15: Beggars Aren't Choosers

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I got to the airport about an hour after Ruby had landed but it wasn't on purpose. I had overslept and the Lagos traffic had only made things worse. I was at the airport anyway and fully prepared for Ruby's rants. I had even brought earphones to help tune her out when the rants became too much for me to handle.

I searched around for Ruby as I soon as I got to arrivals. I couldn't call her cause we'd never exchanged numbers and I'd never needed her number until now.

After a few minutes of searching, I felt my phone buzz in my jeans pocket and I took it out to see Tosin's name on my screen. I groaned. I had been avoiding her ever since she asked about the double date we were supposed to have. I felt bad for it but I couldn't think of a good enough excuse to give. I had hoped to sort everything out with Derrek before contacting her but things had gone down town since then.

"Hey, Tee! What's up?" I answered and I was greeted by Tosin's yelling.

"Don't what's up me oh!" She yelled, sounding offended. "You haven't picked any of my calls this past week and you haven't replied my texts either! What kind of a friend are you? I'll answer that for you. A shitty ass friend!"

"I'm sorry, Tee. This week has just been really crazy." I apologize and I heard her hiss, causing me to let out a groan. She was never going to forgive me for this. She was surely going to make me beg on my knees before forgiving me.

"Apology not accepted. I hate you." She hissed again. "However, you can make it up to me at dinner tomorrow. I'll send you the reservations. You better not be late."

"Dinner?" I couldn't recall setting up a dinner date with her, so, what had she been talking about?

"The double date, silly. Derrek invited Alex and I to dinner." She clarified and I became even more confused. "Anyway, I'll be expecting my apology in the form of a box of white chocolate. See you tomorrow!" She hung up, leaving me utterly confused.

When had Derrek set this up and when was he planning on telling me?

I was pulled out from my thoughts when I felt a sharp poke on my arm. Rubbing the spot that stung, I looked sideways to see an annoyed looking Ruby staring back at me.

"You're late."

"It was traffic."

"Of course it was." She rolled her eyes before turning around to grab her luggage. She rolled it over to me and let go, flicking her black, wavy eighteen inch wig over her shoulder. "Bring my bags." She ordered and started towards the exit.

I stared at her in disbelief as she strutted away in her black jeans and white Nike shoes. She had really just commanded me like I was her slave. Just who did she think she was?

I took a step away from her bags with the intention of abandoning them but then I recalled my dad's words from yesterday. Ruby was surely going to complain to my dad if I didn't help her out and although I wouldn't have cared if she had, I was just not in the mood for drama today. I had enough going on.


"Aunty Taye!" Ruby exclaimed as my mom opened the door. She put on a grin and stretched out her arms to hug my mom who seemed happy to see her. It was so sad how my parents never saw her for who she really was.

"Ruby, my dear! How are you?" Mom asked as she pulled away from the hug. "You're looking so beautiful, ah an! That your boyfriend must be taking good care of you. What is that his name again?"

"Dayo but we're not together anymore."

"Oh, it is well. What happened? He was such a nice boy."

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