32: Derrek Dune Is Derrek Done For

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"I'm going to kill that jerk, Tiara. I promise you." Naborhi swore and I stared at her confused.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, wondering what they were all going on about and why they didn't just spit it out.

"Derrek's cheating on you." Naborhi announced and I felt a weird, uncomfortable feeling in my chest. The bad news hadn't been my worst case scenario but was I expecting to hear this? Derrek wasn't really my fiancé so technically, he was cheating on his girlfriend with me, so, why did I feel terrible?

"You can't just say it like that." Tosin scowled at my annoyed friend who rolled her eyes.

"Is there a better way to tell someone that their fiancé's cheating on them? Come on, tell me. I'd love to hear it." Naborhi said and Tosin looked offended at her rude tone.

"Don't take that tone with me!" She warned Naborhi who gave a slight smirk. She had just realized that she had annoyed Tosin and she was planning on annoying her further. I knew her well enough to know how she thought. Even after so many years she was still exactly the same.

"Is there an 'or what' coming after that? Cause I'd love to hear that too."

"I know what you're trying to do, Ana." Tosin gave a humorless laugh as she wagged her finger at Naborhi knowingly. "It's not going to work this time." Tosin knew her antics as well.

"Do what? What is it I'm doing, Tosin?" Naborhi began circling the shorter woman. "Are you a mind reader to know what I'm about to do? Please, explain to the class in detail what it is I'm about to do."

"This is not the time, Ana. We're diverting from what's important." Tosin said, turning to me. "Tiara." She gestured to me and all three girls turned to me. I forced a smile.

"Ugh! I hate Derrek for doing this to you, my darling." Tosin said, walking over to me and wrapping her arms around me.

"Just say the word and I'll take him out." Naborhi added, throwing her arms around both of us. "I'll do it for free too." She sounded like she was joking about killing Derrek but a part of me actually believed she would do it.

"And I'll help you with the revenge plan by exposing his cheating self to the world and crumbling his business." An unfamiliar voice added as extra hands wrapped around me. I pulled away from the girls and stared at Rachel who still had her hands stretched out.

"Wait, what?"

"Rachel's helping us with the revenge plan." Tosin informed and I arched an eyebrow at her in question.

"What revenge plan? When did we ever agree on a revenge plan?"

"Right now." Naborhi said. "All in favour of exerting revenge on Derrek and ruining his business, say Aye."

"Aye!" All three women chorused, raising their right hands.

"All opposed?" I voiced. "Nay, nay, nay!" I yelled, putting up my hands.

"The Aye's have it." Naborhi announced, giving Tosin and Rachel high fives.

"No!" I disagreed. "There will be no revenge plan against my fiancé! This could all be a misunderstanding." I hated that Derrek hadn't given me a heads up on the matter but I didn't want to destroy his image and business to get back at him.

"Rachel's source is legit, Tiara. Derrek's two timing you." Tosin said and the other girls nodded in confirmation.

"I don't believe it but even if he did have a girlfriend, I still—"

"Girlfriend? He doesn't have a girlfriend, Tiara, he's freaking engaged!" Naborhi informed and my eyes grew wide as saucers.

"WHAT?" I practically screamed and the girls nodded. He was engaged? He was engaged! What in the fried plantain?

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