46: The first time is always nerve wracking.

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I couldn't stop thinking about the night of Matt's birthday. I couldn't stop thinking about how Derrek had taken my hand, leading me out of the club and away from his fiancée without a moment's thought. Naborhi had thought it was strange that he had taken me home to her apartment—with the help of my drunken but accurate directions— when he should have taken his fiancée away from me instead. I did find it strange as well and so, I had spent the next week trying to make sense of it all but I only got even more confused.

"There you go." A voice pulled me out of my thoughts and the first image I saw was of my reflection in the mirror. I almost didn't recognize myself with the heavy makeup sitting on my face. I looked really good and I especially loved the long white wig the stylist had put on me. It gave me huge X-men Storm vibes.

"Thank you." I said to the makeup artist with a smile as I got up to my feet and he gave a nod in response. I took a look round the room which was filled with makeup artists, models, stylists, designers and many others and took in a deep breath.

I had been contacted by one of my old friends, William, at New York University who happened to be a big shot designer, putting on a fashion show for Lagos fashion week. He had come across my social media and was instantly convinced that I was perfect to model his new line. I had never really given modeling a thought but the pay day was quite decent and being currently unemployed, I wasn't exactly flowing with cash. I had felt too embarrassed to ask my parents for money—they were still pissed that I had left the firm—, so, I figured I'd give modeling a shot. I didn't have a lot of options left, especially after I didn't hear back from Naborhi's art gallery friend, Bolarin. I had to stand on my own two feet and pave my way myself.

"Come with me." Rachel, one of the dressers gestured for me to follow her and I did, trailing behind her as she led us to side of the room filled with racks of clothes and very tall models of different races. I had felt slightly awkward as I weaved through the tall, gorgeous models who were getting dressed and I felt a lot out of place. They all looked very professional and intimidating.

Rachel paused at the far left end of the room and exchanged a few words with the short, plump man with a measuring tape draped over his shoulders. She pointed at a couple of clothes on the rack before us that I could recall from the fitting session I'd had a few days ago and said a few more words before leaving. I was too overwhelmed by everything around me to pay attention to what was being said.

I was starting to think I had made a mistake taking this gig. Sure, I had been alright at rehearsals but I didn't feel confident anymore standing next to the professional models. They looked less intimidating when they were all in leggings and a tank top but now, with the makeup and outfits, they looked insanely good.

"Tiara!" A masculine voice pulled me out from my thoughts and I blinked back to reality to see William walking up to me.

"William, hi!" I mustered up a smile and he arched an eyebrow in question.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's just—this is insane. I've never been on the runway before." I laughed nervously and he stared at me with a straight face. He probably thought I was being very unprofessional. "I am grateful for the opportunity though. I'll put on a good show."

"The first time is always nerve wracking. Don't worry about it. You'll be fine." William said, placing his hand on my shoulder in comfort. "Take care of her, Paul." He directed at the stylist who nodded in response.

"She's in good hands, Will." Paul assured with a smile and William nodded.

"I'll see you later then." William said to me before walking off.

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