💖Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Mide drove back to his house alongside Mrs Peters. He carried Ebun in his arms into his room and his mother followed them. He laid her on the bed.

"Is there anything you'll want the help to make for you, any special requests?" Lady Adebimpe and  Ebun gave a gentle nod.
"Tea would be okay Ma"
"Sure dear" she smiled then she held Mrs Peters by the arm. "Let's leave the Love birds alone, I'll take you to your room"

"Good night dear" She said and Ebun forced a smiled.

"Good night Mom" she answered and they both left.

"Why is the environment tensed? Is there anything I should know" Lady Adebimpe asked and Mrs Peter faked a chuckle. "I think it's best you talk to Ayomide"

"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat? You must be starving" Mide said to Ebun and she shook her head. "I don't have the apetite to eat anything"

"Come on dear! You're a doctor and you know the importance of having food in your stomach to get strength."

"What's the point of eating? I'm dead already"

"Ebun!" He snapped and she laughed touching chest in pain, her laughter must have have caused some kind of strain on her ribs.  She kept a straight face still. "I haven't heard you call me by my name, not since we started dating. You must be really angry"

"Don't joke about stuffs like this,"

"It's going to happen eventually and I want you to start getting used to it" "I can't get used to it"

"You have to Mide! For our sakes, for my sake. I don't want to come back again, I can't afford to"
"I don't think I ever want to be with anyone apart from you"
"You can with Miracle, I don't want  Kike!" She asked and he wondered why she would even bring Kike into the discussion again like she did earlier on at Tawa's house.

"Why would you even bring her up again?"

"You think I didn't notice the move your mother played at the hospital? Oh i did and I know she already found you a replacement after I'm gone!"

"I don't want to be with Kike either, I'm not attracted to her, I'm only attracted to you"
"Can we talk about this?"
"Let me guess, about that arrogant woman"
"She has a name"
"And I don't freaking care about what her name is! My answer still remains no! She can't even apologize for her wrong doings, I don't see myself moving on with something as egocentric as she is"

"You two did have a little chemistry going on the other day"

"Are you sure you're not deluded from taking those drugs?" He asked taking off his shirt and she chuckled.

"Come here hot stuff" she bit her lips patting the bed and he climbed on the bed looking into her eyes.

  They kissed each other slowly and he wrapped his hands around her waist.

"She's really pretty"

"Seriously Ebun!"

"She has nice shape too, don't you ever glance at her hour glass shape"

"I really don't care about how any other girl looks as long as they're not my girlfriend. You're the hottest woman I know" he answere kissing him.

"I'm ever devoted to you"  he added and her heart raced in fear.  "With this behavior, i'm definitely going to come back. God help me"

"Maybe if you come back early, I can find you and get married to you"
"Look at this old man oh. He wants to commit child abuse" she snapped and he laughed.  "You might even be forty years old before I come back, I don't know in whose womb I'll be coming back in, it might be in the womb of one woman in Katsina"

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