Lost: L.J

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You are Three in this one


The little one smiled as she held her mothers hand. They were at the mall shopping along with her aunties. "Hey little one do you want this." Y/N looked up to see one of her aunties holding up a small stitch bear. Y/N smiled big showing some cute dimples nodding. She reached for the little stitch but the blonde shook her head.

"Let's go pay for it." Y/N nodded. She tugged on her mothers shirt causing Lauren to look down with a smile.

" 'an I 'o wi't Dee?" Lauren smiled and nodded. Y/N smiled and wobbled a bit towards Dinah. Dinah smiled and picked her up.


Dinah looked as she handed Y/N stitch. Y/N was looking down at the bar. Dinah saw the big group of girls and boys running towards the store. Dinah quickly picked the small child and ran towards Lauren, Ally and Dinah.

"They're here. Someone found we were here." Dinah said as she looked down at the small child that was in here arms. Who had no idea what was happening. Lauren quickly took Y/N in her arms and got the girls hoping they'd leave before anything crazy would happen. They sneaked out the back and ran around. But once they reached we're near the parking lot they heard all the screams from the fans.

"M-Mommy?" The little one whimpered. Lauren held on the her daughter tightly. "It's ok-" Lauren quickly looked up when she heard the screams get louder. Before her or the girls could even do anything the much bigger group came running towards them. Normani quickly took Ally's hand to make sure they stuck together. Dinah grabbing Normani's and Lauren's as well.

It all happened so fast. One second Lauren is holding her daughter but the next someone ripped the little one out of her arms. Lauren screamed and tried to push her way out of the mob of boys and girls. Tears filling her eyes she same a man in a black hood run off with the smaller girl. Lauren could hear her daughter's cries and screams for her but she couldn't get to her.


The little girl looked down at her dirty hands. She's been living in a box for the past two months. She got lost one day when she went out with her mother and her aunts and ever since that day she's been on her own. The man that took her just beat her and left her in an alley.

The little girl curled up in a ball she was cold, hungry and hurt. Just a couple of hours ago she was spent getting a beating from a complete stranger. The little one looked up at the moon her mother once said 'that if you ever feel alone or I'm not there. Look up at the moon I'll be doing the same thing to cause I know you'll be doing the same.' Even though the little one was only three years old she was pretty smart for her age. Just not smart enough to go back home.

She remembered that she was on plane. Her mom and aunts brought her to a tour. She thinks she's in London, Britain? She knows she's not in the states like she's supposed to. She knows that's where she's from.

The little girl held her stomach from pain and hunger. Every time her stomach would growl it would hurt. She felt her eyes getting watery. She wanted to go home. She wanted her mom. She missed her mom.

The little one slowly got up and looked up at the sky to see that it started to rain. She wrapped her small arms around her chest to try and keep warm. She stumbled as she walked out of the alley. She looked around to see that the streets were empty.

The first night she had to stay in the streets she was scared shitless. She couldn't close her eyes without snapping them open every little noise she heard. She still is scared to stay by herself but not as much as she was the first nights.

She walked down the streets when she saw something on the pole. She slowly made her way towards the pole seeing a picture of a little girl that looked a lot like her.

Y/N Jane Jauregui
3 years old
Height: 34.2 (86.8 cm)
Weight: 27.5 lb. (12.5 kg)

Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Emerald Green

If seen please call- 916-123-4321
Reward: $1,000,000

The little one furrowed her eyebrows tilting her head to the side. She didn't know how to read. But she did now that name. That was hers. She sighed and kept on walking. It was dark and she was the only one walking at this time of day. Let alone that it was storming and there was no cars around.

She limped as she went to cross the street with her head down cause of the rain and thunder she didn't hear the on coming car.


The past two months Lauren had been devastated. Her little girl was taken from her. Right I front of her, right from her arms she was gone.

The girls were still with Lauren in Britain the past two months none of them wanting to leave Lauren nor did they want to leave with out Y/N.

Once word got out that someone took Lauren Jauregui's child all hell broke loss. Fans that weren't there were, are pissed that the fans let something like this happened. The album that was supposed to be released this month was postpone until they find Y/N.

Lauren sat on her bed putting on her shoes to make yet another check around the streets of Britain. It was dark, yes. It was storming, yes. But nothing was going to stop her from finding her daughter even if it was the last thing she'd do. She stood up and grabbed the keys for the truck.

She opened her door only stop to see Dinah holding the small stitch that Dinah got Y/N the day she was taken. "Din-I'm going with you babe." Dinah said as she took Lauren's hand in hers. Lauren sighed as she felt the tears build up yet once again. Dinah pulled Lauren into a hug wrapping her arms around the older ones waist. Lauren wrapped her arms around Dinah's neck as she cried softly.

"We'll find her Laur. We will. I promise." Before Lauren had a chance to say anything Dinah spoke up again. "Come on the girls are waiting. I'll drive."


Dinah held Lauren's hands in one hand as the other hand held the wheel. She looked around the empty streets to see no one in view. She looked at Lauren who was looking out her window. Same with Ally and Normani.

"Dinah watch out?!" Dinah quickly looked in front of her to see a small child walking crossing the street. She slammed on the breaks gripping the wheel with both hands. She looked up to see the child standing in front of the truck with a scared look on her face. Dinah looked closely at the child and her eyes widen.

"Is that?- Y/N!" Lauren quickly got out of the car.

The little girl looked up her heart feeling like it stopped. "M-Mommy?" She said barely above a whisper. Lauren couldn't help but to cry. "Y-Y/N." Lauren quickly ran towards her child who also ran to her. Once Lauren was in reach she dropped to her knees as Y/N ran into her arms wrapping her small arms around. Lauren's neck.

Lauren held her little girl tightly crying harder when she felt three more set of arms.

"Come on baby we're taking you home."


Not the ending I wanted 🤷🏽‍♀️


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