36: Scooby Dooby Ruby!

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"Aha! Ah ha ha ha! I knew it!" I slammed my palms down on the table. Naborhi had scanned the pregnancy verification form she had gotten from the doctor that had taken Ruby's blood work for the pregnancy test and she had sent it to my phone. I had all the proof I needed in my hands. "I said it not once, not twice but a thousand times and still no one believed me! The truth is out now though and the truth as they say, has set me free!"

"Tiaraoluwa! Have you lost your mind?" Mom cut me off before I could say anymore. "Stop speaking in parables and tell us what is going on!"

"Hmm, mommy." I gave a laugh. "When I told you all that Ruby was pregnant, no one wanted to believe me but now I have proof."

"Ehn!" Mom practically screamed. Her voice was so loud that I flinched. "What proof?"

"I have her test results on my phone." I said, picking up my phone. Just as I was about to pass it over to my mom, Ruby snatched the phone from my hands. "Ruby, hand over my phone!"

"Why should I? So you can frame me or what?"

"Like you framed me?" I laughed. "I'm nothing like you, Ruby. This is the truth."

"Uncle, Aunt, what ever is on this phone is a lie. Tiara is framing me! I'm not pregnant!" Ruby began to shed crocodile tears and I rolled my eyes, not moved by her theatrics.

"Don't fall for her fake tears! She's trying to manipulate you like she has always done."

"Tiara, why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you to deserve all this?" She continued to cry.

"Hand over my phone, right now!" I stretched my arm out towards her.

"No, I will not!" She shook her head stubbornly and stuffed my phone into her jeans pocket.

"If Tiara is lying, you have nothing to be afraid of, Ruby. If the test results have been falsified, we can always go to the hospital and take another test. We'll see our family doctor and find out the truth." Mom interjected and Ruby's eyes widened. She was in a hot bowl of soup now and there was no getting out. I had her right where I wanted her.

"A-Aunt, there's no need for another test. Please, just believe me when I say Tiara's lying." Ruby began to stutter.

"Ruby, why do you sound scared?" Adiola spoke up. "We should go to Dr Tade for a test. He'll surely tell us who the liar here is."

"That's a great idea!" Benjamin added. "Let's go right now." He got up to his feet and I suddenly felt the urge to cry. Not tears of sadness but of joy. This had been the first time that Benjamin had stood up for me in all my years on this earth. I always thought he hated me but it seems I was wrong to think that.

"Yes! I'll give Tade a call right now." Dad proposed, picking his phone off the table. "Everyone get to the car!"

Everyone was up standing a moment later and I could tell that Ruby was on the verge of passing out. Knowing her though, I was sure that she was going to lie until her dying breath.

"No, please!" Ruby called out as we all walked away from the dining table.

"Yes? Is there something you would like to say?" I glanced at her from over my shoulder and she parted her lips to say something but she didn't. "Okay. Let's go."

"Wait!" Ruby called again and I gave a sigh as we turned towards her once again. "Let me change my clothes. I can't go out looking like this."

"That's fine." I shrugged. "I'll tag along if you don't mind."

"I don't mind." Ruby tried to seem nonchalant but I knew better.

I followed her up to her room and just as I was about to step in she stopped me, saying she needed privacy to dress up as she didn't feel comfortable around me. I, then, reminded her that there was no where for her to run if she was thinking of doing so, as I was right outside her door and she gave me the fakest smile ever before shutting the door. A minute went by and then, three but she didn't come out.

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