74: I Would Never Do That

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Silence filled the room as I stared at Zahrah who stared at the ground with her head bowed and her fingers interlaced on her thighs. I could hear the sound of my heart beating in my chest as I waited nervously for Zahrah's response.

Zahrah had seemed excited to see me finally after so many years and under other circumstances I would have been excited to see her as well, however, the reason of my visit wasn't for the sake of a reunion.

The moment I had asked Zahrah about the interrogation, her face fell and she became silent. I hadn't even asked her if she had given a false testimony to the detective and she already couldn't look me in the eye.

Ziora who was seated beside me, glanced in my direction and I met her eyes to see a look of disappointment in them. She must have thought Zahrah was guilty as well.

"I'm sorry, Tiara!" Zahrah finally spoke up and began to sob. She placed her face in her hands as she continued to cry.

"Zahrah, how could you?" Ziora yelled and it only made Zahrah cry even louder. I held Ziora back as she parted her lips to speak and she scoffed, shaking her head as she glared at Zahrah.

I felt tears sting at my eyes and blinked multiple times to push back the tears. Zahrah really had been the one to betray me. I never would have thought in a million years that she would have done this to me and for what? Did she have some kind of grudge against me that I was unaware of? I'd always been a good friend to her, so, why had she betrayed me like this? I had wanted to ask her all the questions running through my mind and then some but I pressed my lips together to stop myself from speaking as I tried to get my emotions under control. My anger was starting to rise but unlike it had been in the past, I didn't want to play the offense. I was tired of fighting.

"This is so stupid!" Ziora said, enraged as she got up to her feet. "Are you really out to betray all your friends? Who are you really? How could you do this to Tiara of all people?"

Zahrah lifted her head to glance at me and I looked away unable to look at her. I was angry but I was sadder. I wanted to yell at her and tell her that I never wanted to see her again, then again, I wanted to ask her why she had done this, why she had taken Candice's side, why she had given a false testimony that could have sent me to jail.

"I didn't mean to, Tiara." Zahrah said as she sniffled. I looked up at her, feeling my anger rise once again.

"You didn't mean to what? Frame me for attempted murder?" I scoffed before I could stop myself. "How could you do that to me? I thought you were my friend!" Zahrah shook her head, eyebrows pulled together and eyes tearing up once again as I spoke.

"I am many things, Tiara and a coward is one of them but I would never frame you for something like that." Zahrah swore. "The detective asked if I saw you go into the restaurant and I said I did, that was all I said. I was eating at the restaurant when I saw you all walk in. I didn't want to say anything to the detective but he could see right through me. He knew I was hiding something and I just ended up blurting everything out. I'm so sorry, Tiara."

"So, you didn't tell the detective that you saw Tiara push Ruby off the roof?" Ziora asked and Zahrah looked shocked by the accusation.

"What? No!" She strongly denied. "I never told anyone that I saw Tiara push Ruby off the roof. Did the detective say I did? That's a lie! I never said that!"

I narrowed my eyes at Zahrah, studying her face to spot any tells indicating she was lying but I couldn't spot one.

Growing up, Zahrah had this twitch in her right eye whenever she told a lie. Once we had discovered her tell, she could never lie to us. Today, her eye didn't twitch, not even a little bit. It looked like she was telling the truth but then again, I hadn't seen her in years and I had no idea if she still twitched when she lied.

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