ITW 3: A.B

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"Y/N?" I tried to open my eyes. But I couldn't the pain I felt it was getting too much. "Y/N please open your eyes. I can't lose you." Come on Y/N open your eyes. You're not finished yet. There's no way. "Y/N please." I whimpered in pain I opened my eyes to see the camera was still recording. "L-Lucy." I was cut off by a cough that was mixed with blood.

"Just hold..hold on." I weakly turned my head to see that she was trying to get out of her rope. I looked down at the knife that was still in my lower stomach. My white shirt was stained from the blood. I felt so weak. The only thing holding me up was the rope that was tied to my wrist. "Yes." Before I could look towards were Lucy was but she wasn't there. I then felt warm hands on my cheeks. "Keep those eyes open okay."

I then felt my weight fall making me whimper in pain cause of the knife. "I got you.." I then I felt a sharp pain causing me to bite my lip drawing blood on how hard I bite it. I then felt something on my wound and something being tide over it. I then felt her start to cary me. "Y-You.....can't....t-take mme.....I'll....I'll only....I'll only down."

"I'm not leaving you. So shut up."


"Lucy got out of the ropes." I heard Lauren say. I quickly ran to the tv while still on the phone with Y/N's mom. I ran into the living room to see that Lucy was out of the ropes. She quickly but limped her way to Y/N who looked to be very weak. "Keep those eyes open." Lucy said untying the ropes with shaking hands. She was in pain as well but she was still trying to get Y/N.

"They found where the broadcast was airing. Come on." Lauren said as she got my hand and rushed us out of the house. "Lauren the officer said-I don't care what that officer said the love my life and best friend are in danger and need our help. We're going."


"Come Y/N we have...we have to find a way out of here." Lucy panted as she held on to the younger girls waist and arm that was over her shoulder. Lucy made her way down the hall toward the door that was at the end. Praying that it was an exit or a door that lead to an exit. She felt her eyes well up with tears feeling like her body was giving up on her. "L-Lu..ucy y-you.....h-have-No Y/N I'm-I'm not l-leaving you." Lucy with one cried as she with a lot struggle opened the door. She squinted her eyes at the brightness having been in doors for what felt like a long time. Her eyes were sensitive.

She quickly with all the little strength she had she lead the younger girl out of the building. She limped out almost dragging the younger girl with her. Not wanting to leave her there to die. She lead her to the empty field. There was nothing for miles. Lucy knew. She knew.

They weren't going to make it.


"Come on step on it." The older bandmates told the younger one. "I'm trying Ally but the cops beat us to it. Look they blocked the road." Dinah pointed ahead. She stopped the car when the police officer stopped them. "You're-Ladies we said we had this what were you going to do once you go there? Sing them to safety?" The cop shook his head. "We have this please go back. We don't need more in danger." Ally felt herself get stuck she wanted to go to her girl but she couldn't.

And the cop was right. What was she going to do once she got there. Besides but herself in danger.


"Did you really think you could run from me?" The man yelled from behind the Lucy. Her heart quicken as she picked up the pace. She could hear the dry grass being stepped on from behind her. "Look around. There's no where to run." Lucy ignored the mans voice.

But then there was a loud bang. Followed by Y/N's weight falling completely on to the dry grass taking Lucy down with her as well. "No!" Lucy yelled as she got up hissing in pain as she crawled towards the younger girl. Lucy looked down seeing that there was exit wound on the younger girls leg. Lucy quickly took the shirt she hand with shaking hands ripped it and wrapped it around the younger girls leg. "Stay...stay with me, Y/N. Please."

"Aw such a sham-Kyle Parks put the gun down!" I loud voice said as officers and SWAT members pointed their guns at the man. Kyle looked around his smirk fading. Lucy kept her eyes on the younger girl who was looking up at the sky blankly.

"Y/N? Y/N look at me." Lucy said as she looked down at the younger. "L-Luc?" The Y/HC haired girl looked at the older girl with a small smile on her face. "I-I'm.......o-okay." Lucy looked back up at the officers to see that they arrested the kidnapper.

"The chopper is here." Paramedic quickly got to the younger and Lucy getting them on the chopper and taking them to the hospital quickly. Hoping that it wasn't too late for the younger girl.


Lucy opened her eyes trying to sit up but stopping when she felt wires connected to her. She looked around to see the IV. She sat up hissing slightly but was stopped when she felt hands on her shoulders. She looked up and felt her breath hitched. "L-Lauren?" She closed her eyes and opened them again. Lauren smiled with tears rolling down her heels and carefully hugged the girl she was very much in love with.

"I'm so glad you're okay." The green eyes beauty cried. As she hugged the girl on the hospital bed not letting go afraid she'd disappear.


Ally held on to the hand she thought she'd never hold again. Ally couldn't let go. She won't. She was scared. Scared that if she did let go Y/N wouldn't be here. Ally looked at the girl who was laying on the bed with wires connected her. The face she was and still is in love with was almost unrecognizable. The younger girls face was covered with bruises and cuts.

"Y/N I love you. I'm so sorry for thinking that you actually did leave me for someone else. I'm so sorry for believing that you'd leave me like that. I'm so sorry for everything I said." Ally looked at Y/N's face and gently kissing her cheek.

"I'm right here Y/NN, I'm not going anywhere."


If you haven't already y'all should go check out my new Normani/You fanfic. It's called Believe. Go check it out and tell me what you think



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