of times. They started to trust me.

We haven't heard from the source or the triad. Which wasn't good cause that meant they were, well are planning something.

The girls Dinah, Ally and Lauren. They have daily jobs. Well Ally and Lauren do. Ally runs a club and Lauren is a photographer. Dinah goes to college with me. Their white lighter Normani. She had some trouble trusting me but after I saved Ally from a demon. She had doubts that she couldn't trust me. Ally and Normani are dating so she was very grateful so were Dinah and Lauren.

In those three months I started to develop feelings for Lauren. I know she would never have feelings for me for two reasons. One she's dating someone and two I'm a demon. No mater how much good I do. I'll always be just a demon.

An evil person.

I sighed as I got up from where I was laying in my apartment. I had to go to class.

After a quick shower. I got dressed into some black jeans, a white t shirt, and my shoes. I quickly put on my jacket.

I picked up my backpack along with my keys and helmet

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I picked up my backpack along with my keys and helmet.

I walked outside locking my door making my towards my bike

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I walked outside locking my door making my towards my bike. I felt someone's presence behind me. I looked back to see no one. I gulped and picked up my pace. I quickly hopped on my bike and put on my helmet.


"Help!" I looked from where I stood. I was walking back to my bike since I was done with all my classes. I dropped my helmet and bag running towards the screaming. It was dark and any one was barely out.

I ran into an alley to see a girl on the floor. I quickly ran to her. "Hey are you okay?" She looked up with a smirk. Her eyes turning full black.

"Such a shame you had to go with your human side and not your demon side. Now you'll die like one of them." Before I could say anything I felt I shame pain coming from my lower stomach. I gasped in pain. I looked down to see a knife sticking out of my lower stomach.

The girl than disappeared I fell to my knees trying stop the bleeding. I took out my phone with shaking hands. I called Lauren hoping she'd pick up.

But then I felt my eyes get heavy. I heard her voice but it sounded so far away.


Lauren's POV

Throughout these three months that we have known Y/N. She's been a big, a very big help. The demons, warlocks and other bad guys we wouldn't have been able to take them down if it weren't for Y/N.

I know she's a demon but she really has been proving her self. Not all demons are bad. Mani has been talking to other white lighters and to higher people above about Y/N. They believe that a demon can turn good, help and protect the innocent. Y/N has proven that.

I don't that's she's a demon. I couldn't stop myself from developing feelings for her. She's the sweetest demon I know. Not mention that she saved Ally as well. If it weren't for Y/N Ally would have been dead.

We haven't heard from the triad or the source which is bad. Y/N said that have to be planning something big and that we have to be careful.


"This is bad. You girls have to be careful at all times." She said as she paced back and forth in the living room. I wanted to go over there and hug her. Tell her that everything was going to be okay but I didn't.

"Y/N relax, everything will be okay." Dinah said as she stood up and took Y/N's hand in hers.

"Just, I just need to make sure you girls stay safe." I stood up taking her other hand. She looked up at me slightly. I smiled reassuringly. "Will be okay. I promise." She sighed nodding.


I quickly snapped out of it when I felt my phone ring. I took out my phone to see that Y/N was calling me. I quickly answered with a smile on my face.

"Hi Y/NN what's up?" I furrowed my eye brows when I got no response in return.

"Y/N?" I stood up from where I was sitting. Then I heard whimpers. I then heard a groan in pain.

"Y/N? What's wrong? Where are you?" I quickly stood up but then I heard nothing.

"Dinah! Ally! Mani!" The three girls soon ran in the living room as I was putting on my jacket. "What? What's wrong?" Ally said as she looked at me worried.

"Y/N is in trouble we gotta go." They nodded and we quickly ran into my jeep. "Theres a chance she could be at the campus. She had classes today." Dinah said. I nodded and sped there.

She has to be okay.


"Look it's her bike." I quickly ran to her bike to see that her bag and helmet on the floor. I looked around to see if here was any sign of her but there wasn't. "Dinah-I got it." She took the helmet but got nothing. She then took the bag but nothing.

"Mani and Ally you two go that way. Dinah come on let's go this way. If you find beer call me." They nodded and walked away. Dinah and I quickly walked the other way.

We looked towards an alley to see someone on the floor. My heart stopped but my legs didn't. I quickly ran to the person to see that it was Y/N with a knife sticking out of her lower stomach.

"Y/N!" I cried as I dropped to my knees. I quickly picked her up Dinah following behind. We ran to the car calling Mani and Ally. They quickly came back since Mani could hear us from miles away.


"Mani do something." I cried as I took Y/N's jacket off. She looked so pale. Dinah soon came in with Y/N's bag and helmet. She quickly ran to us since we were in the living room.

"We'll have to take out the knife." I looked at Y/N's face and took out the knife. She whimpered in pain but her eyes were still closed. "Mani." Mani quickly put her hands out on each side where the wounds were. Light shinned from palms of her hands.

"Why isn't working?" I said as I saw that the wounds weren't healing. "Just wait. The wounds are deep it'll take some time." I held on to Y/N's hand.

Soon the wounds closed. I looked up at Y/N's face to see that she slowly opened her eyes. I let out a cry of relief. I quickly pulled her into a hug crying into her neck. I felt her arms wrap themselves around my neck.

"I-I'm okay."

"Y/N who did this?" I helped her sit up and quickly sat next to her. Wrapping my arm around her waist.

"She was sent from the source. They're out to kill me cause I've been helping you girls. You girls have to vanquish them as soon as you can." She said as she laid her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head.

"We will. We'll make sure they don't hurt you again okay." I said looking down at her. She looked up at me. My breath hitched at how close our faces were.

"Okay." She whispered.

I have to keep her safe.




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