45: I'm Sorry She Hurt You

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"So much for not drinking ever again." Naborhi laughed as handed me a hot cup of coffee. I groaned, irritated by the loud sound of her laughter. I went on to wince as the sound of my groan caused my head to throb even more.

"I hate everything." I mumbled before taking a sip from the hot drink. I hated myself for giving in and getting drunk last night. I couldn't remember anything after getting to the bar with Matt, Derrek and Candice. I couldn't help the feeling that I had done something really bad last night. I could feel it in my bones.

"Suck it up, you big baby." Naborhi rolled her eyes at me before settling down on the dining chair beside me.

"Can you please recap for me? How did I get here?" I asked, gesturing her house and she let shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head.

"You were already here when I got home." She answered. "You really don't remember anything?"

"I don't." I gave a sigh before taking another sip from my coffee. My head hurt too much to consider thinking deep but I was sure I had done something crazy last night. "I think I may have caused some trouble last night."

"What makes you think that?"

"These." I gestured to the scratch marks on my lower arm and wrists. It looked like I'd been scratched. I'd discovered them after I woke up earlier on. There had even been a scratch mark at the side of my face. It was very worrisome.

"Damn. Did you get into a bar fight or something?" Naborhi said as she assessed my arms.

"That's not totally impossible. I have no idea what drunk Tiara is capable of at this point." I sighed. What the hell did I do last night?

"Maybe Matt knows what happened. He was with you, right?"

"Last I remember, yeah."

Naborhi wasted no time in picking up her phone to call Matt.

"What are you doing? He's probably still hungover." I stopped her and she got up to her feet, taking a few steps away from me as she placed the phone to her left ear.

"Hey, loser!" Naborhi called in a loud voice after a few moments of silence and I winced from the loud sound. My head began to throb even more than before. "It's 2pm, you shouldn't be asleep...That's sweet, I don't care...I wouldn't be caught dead ringing you up if it wasn't important—"

The two began to bicker after that and I rested my head on the dining table and covered my ears with my palm in an attempt to drown out the sound of Naborhi's loud voice. I should've just gone home but I couldn't move an inch in my state.

"—I'm putting you on speaker, boo boo. Be audible or I'll scream into your ears." Naborhi threated and I let out a cry.

"I'll dump this hot coffee all over you if you yell one more time." I threatened and she made a zipping motion across her lips.

"Enlighten us, Buzz Lightyear." She said into the receiver.

"Alright. I don't remember much but apparently, Tiara owes me a couple thousand naira." Matt said and I sat up, eyes wide. "She had a cat fight with Candice cause she supposedly tried to kiss Derrek."

"Ugh!" I grimaced as it all came back to me.

*Flashback to last night*

"Tiara, wake up. Let's get you home." A voice whispered in my ear and I giggled as the air tickled my ear. "Can you stand?" He asked as he helped me up to my feet.

"Of course!" I replied and staggered backwards right after. Derrek was quick to catch me before I fell on my butt and pulled me closer to himself in an attempt to help me stand. He staggered a little bit as he was probably as tipsy as I was.

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