I Thought Wrong: A.B

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Ally is my Wonder Woman 😍

Ally's POV

I smiled as I made my way towards the restaurant Y/N told me to meet her at. She said that she had this whole date planned out. I couldn't be more excited for this date. She's so sweet and I love I'm in love with her. I made my way into the restaurant that looked extremely fancy. I smiled politely at the girl. "Reservations for Y/LN?" The girl smiled and nodded. "Ah Ms.Brooke please follow me."

I don't know how long I've been sitting there but it's been a long time. I've called her almost twenty times already send over who knows how many times already. She stood me up. I can't believe after four years of dating she stood me up today. "Um I'm sorry Ms.Brooke but we're closing in 10 minutes." I sighed sadly and payed for the drink and small meal I had. Thanking the girl and walking back to my car.

As soon as I walked into my car I got a text from her.

Mylove💜😇: This won't work out anymore I have to go. I know this isn't the right way but this is the end of us. I'm sorry but this is goodbye

I felt my heart break in half. She broke up with me. After everything we've been through how cane she do this to me. She said she loved me. She said that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me. She said she would never hurt me. But she did. She left me. She broke up with me. She broke up with me over texts. I felt the tears escape my eyes and fall freely down my cheeks.


I quickly ran into our shared apartment only to see that it was the same I quickly ran up stairs hoping that this was some sort of cruel joke. But I stopped when I saw that her things were gone everything was gone. I dropped to my knees crying my heart out.

I took out my phone with shaking hands and called the girls. Once they agreed to come over I hung and just stayed there crying. I don't know how long I've been there just crying but soon enough I heard the girls voices.


"Smallz where are you?"

"Ally mama?"

I wanted to reply and tell them that I'm here but I couldn't. I heard their steps rushing upstairs. The door opened and I heard them gasps. I then felt arms wrap around me putting my head on their chest I cried even harder. Feeling them hug me tighter. "H-How c-can sh-she do th-this to m-me?"


I don't know how long it's been since I last saw Y/N. A week or two. I haven't heard from her at all. I shouldn't care. I know I shouldn't care she broke my heart. She didn't hesitate. I should hate her. Hate her for breaking my heart. But I can't. I love her still. I still fucking love her.

"Ally please you have to stop this. I know you love her but that bitch broke your heart as much as we thought we knew her we thought wrong. The Y/N we thought we knew wouldn't have just left you there. Left you like this." I looked up at Lauren who gave me a sad smiled. She pulled me into a hug.

"H-How did you get o-over Lucy?" I asked as I felt her tense. She then sighed. "That's different Ally I was the one who broke her heart. I haven't spoken her since that day. I tried calling her a few days ago but her phone was disconnected. I tried everything to get in contact but it's like she disappeared she doesn't want anything to do with me. I haven't gotten over her. I don't think I'll ever will." I sighed and just hugged her back.

She broke me. She doesn't deserve my love.


One Week Before

I looked down at my bow tie that I was having a lot of trouble putting it on. How the hell do you put these things on. I should have bought a clip on. Like seriously. Your probably wondering where I'm going. Well I am going on a date with my beautiful girlfriend Ally Brooke. I mean you may know her. Anyway Ally and I have been dating for four years now. She only a year older than me but that didn't matter. Today is the day. The day that I'm going to ask her to marry me. I smiled and looked down at the engagement ring that I bought. She'll love it. I'm sure of it.

After I finally put on my bow tie I did a little happy dance. I got my things and walked down stairs. But then there were knocks on the door. "I'm going." I called out as I jogged towards the door. "How can I-" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.


I groaned as I opened my eyes. I reached for head but was stopped when something stoped me. I looked down to see that I was tied to a chair. What the hell? I pulled on the ropes but every pull made them tighter around my wrist.

"Oh look who's awake." Some said followed by them punching me in the face. I could say anything cause my mouth was tapped. After that punch it was followed by more. Until I started seeing dark spots. That's when he stopped. He roughly grabbed my cheek making me look at him. But I could barely open my eyes.

"With the money I get from you and that other bitch I'm going to be so rich." He then punched me again causing me to black out.




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