Assistant: N.K

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"Here's your water Ms.Kordei." I said handing Normani her water. I've been her personal assistant for almost five months now. "Thank you Y/N and how many times do I have to tell you, call me Normani." I smiled shyly and nodded sitting down on the far couch so I could take care of all her meetings and such. I just had to make sure she arrived to meetings and made sure that she was with everything.

I typed away on my computer fixing schedules answering emails and calling people who wanted set up meeting with Normani. I kept on typing until I saw that Normani was picking up her bag walking towards me. "Y/N I'm all done. We should go to that dinner-Actually they cancelled so you got the rest of today off." I said with a smile looking up at her. She smiled and nodded. "Okay well how about we go get some dinner and I get to know you better. I already your a hard worker and your good at what your do but I want to know you as a friend." She said with a smile. My shyness kicked in and I nodded shyly. "Uh okay if that's what you want." She smiled and nodded. I quickly packed my things.


"Wait your telling me that you fell on a cake wearing high heels on?" I smiled slightly still feeling my cheeks heating up. I nodded. She covered her mouth trying to stifle her laugh but ended up laughing. "Oh my god. That's why I never see you wearing high heels." She continued to laugh wiping her tears from her eyes. "God Y/N that just made my day. You know if you weren't my assistant you could easily be a comedian." She laughed slightly. I smiled and shook my head.

"You know Y/N you've been my assistant for almost a year now and this is the first time I've actually sat down with you and had a good talk. You're always so professional around me. Don't get me wrong I like that but I also want you to be a friend." I smiled and nodded "I'd like that."


"Wow this place is nice." Mani said as she made her way into my apartment. After the dinner I invited her over to my place. I smiled as she looked around the apartment. "Thank you. Make yourself at home while I make us some tea." She nodded and sat on the couch.

Throughout the time she was here we talked more and watched some movies. We were both seated on couch our shoulders touching. "You know I hate how it took me so long to talk to you." I turned my head slightly to see that she was already looking at me. I smiled thanking god that it was dark in here cause if it wasn't I'm sure she would see my cheeks getting bright red. "I always thought you were nice I just thought you were always working and I also didn't want to bother you." I smiled and chuckled. "Well I'm glad you did talk to me. Cause I'm too shy. And you're also my boss."

"Well I'm glad I hired you. Not only are you a great PA but also a great person to talk to." She smiled at me and leaned over to peck my cheek. From the time I've worked for Normani I've learned that she's a very affectionate with friends. So I can't over think it when she does something like that. Plus she's my boss. She doesn't like me like that.


It's been four months since the dinner thing with Normani. Throughout the for months Normani and I got real close. Our friendship grew. It wasn't just about work when we saw each other. On some days when she wouldn't be that busy we would hang out and just talk. Right now she's working on photo shoot. I'm here in her dressing room working on her schedule.

"So Y/NN how would you like to go to Grammy's with me. The girls are taking their own dates and I don't want to go solo. So I thought why not take you with me. That's if it's alright with you." I stopped typing once she said 'like to go.' She can't be serious. Me. Me. She wants me to go with her. To the Grammys.

"Me?" She chuckled and nodded. "Yes. And don't worry about anything I'll make sure you have dress and make and all that other stuff done. Please go with me." She made that face that she knew I couldn't say no to. "Please go with me Y/NN." I sighed and nodded. She squealed and clapped her hands. "Yay. Okay I'll make sure you have everything. This is going to be awesome. You'll see." Before I could answer she was already out the door.


I ran my hands over the red dress Normani got me. I just got done doing my hair and makeup. To say that I look like a complete different person is an understatement. I'm even wearing heels. That's something I wouldn't have done that. I hate wearing heels. But it's also not every year that I'm going to the freaking Grammys. So I have to look good. For Normani.

I shook my head and picked up my small purse. Mani said she'll pick me up. Normani and her bandmates are set to preform at the Grammys so that amazing. I'll be sitting with Ty, Will and Simone. I got up and walked towards the door when I heard the bell. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey ar-Wow." I felt my cheeks heat up when her eyes moved up and down. "You look...beautiful." She smiled and she looked at me. "Come on we don't want to be late." She held out her hand for me to take. I smiled and took her hand. Ignoring the feeling I got when our hands touched.


"Damn Mani who's the girl you brought with you?" Normani looked up with a smile at the mention of you. "Oh hi Solana. That's Y/N." She said with a smile as she looked at you. You were talking with Simone. "Damn ain't that you're assistant." Ty asked as he looked at the younger girl. Bebe nodded as well. "Yea you could do so much better. Have someone who's on your level. Not someone who works for you and can't maintain ya either." "Plus She ain't used to the spotlight. What makes you think she ain't with you just for the money. It's different for Simone her dad is Dwayne Johnson." Ty said.

Normani felt her heart stop a little. They were right. The relationship she should only have with Y/N is strictly business.

"Hey Mani here's the water you wanted." Normani cleared her throat. "Thanks Y/N. That's it for today. You can go home. I won't need your assistance anymore." With that Normani turned around and walked away. Leaving a confused, hurt and lonely girl behind.


If you haven't already y'all should go check out my new Normani/You fanfic. It's called Believe. Go check it out and tell me what you think



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