58: I Call It The Broken Wife

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"Here she comes! Here she comes!" Naborhi called my attention, nudging my arm and I turned to her with an arched eyebrow. She motioned her head in the north direction and I straightened my head to see what she was motioning at.

"Ah, here we go." I said as I spotted Ruby walking up to us with a tall, dark guy beside her.

"Wow, she looks like a total angel." Ziora commented, shaking her head in disbelief and Tosin who was stood to the left of her, let out a laugh.

"Don't be deceived by the face, Zi. She's evil." Naborhi informed.

The man beside Ruby—who was dressed in an expensive looking gray three piece suit—was stopped by an older man and he said a few words to Ruby before walking over to the man. Ruby continued on in our direction.

"Tiara, you made it!" Ruby said in a cheery voice as she reached us. She pulled me into her arms.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I put on a fake smile as she drew back. "Sorry, my parents couldn't make it. They're still in Singapore."

"That's alright. I know they're extremely busy people." Ruby brushed off, maintaining her fake smile. She was such a great actress, really.

"You remember my friends?" I gestured the three girls standing beside me.

"Tosin, Ana and Ziora, is it?" Ruby recalled, glancing at the girls.

"Nice to see you again, Ruby." Naborhi was the first to speak and I saw Ruby's smile waver for a moment. She gave Naborhi a nod as she widened her smile before turning to Ziora who stretched out her hand towards her.

"I can see through your bullshit smile, Ruby. I'm watching you." Ziora warned as Ruby took her hand in a shake. She gripped Ruby's hand tightly and Ruby flinched from the pain, trying to pull her hand from Ziora's grasp.

"Ziora!" I warned and she rolled her eyes before letting go of Ruby who couldn't stop herself from glaring.

The man I had spotted with Ruby earlier on walked up to us and stopped beside her. She put on her smile as glanced up at him. He was quite good looking with a neat beard and low cut hair. He had kind eyes as well but I knew all too well that looks were deceiving.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Johnson." Ruby introduced, wrapping an arm around his waist and setting the other on his torso. He smiled down at her sweetly. "Jo, this is my cousin, Tiara and her friends."

I noticed his smile dropped a little as he heard my name and I held myself back from scoffing. She must have told him awful things about me.

"It's nice to meet you, Johnson." I stretched my arm out to him and he hesitated for a moment before taking my hand.

"Likewise, Tiara." He replied as he gave me a firm shake. "It was very nice to meet you all. Please, enjoy the party." He said politely before excusing himself.

"I would have to excuse myself as well. I'll catch up with you girls later." Ruby said before excusing herself as well.

I gave a sigh of relief as soon as she was gone and massaged my cheeks that had been hurting from fake smiling for so long.

"How does she keep getting cute, rich guys?" Tosin scoffed and I shrugged.

Not to sound envious but horrible girls like Ruby and Chioma got good looking, successful and nice guys while the rest of us couldn't even get a single decent guy. The world was unfair and it sucked.

Lies, Lies And More Lies✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon