AITL Part 2: L.J

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Dinah sat on her desk singing softly as she drew. She didn't hear anyone walk in but then she felt a sudden coldness. Like cold breeze but she knew that all the windows were closed. She shivered looking up only to jump frighten. "Shit Y/N you scared the shit out of me. I didn't hear you come in. What are doing here? Not that I'm saying that I don't want you here cause I do but where's Lauren." She asked as she set the pin down. She looked up at Y/N since she was sitting down.


Dinah frowned when she heard such a broken voice. She stood up. "Y/NN what's wrong?" The taller girl asked worried for her best friend. The taller girl looked into the shorter girls eyes but they looked so distant, like she wasn't even there. "Y/N?"

"I need you to promise me something."

Dinah furrowed her eyebrows at the sound of the shorter girls voice. Her voice sounded almost like a whisper. Dinah nodded. She was is confused on why her best friend was acting like this. "Of course Y/NN anything. What is it?" She asked the worried-ness she felt was only going growing.

"Promise me what ever happens you'll look after Lauren. That no matter what she says you'll stay by her side."

Dinah looked confused and now even more worried. What the hell is going on? Is what she was thinking. "Y/N of course I promise but what's wrong. Did you and Lauren break up? What's going on-" she was cut off by her phone ringing. She groaned and looked at who was calling to see that it was Lauren. "Y/N Laur-" She looked up only to stop talking when she saw that no one was in the room with her anymore. "Y/N?" She called out by got no reply. She didn't even hear her walk out.

"Lauren what's wrong?" Dinah asked as she opened the door to look both ways to see if Y/N was around cause she couldn't be far. Well that's what she thought. "D-Dinah it's Y-Y/N. Sh-She got i-into a a-accident." Dinah froze feeling her heartbeat stop as well. She couldn't be at the hospital she was just here. She was here. She was talking to me just now. She couldn't be. Was what Dinah was thinking. "B-But wh-what h-how- Dinah please I need you."

Dinah quickly said she'd be there as soon as she can. The tall blonde got her keys and ran down stairs hoping and praying that her best friend was okay.


Lauren sat at the waiting room tears still falling freely down her cheeks. This couldn't be happening it couldn't. She couldn't lose the love of her life like this. She couldn't. After everything they have been through together. "Lauren!" Lauren looked up to see Dinah. She quickly went towards Dinah meeting her halfway. The taller girl quickly hugged Lauren like her life depended on it. They were both confused. How was Y/N on a hospital bed fighting for her life when not even an hour ago they both spoke to her.

They both sat in waiting room now with Ally, Normani, their families and a few friends. They've been waiting for quite a while now and they were losing patience. They needed to know what was happening and how Y/N was doing. They needed to know if she was alive or dead. They were all hoping for the best. But they didn't know. How could they not one single doctor has spoken to them.


"She'll make it."

"But doctor she's already lost a lot of blood."

"I know she'll make it go and get a blood transfusion she's a AB negative. Make it quick."

The nurse quickly nodded and ran out of the room running to the waiting room. "Y/N Y/LN?" She called out everyone in the waiting room stood up. "How is she." Everyone asked. The shook her head. "She needs a blood transfusion she has lost a lot of blood. If anyone here is AB- please she needs- I'm a AB-." Everyone turned around to see someone they thought they would have never would have seen here.

"Miss Cabello please follow me we have to do this quickly." The nurses rushed the old bandmate into another room. Once the nurse was done with blood transfusion she gave Camila juice and the snack. Thanking the the girl and rushing off back to the ER.

Camila slowly walked back to her old group of friends. Before they could say a thing she did. "I heard on the news what happened. I was in the state and u wanted to make sure she was okay but when I walked in doctor said that she needed a blood transfusion or she wouldn't make so I-" Camila was cut off with her green eyes old friend going to her and pulling her into a hug. A very much needed hug. Camila felt her eyes water some tears escaping. "I-I'm s-so s-sorry." The old bandmate felt horrible for leaving how she did. She did want to leave but not like that. She left when they needed her the most. They needed their best friend but she left and she felt horrible about it.

The five girls stayed in each other's embrace for next hour or two. It was quiet. Even for a hospital it was quiet. They wanted to hope for the best and that everything was going to be okay. But they weren't for sure. They didn't want to get their hopes up so high just to have them crash down and leaving with a broken heart.

"Y/N Y/LN?"

Lauren's POV

I quickly stood up hearing her name. I rushed over to the doctor who was wearing scrubs but they were bloody. I felt my heart tighten. Please please be okay. "I-Is she okay?" I asked hopefully. The doctor smiled slightly and nodded. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. My baby is okay. She's okay.

"She's stable for now. If it weren't for this young lady Ms.Y/LN wouldn't have made it. Her left leg and arm are broken she also had a four fractured ribs when the other car crashed into her side of the vehicle a piece of medal punctured her lower stomach we had trouble removing the medal with out killing her which is why she lost a lot of blood. Ms.Y/LN is in room 5H-05." He smiled and walked away. I looked at Camila and quickly pulled her into a hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." She hugged me back just as tight as I cried tears of happiness.

My baby was okay. She's okay.


Boom Boom and Por Favor are my jam like I am still jammin out to them.

And Ally as Wonder Woman 😍😍😍



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