66: Promise Not To Tell

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I was seated at the dining table, waiting for Derrek to serve the food. I'd offered my help but he had declined, telling me to make myself comfortable in the dining area.

A little over five minutes later, he surfaced with a tray of white plates filled with rice and a fancy bowl and placed them down gently on the dining table. He retreated back into the kitchen and returned shortly with a tray of cutleries, drinking glasses and a bottle of red wine.

"I present to you, the best food you've ever had!" Derrek introduced as he picked up the bowl from the tray and set it down before me.

I had a clear view of the cream colored sauce which had been decorated with diced carrots, green ball peppers and other vegetables which made it look like pieces of a rainbow in the clouds. It looked quite appetizing and the scent had been very pleasing to my nostrils. I had to stop myself from drooling.

"I'll be the judge of that." I glanced back up at him with a teasing smile and he scoffed, crossing his arms.

"If you say otherwise, it'll just confirm that you're jealous of my culinary skills." He stated and it was my turn to scoff.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous of your so called culinary skills?" I arched an eyebrow at him and he gave a short laugh, adjusting his shirt collar proudly. He must have been feeling himself. "Hey, aren't you being a bit too confident right now? I haven't even tasted it yet."

"Go on then." Derrek gestured, setting down the plate filled with rice and little green leaves, then, another with seasoned fried, sauced chicken. He placed a napkin by the side of my rice plate and put on it a knife, fork and spoon, then, he opened up the bottle of wine with the cork screw on the tray and poured some of the red wine into the wine glass he placed to the left of my sauce bowl.

"What is this anyway?" I asked as I picked up a spoon and stuck it into the thick, rich looking sauce.

"It's my latest creation, an original recipe. That's all I'm at liberty to say for now." Derrek said as he settled down in the chair to the right of me. He turned towards me and watched me intently, waiting for me to taste his food.

I felt uncomfortable eating under his gaze. I had always been awkward while eating with people present. I tended to feel very self conscious.

"Aren't you eating as well?" I asked as I took a spoon full of sauce and poured it onto a small portion of the rice.

"I will, after I hear what you think, so, please go on. I'm starving." He gestured for me to go on and leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs and interlaced his fingers on his thighs.

I proceeded to pick up the fork and I steered a little portion of the rice and sauce, then, I took a forkful and ate it. I was suddenly attacked by flavor and spice. My eyes opened wide in surprise as the flavor danced against my tongue. I had never tasted anything this good.

I glanced at Derrek who looked nervous as he awaited my verdict. He shifted in his seat so he was leaning forward, towards me.

"H-How does it taste?" He asked as I said nothing and I shook my head in response. "That bad?" His shoulders slumped in disappointment and he gave a sigh, brushing his hand over his forehead as he mumbled some incoherent things to himself.

I hurriedly chewed and swallowed before speaking up. It seemed he had misunderstood me.

"Are you kidding me?" I hit his hand that was now placed on the dining table. "This is so good!"

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