80(Part II): I Love You!

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There's an important Author's note at the end of the chapter. Please don't forget to read it.

**A year later**

I took in a deep breath as I walked into large white room filled with people socializing as well as admiring the art work spread across the room.

I couldn't believe it was finally happening after so many years of trying and failing. My paintings and sculptures were hanging and standing all around for the public to view and enjoy.

I felt tears sting at my eyes as I suddenly became emotional. I had fought so hard to get here and I was glad I didn't give up on my dreams. This was only the beginning.

"I'm so proud of you, little sis! This looks amazing!" Benjamin wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his side in a hug.

"Yeah, Tiara." Adiola chimed in. "I can't believe your art is being displayed in one of the top art galleries in Lagos." She said in excitement, giving a little scream of happiness.

I took a look round the room in search of someone special to me. I was at my happiest in that moment but I would have been on cloud nine if the man I loved the most was present, however, I couldn't catch a single glimpse of him. I had sent him an invitation to my exhibition but I doubted he was going to show up.

"What's wrong?" My brother asked and I shook my head, putting on a smile. "I'm sure Derrek would show up."

"I haven't heard from him for a whole month, Ben. I think we're over for real this time." I sighed, letting the smile fall off my face. I was trying hard not to think about my fight with Derrek. This was a very important moment for me and letting my mind drift to anything concerning Derrek was just going to ruin my mood.

"He'll show up. He loves you." Benjamin assured me and I shook my head. I was done talking about this.

"What time did mom and dad say they'll be here?" I asked, walking into the gallery.

"They had to make a quick stop at the firm but they'll be here soon."

"Alright. I'll show you around then." I said, looping my arm through his and pulling him towards my favorite painting, one that he had inspired.

"Oh my God! Is that the painting I ruined?" He gasped as he sighted the abstract painting at the far end of the room. It had originally started out as a portrait of my sister as a baby but after Benjamin had accidentally knocked paint over it, I had decided to take it in a new direction and I had loved the outcome. It was my best abstract so far and a lot of people seemed to think so as they chatted and sipped on some wine while staring at the painting.

As Benjamin and I walked closer to the painting, I spotted someone from the side of my eye and my head snapped in his direction but I couldn't see him. I was so convinced I had seen Derrek walk by me but it was like he had just vanished into thin air. Had I imagined him?

"What's wrong?" My brother called my attention as I kept searching the room.

"I thought I saw—" I paused as my eyes met my brother's. I could see a hint of pity in his eyes. He pitied me. Why? It was probably because I looked like some lovesick idiot, waiting for the love of her life who most definitely hated her too much to show up. "It's nothing."

Benjamin's phone rang just as he was about to say something and I gave a sigh of relief as he excused himself to answer the call.

I began to stroll through the gallery, assessing the expressions on people's faces as they inspected my art. Most people looked pleased but some had stoic expressions and I couldn't guess what they were thinking.

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