79(Part I): The Fear Was Real

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**A month later**

I took in a deep breath as soon as I was ushered into the court room. I smoothened out the creases on my navy blue skirt as I proceeded down the aisle to the front of the court room where the prosecutor had beckoned me. I did my best to avoid the eyes trained on me as I made my way to the witness stand where I settled down and let out a breath of air from my lips.

I looked up and my eyes settled on Candice, who glared at me with those unrepentant, evil eyes of hers. She had pleaded not guilty to the charges of attempted murder during her preliminary hearing and had hired the best lawyer in Lagos that she could find to defend her case. Her attorney had tried to plead an accident and injury case but the prosecutor had assured us that it was never going to stick.

That same attorney had managed to dismiss the case against Candice during the hearing which had taken place about a week ago, due to lack of credible witness testimonies as well as circumstantial evidence and the key witness, who was Ruby, had been in a coma and couldn't give her testimony. This time, however, we had enough witness testimonies and evidence to make the attempted murder charge stick.

"Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give in this arbitration is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” The clerk asked and I lifted my hand in affirmation.

"I do." I swore and the judge gave the go ahead for the examinations to begin.

The prosecutor walked up to me and began his direct examination. He had asked me some background questions just to paint a picture of who I was and how I was related to the case.

The prosecutor's angle was to prove without reasonable doubt that Candice had crashed into our car on purpose that night, with the intent to maim or kill and that it wasn't at all an accident.

Other witnesses had seen the aftermath of the accident but Derrek and I were the only ones that could prove the accident was planned and not accidental like Candice's attorney claimed to the court. He was trying to convince the court that Candice's brakes had failed that night which was why the head on collision occurred.

"Can you tell me what happened on the night of the accident?"

I took in a deep breath as I began to recall the memories of that night. In the past month, more memories from that night had come to me. It was quite a traumatic experience for me and I always felt like I was being suffocated thinking about it but I had to this time, it was the only way I could ensure that Candice paid for her crimes.

"Derrek and I were on our way back from having dinner with our friends. He was driving me home that night." I began, taking in slow, deep breaths to keep myself calm. "He had just parked the car beside my house and we were saying our goodbyes when—" I choked as flashes of that night replayed in my head. I took in deep breaths as I tried to calm myself. I needed to testify.

"Jesus!" I screamed as I realized what was happening. A car was coming straight at us in full force. I couldn't tell who it was as the headlights had blinded my vision but I was terrified and my body froze up. I could have tried to get out of the car but I never would have made it out in time, the car was moving too fast.

In the blink of an eye, Derrek shielded me with his body, holding my head to his chest. My first instinct was to run but Derrek's first instinct had been to protect me. I held onto his shirt and closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable to come.

"I love you." Was the last thing I heard Derrek say before it all went dark.

"Miss Digiola, can you hear me?" I heard the prosecutor call but his voice sounded distant. I couldn't seem to focus on the sound of his voice or anything at all around me. My mind had been invaded by the most traumatic moment in my life and I didn't know how to make it stop.

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