64: The Truth Is

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"I should go." I said, turning to Derrek right after watching Benjamin's car drive into the compound. My brother hadn't said much when he stepped out of the car earlier on and that made me nervous.

"Yeah, sure." Derrek replied with a nod and got out of the car. I stepped down from the car and Derrek circled round the car to join me. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and drew air into his mouth, then, he shifted on the heels of his feet. It was odd to see him move with such uncertainty. He was usually confident so I just couldn't understand why he had looked to be nervous.

"Goodnight, Derrek." I said, giving him a small smile as I looked up from his feet.

"Goodnight, Tiara." He smiled back at me. "I had fun with you tonight." He said and took a step forward. He pulled his arms from his pockets and wrapped them around me, completely taking me by surprise. I heard him give a sigh of relief and I stood there awkwardly, not knowing if I should have hugged him back or not.

I felt my heart rate increase and I wondered if Derrek could feel my heart pound against my ribcage. If he did, he didn't say a thing about it.

"Goodluck with your brother." He said as he drew back from me. He took a step back, so I could walk away and I gave him a smile, barely making any eye contact before I walked towards my gate.

I might have been imagining things but I got the feeling Derrek wanted to say something to me. The way he lingered when he hugged me and the look he had in his eyes when he pulled away. I could even feel his eyes on me as I walked away. I wasn't at all shocked when he called for me but it didn't stop my heart from pounding in my chest.

"Tiara?" Derrek called just as I was about walking through the gate.

"Yeah?" I turned around to face him, taking in a nervous breath. He took a few steps forward but seemed to stop mid-step just a few feet from me.

"I, uh—" He paused, his lips parting and closing a few times before he finally spoke. "Goodnight." He said, pursing his lips right after.

I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach in disappointment and I nodded, forcing out a fake smile before turning around and heading into the compound. What was I expecting him to say? Why did I feel disappointed and why was he acting so weird?

All thoughts flew from my mind when I spotted Benjamin standing in front of the door leading into the house.

"You two could have fooled me for the second time." Benjamin said after I had locked the gate. I heard the sound of Derrek's car roar to life and in a moment, headlights streamed into the compound. They moved over the house until they disappeared, leaving Benjamin and I under the dim lighting of the porch light.

"Benjamin." I gave a sigh. I didn't even know what to say to him.

"He's in love with you, you know." He said as I walked up to him and my eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"Who? Derrek?"

"Yes, Derrek." He nodded before stepping aside so I could get into the house.

"You must be seeing things." I said as I turned on the knob of the door and pushed it open.

"I would never show up at a girl's house at midnight if I wasn't in love with her or sleeping with her and since this was clearly not a booty call, I'd say the boy is in love with you." Benjamin said as he trailed after me into the living room.

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