27: This Isn't My First Rodeo

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"Oh God! I can't believe you actually did this!" I whisper-yelled at Naborhi as I stared at Ruby's unmoving form on the guest bed. "She's not dead, is she?"

"She's not, Tiara. I'm not a murderer, I'm just an amazing friend." She pointed out, looking awfully proud of herself as she flipped her bone straight wig over her shoulder. What was wrong with this girl?

"You kidnapped someone, Ana! Right off the street! Do you want to be arrested? Ruby could press charges!" I yelled, trying to make her see just how serious the situation was but she didn't seem to get it.

"We won't get arrested. This isn't my first rodeo. Just chill out." She brushed off, leaning on the wall.

"What?" My eyes widened at her words. "How often to you do this?"

"Do what? Kidnap people?" She asked casually and I couldn't believe how she could be so casual about this. Who was she really?

"I'm actually terrified of you right now." I said, eyeing her suspiciously and she laughed, dismissing my words as she waved her hand.

"Hollywood is pretty cutthroat. That's all I'm willing to tell you." She said as she straightened up. "You hungry? I made egusi soup."

I ignored Naborhi's question and walked even closer to Ruby, reaching out to see if she was really alive but just as I was about to check her pulse, Naborhi stopped me.

"I wouldn't wake her if I were you." She warned and I glanced back to see her shaking her head in disapproval. "She's a loud screamer, that one. Very vicious."

"Oh my God! I can't believe this is really happening." I cried out, placing my head into my hands. I had no idea what to do next. I had never been in a situation like this. I had done some crazy things but nothing had ever gone this far. What had I done? How was I going to get myself out of this?

"You'll feel much better after eating some of my famous egusi soup." Naborhi consoled as she wrapped an arm around my neck and led me out of the room.

"You make an amazing egusi soup, Ana." I agreed as I lifted my head. I let out a breath as I tried to calm myself. Worrying about this wasn't going to solve it. I was hungry anyway and I was sure I could come up with a solution once I had eaten something.

"Ah, you remember!" She cheered. "It's been years since I made some for you. You must have missed my cooking. Damn."

We headed into the kitchen and I sat by the counter as Naborhi went on to dish out our food. The pleasant aroma hit my nose as soon as she opened up the pot. Her soup scented just as good as I remembered it, possibly even better.

"Would you like eba or poundoyam?" She glanced over her shoulder as she asked.

"Eba, please." I said, already salivating. I couldn't wait to have some of that amazing Nigerian soup.

Naborhi had just set the plate down in front of me when we heard a knock on the door. We glanced at the door and then at each other simultaneously.

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked and she shook her head as she shrugged. She went on to investigate who the uninvited guest was but not before picking up a sharp knife and hiding it behind her back. "Anaborhi, what the hell? Are you expecting an assassin or something?"

I shook my head at her strange behavior. I couldn't remember her being this way. Sure, she was edgy and crazy in secondary school but now, she was much worse. First, the kidnapping and now answering the door while holding a weapon. Who was this girl really?

"Derrek, hi!" I heard Naborhi's chirpy voice call from the living room and my eyes widened.

"Oh my God!" I gasped, slapping my palms over my mouth. I had totally forgotten that I had left Derrek outside. It had been half an hour already but with the shock and fear of Ruby's kidnapping, I had completely forgotten about him.

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